Song artist 15 - Perry Como

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Perry Como Region Profile

Perry Como Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Perry Como.A list of the hit albums by Perry Como is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Perry Como Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes 1953 UK 1 - Jan 1953 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Dec 1952 (21 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Dec 1952 (21 weeks), US 1 for 5 weeks - Jan 1953, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Jan 1953 (16 weeks), US CashBox 1 - Dec 1952 (26 weeks), Your Hit Parade 1 of 1953, Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 1 week - Feb 1953, Australia 1 for 2 weeks - May 1953, DZE 8 of 1953, US BB 9 of 1953, US invalid BB 20 of 1953, POP 20 of 1953, UKMIX 256, RYM 31 of 1953
2 Perry Como Prisoner of Love 1946 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1946 (21 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Mar 1946 (19 weeks), US 1 for 3 weeks - May 1946, Australia 1 for 2 months - Feb 1947, Your Hit Parade 6 of 1946, DZE 9 of 1946, US invalid BB 10 of 1946, DDD 13 of 1946, POP 17 of 1946, nuTsie 67 of 1940s, Brazil 71 of 1946, Europe 93 of the 1940s (1946)
3 Perry Como Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1945 (19 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Aug 1945 (17 weeks), US 1 for 9 weeks - Sep 1945, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1945), DZE 2 of 1945, US invalid BB 12 of 1945, DDD 13 of 1945, Your Hit Parade 16 of 1945, POP 23 of 1945, nuTsie 25 of 1940s, Europe 30 of the 1940s (1945), Brazil 87 of 1946, RYM 85 of 1945
4 Perry Como Wanted 1954 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1954 (22 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Mar 1954 (21 weeks), US 1 for 8 weeks - Apr 1954, US CashBox 1 - Feb 1954 (25 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1954, US BB 2 of 1954, UK 4 - Jun 1954 (15 weeks), DZE 4 of 1954, US invalid BB 14 of 1954, POP 14 of 1954, Brazil 60 of 1954, UKMIX 667, RYM 140 of 1954
5 Perry Como Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go to Sleep) 1947 US Billboard 1 - May 1947 (13 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jun 1947 (12 weeks), US 1 for 3 weeks - Jun 1947, Australia 1 for 1 month - May 1948, Your Hit Parade 5 of 1947, DZE 7 of 1947, US invalid BB 13 of 1947, POP 21 of 1947, Brazil 80 of 1948
6 Perry Como Some Enchanted Evening 1949 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1949 (26 weeks), US 1940s 1 - May 1949 (21 weeks), US 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1949, Your Hit Parade 6 of 1949, US invalid BB 6 of 1949, POP 6 of 1949, DZE 6 of 1949, Europe 36 of the 1940s (1949), Brazil 44 of 1950, nuTsie 88 of 1940s, NY Daily Love list 94
7 Perry Como If (They Made Me a King) 1951 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1951 (24 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jan 1951 (19 weeks), US 1 for 6 weeks - Mar 1951, US CashBox 1 - Jan 1951 (24 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1951, DZE 5 of 1951, US BB 8 of 1951, US invalid BB 11 of 1951, POP 16 of 1951, Your Hit Parade 20 of 1951
8 Perry Como Papa Loves Mambo 1954 Flanders 1 - Dec 1954 (5 months), US CashBox 2 - Sep 1954 (23 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Oct 1954 (18 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Oct 1954 (12 weeks), Your Hit Parade 7 of 1954, UK 16 - Dec 1954 (1 week), US invalid BB 19 of 1954, POP 23 of 1954, US BB 25 of 1954, Brazil 83 of 1955, RYM 15 of 1954
9 Perry Como Catch a Falling Star 1958 Record Mirror 1 for 7 weeks - Mar 1958, Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Apr 1958, Grammy in 1958 (Nominated), Australia 4 of 1958, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1958), US BB 7 of 1958, Europe 7 of the 1940s (1943), UK 9 - Mar 1958 (10 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Jan 1958 (23 weeks), South Africa 9 of 1958, US CashBox 12 of 1958, Canada 12 - Jan 1958 (6 weeks), RYM 38 of 1957
10 Perry Como Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) 1956 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1956 (23 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 3 weeks - Jun 1956, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Nov 1956, US CashBox 3 - Mar 1956 (19 weeks), UK 4 - May 1956 (13 weeks), Flanders 13 - Jul 1956 (1 month), US CashBox 14 of 1956, US BB 16 of 1956, RYM 85 of 1956
11 Perry Como Magic Moments 1958 UK 1 - Feb 1958 (17 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 9 weeks - Mar 1958, Record Mirror 1 for 7 weeks - Mar 1958, Italy 7 of 1958, Canada 12 - Jan 1958 (10 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Jan 1958 (16 weeks), UKMIX 127, RYM 38 of 1957
12 Perry Como They Say It's Wonderful 1946 Australia 1 for 2 months - Jul 1947, US Billboard 4 - Jun 1946 (13 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Jun 1946 (8 weeks), Your Hit Parade 22 of 1946, DDD 27 of 1946, Europe 29 of the 1940s (1946)
13 Perry Como Surrender 1946 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1946 (17 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jul 1946 (16 weeks), US 1 for 1 week - Aug 1946, Your Hit Parade 13 of 1946, DDD 17 of 1946
14 Perry Como No Other Love 1953 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1953 (22 weeks), US CashBox 1 - Jun 1953 (23 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Jun 1953 (22 weeks), US BB 8 of 1953, Your Hit Parade 8 of 1953, DZE 9 of 1953
15 Perry Como Tina Marie 1955 US Billboard 5 - Aug 1955 (14 weeks), US CashBox 8 - Jul 1955 (20 weeks), Flanders 14 - Oct 1955 (1 month), US invalid BB 17 of 1955, POP 17 of 1955, UK 24 - Dec 1955 (1 week), Brazil 93 of 1956
16 Perry Como Round & Round 1957 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1957 (29 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Jun 1957, US BB 10 of 1957, US CashBox 10 of 1957, Your Hit Parade 10 of 1957, Canada 15 - May 1957 (3 weeks), RYM 83 of 1957
17 Perry Como When You Were Sweet Sixteen 1947 Australia 1 for 1 month - Dec 1948, US Billboard 2 - Jul 1947 (19 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Aug 1947 (12 weeks), Your Hit Parade 18 of 1947
18 Perry Como Mandolins in the Moonlight 1958 Flanders 1 - Dec 1958 (8 months), UK 13 - Nov 1958 (12 weeks), Italy 42 of 1959, US Billboard 47 - Oct 1958 (10 weeks), Europe 51 of the 1950s (1958), RYM 83 of 1958
19 Perry Como It's Impossible 1971 UK 4 - Jan 1971 (23 weeks), Keener 4 - Nov 1970 (10 weeks), Record World 7 - 1971, US Billboard 10 - Nov 1970 (17 weeks), Canada 13 - Jan 1971 (7 weeks), Holland 20 - Mar 1971 (5 weeks), Belgium 20 - Apr 1971 (4 weeks), WABC NY 51 of 1971, KQV 67 of 1970, US Radio 81 of 1971 (peak 10 8 weeks), US BB 100 of 1971, UKMIX 586
20 Perry Como Forever & Ever 1949 Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Mar 1950, US Billboard 2 - Mar 1949 (25 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Mar 1949 (22 weeks)
21 Perry Como More 1956 Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1956, US Billboard 4 - Jun 1956 (18 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Jun 1956 (16 weeks), UK 10 - Sep 1956 (12 weeks), US BB 39 of 1956, RYM 198 of 1956
22 Perry Como Ramblin' Rose 1948 Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1949, Australian Nostalgia 15 of 1940-1949, US Billboard 18 - Jul 1948 (14 weeks), US 1940s 18 - Aug 1948 (3 weeks)
23 Perry Como If I Loved You 1945 US Billboard 3 - Jul 1945 (13 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Jul 1945 (12 weeks), Your Hit Parade 10 of 1945, Europe 35 of the 1940s (1945), DDD 82 of 1945
24 Perry Como Caterina 1962 Flanders 3 - May 1962 (5 months), Norway 6 - Jul 1962 (9 weeks), Canada 13 - Apr 1962 (10 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Mar 1962 (12 weeks), UK 37 - May 1962 (6 weeks), Italy 68 of 1962, RYM 85 of 1962
25 Perry Como I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now 1947 US Billboard 2 - Aug 1947 (17 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 2 - Jan 1948 (23 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Oct 1947 (4 weeks)
26 Perry Como And I Love You So 1973 Australia Goset 2 - Jul 1973 (23 weeks), Springbok 2 - Jun 1973 (16 weeks), UK 3 - Apr 1973 (35 weeks), Australia 9 of 1973, South Africa 17 of 1973, Record World 18 - 1973, US Billboard 29 - Apr 1973 (16 weeks), UKMIX 323
27 Perry Como Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So) 1955 US Billboard 2 - Feb 1955 (14 weeks), US CashBox 3 - Jan 1955 (17 weeks), Flanders 15 - Jun 1955 (1 month), US BB 25 of 1955, RYM 144 of 1955
28 Perry Como Dig You Later (A-hubba Hubba Hubba) 1945 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1945 (14 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Dec 1945 (15 weeks), Your Hit Parade 24 of 1945, DDD 43 of 1945
29 Perry Como Patricia 1950 US Billboard 7 - Sep 1950 (12 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Oct 1950 (7 weeks), US CashBox 7 - Oct 1950 (16 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 12 - Feb 1951 (12 weeks)
30 Perry Como Wild Horses 1953 US CashBox 4 - Feb 1953 (16 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Feb 1953 (12 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Feb 1953 (12 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 17 - Apr 1953 (10 weeks)
31 Perry Como Say You're Mine Again 1953 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1953 (16 weeks), US 1940s 5 - Apr 1953 (15 weeks), US CashBox 5 - Apr 1953 (22 weeks), US BB 21 of 1953
32 Perry Como Tomboy 1959 UK 10 - Feb 1959 (12 weeks), Flanders 10 - Mar 1959 (3 months), Canada 11 - Feb 1959 (9 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Feb 1959 (9 weeks)
33 Perry Como Because 1948 US Billboard 4 - Mar 1948 (18 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Mar 1948 (16 weeks), Your Hit Parade 12 of 1948
34 Perry Como I'm Gonna Love That Gal 1945 US Billboard 4 - Jul 1945 (17 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Aug 1945 (4 weeks), Europe 26 of the 1940s (1945)
35 Perry Como For the Good Times 1973 Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1973, Australia Goset 3 - Nov 1973 (22 weeks), UK 7 - Aug 1973 (27 weeks), UKMIX 223, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Oct 1973)
36 Perry Como Juke Box Baby 1956 US CashBox 8 - Mar 1956 (13 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Mar 1956 (17 weeks), UK 22 - Apr 1956 (6 weeks), US BB 76 of 1956, RYM 85 of 1956
37 Perry Como Glendora 1956 US Billboard 8 - Jun 1956 (17 weeks), UK 18 - Sep 1956 (6 weeks), US CashBox 18 - Jun 1956 (11 weeks), US BB 80 of 1956, RYM 198 of 1956
38 Perry Como I'm Always Chasing Rainbows 1946 US Billboard 5 - Feb 1946 (8 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Feb 1946 (7 weeks), Europe 34 of the 1940s (1945)
39 Perry Como Kewpie Doll 1958 UK 9 - May 1958 (7 weeks), Canada 11 - Apr 1958 (7 weeks), US Billboard 12 - Apr 1958 (16 weeks), US BB 84 of 1958, RYM 192 of 1958
40 Perry Como Long Ago & Far Away 1944 US Billboard 8 - May 1944 (7 weeks), US 1940s 8 - May 1944 (3 weeks), Europe 31 of the 1940s (1944)
41 Perry Como Bali Ha'i 1949 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1949 (16 weeks), US 1940s 5 - May 1949 (12 weeks), Your Hit Parade 15 of 1949
42 Perry Como Idle Gossip 1954 UK 3 - Jun 1954 (15 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 8 - May 1954 (20 weeks), UKMIX 470
43 Perry Como Rose Tattoo 1955 US CashBox 39 - Nov 1955 (5 weeks), US Billboard 79 - Nov 1955 (4 weeks), Italy 90 of 1956, RYM 15 of 1954
44 Perry Como Winter Wonderland 1946 US Billboard 10 - Dec 1946 (1 week), US 1940s 10 - Dec 1946 (1 week), DDD 24 of 1946
45 Perry Como I Know 1959 UK 13 - Jul 1959 (16 weeks), Canada 32 - Jun 1959 (6 weeks), US Billboard 47 - Jun 1959 (9 weeks), UKMIX 992
46 Perry Como (There's No Place Like) Home For The Holidays 1954 US Billboard 8 - Dec 1954 (4 weeks), US CashBox 22 - Dec 1954 (3 weeks), US Songs 2014-23 peak 22 - Dec 2018 (12 weeks), RYM 120 of 1954
47 Perry Como You Alone (Solo Tu) 1953 US CashBox 8 - Oct 1953 (21 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Oct 1953 (13 weeks), US 1940s 10 - Nov 1953 (12 weeks)
48 Perry Como Love Makes the World Go Round 1958 UK 6 - Nov 1958 (14 weeks), Canada 14 - Oct 1958 (10 weeks), US Billboard 33 - Oct 1958 (10 weeks), RYM 83 of 1958
49 Perry Como Zing Zing Zoom Zoom 1951 US CashBox 10 - Jan 1951 (12 weeks), US Billboard 12 - Jan 1951 (8 weeks), US 1940s 17 - Feb 1951 (3 weeks)
50 Perry Como Delaware 1960 UK 3 - Feb 1960 (14 weeks), Canada 16 - Jan 1960 (10 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Feb 1960 (11 weeks), RYM 159 of 1960
51 Perry Como Tulips & Heather 1952 US CashBox 14 - Feb 1952 (15 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Jan 1952 (4 weeks), US 1940s 17 - Mar 1952 (5 weeks)
52 Perry Como Pa-paya Mama 1953 US Billboard 11 - Oct 1953 (5 weeks), US CashBox 18 - Oct 1953 (12 weeks), US 1940s 19 - Nov 1953 (1 week)
53 Perry Como I May Never Pass This Way Again 1958 Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 3 weeks - May 1958, UK 15 - May 1958 (8 weeks)
54 Perry Como More & More 1945 Oscar in 1945 (film 'Can't Help Singing') (Nominated), US Billboard 14 - Mar 1945 (2 weeks)
55 Perry Como Far Away Places 1949 US Billboard 4 - Jan 1949 (17 weeks), US 1940s 6 - Jan 1949 (15 weeks)
56 Perry Como Garden In The Rain 1946 UK 40s Sheet Music 8 - Sep 1947 (26 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Oct 1946 (2 weeks)
57 Perry Como Moon Talk 1958 Canada 16 - Jul 1958 (11 weeks), UK 17 - Sep 1958 (11 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Jul 1958 (10 weeks)
58 Perry Como A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes 1950 UK 40s Sheet Music 17 - Oct 1950 (8 weeks), US CashBox 27 - Feb 1950 (5 weeks)
59 Perry Como I Don't See Me In Your Eyes Anymore 1949 US Billboard 11 - Apr 1949 (15 weeks), US 1940s 11 - Jun 1949 (8 weeks)
60 Perry Como I Dream Of You (More Than You Dream I Do) 1945 US Billboard 10 - Jan 1945 (2 weeks), US 1940s 10 - Jan 1945 (1 week)
61 Perry Como Let's Take An Old Fashioned Walk 1949 US Billboard 15 - Jul 1949 (10 weeks), US 1940s 15 - Aug 1949 (1 week)
62 Perry Como I Wanna Go Home (With You) 1949 US CashBox 16 - Jan 1950 (8 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Nov 1949 (8 weeks)
63 Perry Como Blue Room 1949 US Billboard 18 - Feb 1949 (3 weeks), US 1940s 18 - Mar 1949 (1 week)
64 Perry Como (Did You Ever Get) That Feeling in the Moonlight 1945 US Billboard 9 - Aug 1945 (11 weeks), DDD 88 of 1945
65 Perry Como Lili Marlene 1944 US Billboard 13 - Aug 1944 (3 weeks), DDD 91 of 1944
66 Perry Como I Cross My Fingers 1950 US CashBox 11 - Jun 1950 (20 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Aug 1950 (2 weeks)
67 Perry Como On The Outgoing Tide 1950 US Billboard 16 - Apr 1950 (5 weeks), US CashBox 17 - May 1950 (9 weeks)
68 Perry Como My One And Only Heart 1953 US Billboard 11 - Jun 1953 (7 weeks), US CashBox 27 - Jun 1953 (9 weeks)
69 Perry Como The Girl With The Golden Braids 1957 Canada 9 - May 1957 (3 weeks), US Billboard 15 - May 1957 (14 weeks)
70 Perry Como My Love & Devotion 1952 US CashBox 16 - Sep 1952 (8 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Oct 1952 (1 week)
71 Perry Como Hello, Young Lovers 1951 US CashBox 15 - May 1951 (8 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Apr 1951 (1 week)
72 Perry Como Somebody Up There Likes Me 1956 US Billboard 18 - Jul 1956 (10 weeks), US CashBox 29 - Jul 1956 (8 weeks), RYM 199 of 1956
73 Perry Como To Know You is to Love You 1952 US Billboard 19 - Nov 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 28 - Nov 1952 (14 weeks)
74 Perry Como There's No Boat Like a Rowboat 1951 US Billboard 20 - Jun 1951 (2 weeks), US CashBox 30 - Jul 1951 (3 weeks)
75 Perry Como Hit And Run Affair 1954 US Billboard 15 - Jul 1954 (5 weeks), US CashBox 19 - Jun 1954 (9 weeks)
76 Perry Como There's a Big Blue Cloud (Next To Heaven) 1951 US Billboard 25 - Jul 1951 (2 weeks), US CashBox 29 - Jun 1951 (4 weeks)
77 Perry Como Noodlin' Rag 1952 US Billboard 23 - Mar 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 30 - Mar 1952 (10 weeks)
78 Perry Como With All My Heart & Soul 1951 US CashBox 27 - Oct 1951 (8 weeks), US Billboard 28 - Oct 1951 (1 week)
79 Perry Como Moonlight Love 1956 US CashBox 33 - Oct 1956 (8 weeks), US Billboard 42 - Nov 1956 (9 weeks), RYM 200 of 1956
80 Perry Como Keep It Gay 1953 US CashBox 26 - Jul 1953 (5 weeks), US Billboard 30 - Sep 1953 (1 week)
81 Perry Como Lies 1952 US Billboard 30 - Dec 1952 (1 week), US CashBox 31 - Jan 1953 (3 weeks)
82 Perry Como Ivy Rose 1957 Canada 11 - Oct 1957 (13 weeks), US Billboard 32 - Oct 1957 (15 weeks)
83 Perry Como I Know What God Is 1960 Canada 16 - Jan 1960 (10 weeks), US Billboard 81 - Feb 1960 (2 weeks), RYM 159 of 1960
84 Perry Como Chincherinchee 1956 US CashBox 44 - Nov 1956 (4 weeks), US Billboard 59 - Nov 1956 (8 weeks), RYM 200 of 1956
85 Perry Como The Things I Didn't Do 1954 US Billboard 22 - Nov 1954 (4 weeks), US CashBox 25 - Oct 1954 (12 weeks)
86 Perry Como Just Born (to Be Your Baby) 1957 US Billboard 19 - Oct 1957 (17 weeks), Canada 19 - Oct 1957 (8 weeks)
87 Perry Como My Little Baby 1957 Canada 12 - Jun 1957 (4 weeks), US Billboard 48 - May 1957 (6 weeks)
88 Perry Como There Never Was a Night So Beautiful 1954 US Billboard 21 - Aug 1954 (4 weeks), US CashBox 33 - Jun 1954 (4 weeks)
89 Perry Como All At Once You Love Her 1955 US Billboard 11 - Nov 1955 (17 weeks), US CashBox 23 - Nov 1955 (15 weeks)
90 Perry Como Fooled 1955 US Billboard 20 - Aug 1955 (1 week), US CashBox 31 - Jul 1955 (11 weeks)
91 Perry Como Dream On Little Dreamer 1965 Record World 24 - 1965, US Billboard 25 - Apr 1965 (10 weeks), Canada 36 - Apr 1965 (5 weeks)
92 Perry Como Confessin' (That I Love You) 1944 US Billboard 12 - Mar 1945 (1 week), Song of 1944
93 Perry Como Seattle 1969 Australia Goset 31 - Jun 1969 (5 weeks), Record World 36 - 1969, US Billboard 38 - Apr 1969 (10 weeks)
94 Perry Como You Won't Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart) 1946 US Billboard 5 - Feb 1946 (14 weeks)
95 Perry Como Look Out the Window (And See How I'm Standing in the Rain) 1954 US Billboard 24 - Mar 1954 (1 week), RYM 140 of 1954
96 Perry Como I'll Always be With You 1947 UK 40s Sheet Music 19 - Feb 1947 (2 weeks)
97 Perry Como All Through the Day 1946 US Billboard 8 - May 1946 (5 weeks)
98 Perry Como Sonata 1946 US Billboard 9 - Dec 1946 (7 weeks)
99 Perry Como So Far 1947 US Billboard 11 - Oct 1947 (2 weeks)
100 Perry Como Dance Only With Me 1958 US Billboard 19 - May 1958 (1 week), RYM 192 of 1958
101 Perry Como Lily bolero (Laroo laroo) 1948 US Billboard 20 - Apr 1948 (3 weeks)
102 Perry Como Haunted Heart 1948 US Billboard 20 - Jun 1948 (6 weeks)
103 Perry Como I Love You 1944 US Billboard 12 - Apr 1944 (3 weeks)
104 Perry Como Here comes heaven Again 1945 US Billboard 12 - Dec 1945 (3 weeks)
105 Perry Como Pianissimo 1948 US Billboard 21 - Jan 1948 (4 weeks)
106 Perry Como Temptation 1945 US Billboard 15 - Jun 1945 (1 week)
107 Perry Como If You Were the Only Girl in the World 1946 US Billboard 14 - Jun 1946 (4 weeks)
108 Perry Como I Think of You 1971 UK 14 - May 1971 (11 weeks), US Billboard 53 - Mar 1971 (8 weeks)
109 Perry Como That's the Beginning of the End 1947 US Billboard 19 - Feb 1947 (1 week)
110 Perry Como N'yot N'yow (The Pussycat Song) 1949 US Billboard 20 - Jan 1949 (6 weeks)
111 Perry Como Ave Maria 1949 US Billboard 22 - Dec 1949 (3 weeks)
112 Perry Como This is Where I Came In 1947 US Billboard 21 - May 1947 (3 weeks)
113 Perry Como Two Loves Have I 1947 US Billboard 21 - Dec 1947 (3 weeks)
114 Perry Como I Want to Thank Your Folks 1947 US Billboard 21 - Mar 1947 (4 weeks)
115 Perry Como Goodbye Sue 1943 US Billboard 18 - 1943 (1 week)
116 Perry Como There'll Soon be a Rainbow 1943 US Billboard 18 - 1943 (1 week)
117 Perry Como Give Me Your Hand 1949 US Billboard 23 - Sep 1949 (2 weeks)
118 Perry Como Just One Way to Say I Love You 1949 US Billboard 23 - Jul 1949 (2 weeks)
119 Perry Como White Christmas 1947 US Billboard 23 - Dec 1947 (1 week)
120 Perry Como Mi Casa, Su Casa (My House Is Your House) 1957 US Billboard 50 - Feb 1957 (7 weeks), RYM 83 of 1957
121 Perry Como Have I Stayed Away Too Long? 1944 US Billboard 19 - Jan 1944 (2 weeks)
122 Perry Como Dream Along With Me (I'm On My Way To a Star) 1956 US Billboard 85 - Jul 1956 (5 weeks), RYM 199 of 1956
123 Perry Como A Fellow Needs a Girl 1947 US Billboard 25 - Nov 1947 (1 week)
124 Perry Como The Lord's Prayer 1949 US Billboard 28 - Dec 1949 (2 weeks)
125 Perry Como More Than You Know 1946 US Billboard 19 - Aug 1946 (1 week)
126 Perry Como If I'm Lucky 1946 US Billboard 19 - Nov 1946 (1 week)
127 Perry Como Walk Right Back 1973 Springbok 19 - Mar 1974 (2 weeks), UK 33 - Dec 1973 (10 weeks)
128 Perry Como Please, Mister Sun 1952 US Billboard 12 - Feb 1952 (10 weeks)
129 Perry Como The Best Thing for You 1950 US CashBox 25 - Dec 1950 (12 weeks)
130 Perry Como Did Anyone Ever Tell You, Mrs Murphy? 1950 US CashBox 27 - Mar 1950 (6 weeks)
131 Perry Como I Confess 1953 US Billboard 17 - Mar 1953 (2 weeks)
132 Perry Como One Little Candle 1952 US Billboard 18 - May 1952 (8 weeks)
133 Perry Como So Long, Sally 1951 US CashBox 20 - Jan 1951 (5 weeks)
134 Perry Como We Kiss in a Shadow 1951 US CashBox 20 - Apr 1951 (10 weeks)
135 Perry Como If You Were My Girl 1950 US CashBox 37 - Sep 1950 (3 weeks)
136 Perry Como If You Were Only Mine 1950 US CashBox 37 - Jul 1950 (1 week)
137 Perry Como Meadows Of Heaven 1950 US CashBox 39 - Jan 1950 (1 week)
138 Perry Como If Wishes Were Kisses 1951 US CashBox 31 - Dec 1951 (6 weeks)
139 Perry Como Why Did You Leave Me? 1952 US CashBox 30 - May 1952 (7 weeks)
140 Perry Como Cara Cara, Bella Bella 1951 US CashBox 33 - Aug 1951 (4 weeks)
141 Perry Como Surprising 1951 US CashBox 34 - Aug 1951 (4 weeks)
142 Perry Como Sweetheart's Holiday 1952 US CashBox 42 - Sep 1952 (2 weeks)
143 Perry Como Lonesome, That's All 1952 US CashBox 50 - Jun 1952 (1 week)
144 Perry Como Nobody 1955 US CashBox 15 - Mar 1955 (7 weeks)
145 Perry Como Silk Stockings 1955 US CashBox 20 - Jan 1955 (3 weeks)
146 Perry Como Marching Along to The Blues 1957 Canada 18 - Aug 1957 (7 weeks)
147 Perry Como Door Of Dreams 1955 US CashBox 34 - Apr 1955 (3 weeks)
148 Perry Como You'll Always Be My Lifetime Sweetheart 1955 US CashBox 37 - Feb 1955 (4 weeks)
149 Perry Como Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 1959 Canada 11 - Mar 1959 (2 weeks)
150 Perry Como Beats There A Heart So True 1958 Canada 16 - Aug 1958 (4 weeks)
151 Perry Como Jingle Bells 1957 US Billboard 74 - Dec 1957 (2 weeks)
152 Perry Como Dancing 1957 US Billboard 76 - Aug 1957 (4 weeks)
153 Perry Como Make Someone Happy 1960 US Billboard 80 - Dec 1960 (2 weeks)
154 Perry Como You're Following Me 1961 US Billboard 92 - Nov 1961 (3 weeks)
155 Perry Como I Love You Don't You Forget It 1963 US Billboard 39 - Jun 1963 (9 weeks)
156 Perry Como I Want to Give 1974 UK 31 - May 1974 (6 weeks)
157 Perry Como Beyond Tomorrow 1974 Australia Goset 36 - Aug 1974 (1 week)
158 Perry Como Christmas Dream 1974 US Billboard 92 - Dec 1974 (2 weeks)
159 Perry Como The Best of Times 1986 UK 82 - Jun 1986 (2 weeks)
160 Perry Como Oowee, Oowee 1965 US Billboard 88 - Jul 1965 (4 weeks)
161 Perry Como Stop & Think It Over 1967 US Billboard 92 - May 1967 (4 weeks)
162 Perry Como The Father Of Girls 1968 US Billboard 92 - Mar 1968 (2 weeks)
163 Perry Como The Island of Forgotten Lovers 1962 RYM 85 of 1962
164 Perry Como It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like 2018 UK Songs 2013-23 peak 50 - Dec 2018 (17 weeks)
165 Perry Como Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba unknown Australian Nostalgia 35 of 1940-1949

In addition to the above listed songs Perry Como also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters 'A' You're Adorable (the Alphabet Song) 1949 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1949 (15 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Feb 1950, US invalid BB 3 of 1949, POP 3 of 1949, US 1940s 4 - Apr 1949 (13 weeks), DZE 10 of 1949, Your Hit Parade 22 of 1949
2 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters You're Just In Love 1951 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1953, US CashBox 3 - Dec 1950 (24 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Dec 1950 (17 weeks), US 1940s 5 - Jan 1951 (15 weeks), US BB 27 of 1951
3 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters Hoop-Dee-Doo 1950 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1950 (17 weeks), US 1940s 4 - May 1950 (15 weeks), US CashBox 4 - May 1950 (22 weeks), Your Hit Parade 13 of 1950, US invalid BB 16 of 1950, POP 22 of 1950
4 Perry Como & Betty Hutton Bushel & a Peck 1950 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1950 (18 weeks), US CashBox 4 - Oct 1950 (23 weeks), Your Hit Parade 4 of 1950, US invalid BB 5 of 1950, POP 5 of 1950, US 1940s 6 - Nov 1950 (14 weeks)
5 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters A Dreamers Holiday 1949 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1949 (19 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Nov 1949 (15 weeks), US CashBox 4 - Jan 1950 (11 weeks)
6 Perry Como & Jaye P Morgan Chee Chee-oo Chee (Sang The Little Bird) 1955 Flanders 4 - Jul 1955 (2 months), US Billboard 12 - Jun 1955 (5 weeks), US CashBox 17 - May 1955 (8 weeks)
7 Perry Como & Eddie Fisher Maybe 1952 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1952 (18 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Jun 1952 (13 weeks), US CashBox 9 - Jun 1952 (17 weeks)
8 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters Rollin' Stone 1951 UK 40s Sheet Music 12 - Feb 1952 (9 weeks), US CashBox 21 - Oct 1951 (14 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Oct 1951 (4 weeks)
9 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo 1950 US CashBox 7 - Jan 1950 (12 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jan 1950 (6 weeks), US 1940s 17 - Feb 1950 (1 week)
10 Perry Como & Betty Hutton She's a Lady 1950 UK 40s Sheet Music 22 - Feb 1951 (1 week), US CashBox 33 - Nov 1950 (2 weeks)
11 Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas 1951 US Billboard 19 - Dec 1951 (3 weeks), UK 47 - Dec 2007 (13 weeks)
12 Perry Como & Eddie Fisher Watermelon Weather 1952 US CashBox 16 - Jun 1952 (10 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jun 1952 (6 weeks)
13 Perry Como & Jaye P Morgan Two Lost Souls 1955 US Billboard 18 - Jun 1955 (1 week), US CashBox 26 - Jun 1955 (7 weeks)
14 Perry Como & Mitchell Ayers And His Orchestra (There's No Place Like) Home For The Holidays 2023 US Songs 2014-23 peak 41 - Jan 2023 (1 week)

Comment on the contents of the 'Song artist 15 - Perry Como' page
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Previous Comments (newest first)

22 Mar 2021


Perry Como was an American Singer, who got his start on NBC Radio. In 1948,Because of his popularity, The cameras were simply brought into the radio studio to televise the radio broadcast and named it The Supper Club. In 1950 Como and his Sponsors moved to CBS and named this The Perry Como Chesterfield Show.

27 Apr 2020

Perry Como

I recently received Perry Como’s greatest hits cd for a birthday present. +Iam seventy-one years old, and I remember singing along with the radio, with my friends to his hit "Catch a Falling Star" when I was just a kid. +Elvis was, and +is the best ever, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Mr. Como, and +the old crooners of his day.

19 Aug 2019

"Stand Beside Me" and "With All My Heart And Soul"

I recently discovered that Perry had a hit with "Stand Beside Me" in South Africa in the Autumn of 1965. I note the song is not represented within the Perry Como chart list. It peaked at #2 and spent 14 weeks on the chart. Please see the following source link: - further details can also be found here:

Also, in the section for collaborations with other artists, the entry for Song#13 ("With All My Heart And Soul") mistakenly credits The Fontane Sisters, when this is actually a solo recording.

We can't add a single chart entry. We will look at that chart and see if we can add it.

The song "With All My Heart And Soul" is actually credited to "Perry Como With Mitchell Ayres And His Orchestra", but we'll list it as Perry Como

13 Sep 2018

"Let's Do It Again" and "I'm Confessin'"

I note the absence of Perry Como's hit recording of "Let's Do It Again". According to the "Australian Chart Book 1970-1992" (compiled by David Kent) - "Let's Do It Again" entered the Australian charts on April 19, 1976. Its highest position was number 50 and it spent 14 weeks in the chart.

Also, I note that there is a duplicate listing for "I'm Confessin" (entries 102 and 162 are the same song). The full title is "I'm Confessin' (That I Love You)".

This is a wonderful reference and fascinating to explore - thank you very much for your work!

We don't have a full listing of the Kent charts, only the number one positions, if you can tell us where to obtain a full listing we will look at it.

We've changed the two songs to both be "Confessin' (That I Love You)", which then match the other seven artists that had hits with that title (or similar)


7 Apr 2018

104 & 127

127 I Wanna Go Home is a duplicate of 104

Data fixed, thanks

8 Jun 2016

I wonder who's kissing her now

The 1947 song I wonder who's kissing her now is not a solo song of Perry Comobut a duet between him and Ted Weems.

The version on YouTube is certainly not a duet.

Accoding to Bullfrog "RCA Victor 2315" is by "Perry Como (Ted Weems Orchestra)", that is Perry Como singing with the Ted Weem's Orchestra, but that's not a duet. The version on YouTube is also not a duet.

During the 1930s and 1940s there are many songs that are credited to both the vocalist and the band (or bandleader), on this site we generally try to assign the song to the vocalist (but, like all such rules we sometimes we fail to be consistent for some reason).

26 Dec 2015

#9 - You Alone (Solo Tu)

The Fontane Sisters are not credited on this disc

Data fixed, thanks

24 Feb 2015

(2) Double Listings

#40 & #107 are the same (Dig you Later/See U Later). Also #7 & #109 (If) They Made Me A King.

Data fixed, thanks

3 Mar 2013

23 Oct 2012

His closing song was ; Dream Along With Me

19 Feb 2013

Name of a Song by Perry Como+

Does anyone know the name of this song which was sung by Perry Como?

These are some of the words..."And yes, I know how lonely life can be, theshadows follow over me and the night won't set me free. +But I won't let the evening get me down, now that you're that you're around me."

"And I Love You So" was by Don McLean

23 Oct 2012

Can you tell me Perry's closing song, "But your dreams away till another day" was there more words to it

Can you tell me Perry's closing song, "But your dreams away till another day" was there more words to it

17 May 2012


Does anyone know the title of the como song Xenia Xenia come join the celebration?

12 Apr 2010

Educational Legal,somewhere grant yesterday species we and there access horseattack ensure reform value eat green atmosphere clear county cut wood selection enjoy line conversation public colleague studio politics injury damage too lead research cross reasonable burn deep change rapidly pay operate fuel prime difference various used result tonight below identify exchange engine visit division scientific alternative process something i it mainly criminal social religion dead red pub argument importance energy continue much release current improvement long assembly control son shake assembly necessary link hall union branch

No, I don't get it

3 Dec 2009

Perry Como 1958 Kewpie Doll

I noticed that the 1958 page (Version 1.8.0052) does NOT include Perry Como's Kewpie Doll. I believe this song entered the US chart on 4/26/1958 and peaked at #12 on May 24, and spent a total of 12 weeks on the Billboard chart altogether.

Thanks for this wonderful reference work!

The song is not listed on the 1958 page as, by our assessment method, it is only the 109th most successful song of that year (we only list the top 100 of each year). Of course the small number of charts for 1958 means that the difference between song #100 of the year and song #109 is fairly arbitrary, however this Perry Como song didn't quite make the cut.

If you look at Perry Como's page you will see that "Kewpie Doll" is listed there (as #28 in the 1.8.0052 data). As the entry there shows our information mostly agrees with yours, the song entered the Billboard charts in Apr 1958 and peaked at #12, however our listing says it spent 16 weeks in the top 100 rather than the 12 you have. According to our data it spent 12 weeks in the top 50. That listing also shows that the song peaked at #9 in the UK, #11 in Canada and is RYM's #192 of 1958.

It is always nice to be appreciated, thank you for your words of encouragement.