Song artist 282 - Jimmie Rodgers

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Jimmie Rodgers Region Profile

Jimmie Rodgers Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Jimmie Rodgers. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

There were three different American artists called Jimmie Rodgers: a country singer born in 1897 who was known as The Singing Brakeman, The Blue Yodeler and The Father of Country Music (he died in 1933 and is responsible for all the early hits here); a 1950s pop singer born in 1933 who had hits from 1957 to 1967; and a blues guitarist, who usually rendered his name as Jimmy Rodgers or James Rodgers, was born in 1924 who played in Muddy Waters band (he died in 1997).

The entries on this page come from the first two artists.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Jimmie Rodgers T For Texas (Blue Yodel No 1) 1928 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1985 (1928), Library of Congress artifact added 2004 (1927), US Billboard 2 - 1928 (11 weeks), nuTsie 5 of 1920s, Daily Deuce 7, US invalid BB 11 of 1928, POP 11 of 1928, Music Imprint 12 of 1920s, Brazil 62 of 1928, RIAA 331, Acclaimed 600 (1928), 16 of the 1920s (1927), RYM 4 of 1928, Guardian Folk/ World 5
2 Jimmie Rodgers Honeycomb 1957 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1957 (28 weeks), Canada 1 - Aug 1957 (10 weeks), US CashBox 14 of 1957, US BB 27 of 1957, US invalid BB 27 of 1957, POP 27 of 1957, UK 30 - Nov 1957 (1 week), DDD 54 of 1957, RYM 76 of 1957
3 Jimmie Rodgers In the Jailhouse Now 1928 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1928), nuTsie 6 of 1920s, US Billboard 14 - 1928 (3 weeks), Daily Deuce 17, RYM 18 of 1928
4 Jimmie Rodgers Kisses Sweeter Than Wine 1957 Canada 6 - Nov 1957 (9 weeks), UK 7 - Dec 1957 (11 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Nov 1957 (21 weeks), US invalid BB 26 of 1956, POP 26 of 1956, US BB 59 of 1958, RYM 52 of 1957
5 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.9 (Standin' on the Corner) 1930 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2007 (1930), nuTsie 66 of 1930s, Acclaimed 1737 (1930), RYM 11 of 1931, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
6 Jimmie Rodgers Just a Closer Walk With Thee 1960 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1960, Canada 2 - May 1960 (16 weeks), Australia 3 of 1960, US Billboard 44 - Apr 1960 (9 weeks)
7 Jimmie Rodgers Secretly 1958 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1958 (16 weeks), Canada 8 - Apr 1958 (15 weeks), US BB 19 of 1958, US CashBox 23 of 1958, DDD 103 of 1958
8 Jimmie Rodgers Waiting For the Train 1929 US Billboard 14 - 1929 (3 weeks), nuTsie 29 of 1920s, Scrobulate 69 of americana, RYM 3 of 1929
9 Jimmie Rodgers Bimbombey 1958 Australia 6 of 1959, Canada 10 - Nov 1958 (11 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Nov 1958 (16 weeks), RYM 154 of 1958
10 Jimmie Rodgers Brakeman's Blues 1928 US Billboard 7 - 1928 (7 weeks), nuTsie 96 of 1920s, RYM 89 of 1928
11 Jimmie Rodgers I Wanna Go Home (The Wreck of the 'John B') 1960 Canada 1 - Aug 1960 (14 weeks), US Billboard 64 - Aug 1960 (9 weeks)
12 Jimmie Rodgers Oh Oh I'm Falling in Love Again 1958 UK 18 - Mar 1958 (6 weeks), Canada 19 - Feb 1958 (8 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Feb 1958 (15 weeks)
13 Jimmie Rodgers Child Of Clay 1967 Canada 16 - Sep 1967 (7 weeks), Keener 17 - Oct 1967 (3 weeks), US Billboard 31 - Sep 1967 (8 weeks), Record World 31 - 1967
14 Jimmie Rodgers Wonderful You 1959 US Billboard 40 - Jun 1959 (7 weeks), Italy 94 of 1960
15 Jimmie Rodgers Are You Really Mine 1958 US Billboard 10 - Aug 1958 (13 weeks), Canada 14 - Jul 1958 (12 weeks)
16 Jimmie Rodgers The World We Used to Know 1964 Keener 21 - Jul 1964 (3 weeks), Canada 32 - May 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 51 - May 1964 (9 weeks)
17 Jimmie Rodgers The Soldier's Sweetheart 1927 US Billboard 9 - Dec 1927 (5 weeks), RYM 12 of 1927
18 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.3 (Evening Sun) 1928 US Billboard 10 - 1928 (4 weeks), RYM 22 of 1928
19 Jimmie Rodgers The Wizard 1958 Canada 14 - Jul 1958 (8 weeks), US Billboard 45 - Aug 1958 (7 weeks)
20 Jimmie Rodgers Make Me A Miracle 1958 Canada 15 - Apr 1958 (5 weeks), US Billboard 54 - May 1958 (9 weeks)
21 Jimmie Rodgers I'm Never Gonna Tell 1959 Canada 17 - Mar 1959 (8 weeks), US Billboard 36 - Feb 1959 (11 weeks)
22 Jimmie Rodgers Ring-a-ling-a-lario 1959 Canada 20 - Jun 1959 (6 weeks), US Billboard 32 - Jun 1959 (8 weeks)
23 Jimmie Rodgers Because You're Young 1959 Canada 17 - Mar 1959 (7 weeks), US Billboard 62 - Mar 1959 (5 weeks)
24 Jimmie Rodgers Roll Along Kentucky Moon 1932 US Billboard 18 - 1932 (1 week), RYM 35 of 1933
25 Jimmie Rodgers Tucumcari 1959 US Billboard 32 - Sep 1959 (9 weeks), Canada 32 - Oct 1959 (5 weeks)
26 Jimmie Rodgers Anniversary Blue Yodel 1930 US Billboard 19 - 1930 (1 week), RYM 68 of 1930
27 Jimmie Rodgers Long Hot Summer 1958 Canada 43 - Mar 1958 (3 weeks), US Billboard 77 - Apr 1958 (9 weeks)
28 Jimmie Rodgers TLC (Tender Love & Care) 1960 Canada 13 - Jan 1960 (8 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Jan 1960 (10 weeks)
29 Jimmie Rodgers It's Over 1966 Record World 31 - 1966, Canada 35 - May 1966 (3 weeks), US Billboard 37 - May 1966 (7 weeks)
30 Jimmie Rodgers English Country Garden 1961 UK 5 - Jun 1962 (13 weeks), Canada 6 - Sep 1961 (12 weeks)
31 Jimmie Rodgers Rainbow At Midnight 1962 Canada 32 - Dec 1962 (5 weeks), US Billboard 62 - Nov 1962 (7 weeks)
32 Jimmie Rodgers Pistol Packin' Papa 1930 RYM 10 of 1930, Song of 1930
33 Jimmie Rodgers TB Blues 1931 RYM 21 of 1931, Song of 1931
34 Jimmie Rodgers Woman From Liberia 1958 UK 18 - Dec 1958 (6 weeks)
35 Jimmie Rodgers Bo Diddley 1958 Canada 34 - Nov 1958 (4 weeks)
36 Jimmie Rodgers Waltzing Maria 1960 US Billboard 41 - Jan 1960 (8 weeks)
37 Jimmie Rodgers No One Will Ever Know 1962 US Billboard 43 - Sep 1962 (11 weeks)
38 Jimmie Rodgers A Little Dog Cried 1961 US Billboard 71 - Sep 1961 (4 weeks)
39 Jimmie Rodgers Two-Ten, Six-Eighteen (Doesn't Anybody Know My Name) 1963 US Billboard 78 - Oct 1963 (7 weeks)
40 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.4 (California Blues) 1929 RYM 3 of 1929
41 Jimmie Rodgers Everyone Does It in Hawaii 1929 RYM 4 of 1929
42 Jimmie Rodgers Frankie & Johnny 1929 RYM 4 of 1929
43 Jimmie Rodgers Away Out on the Mountain 1928 RYM 4 of 1928
44 Jimmie Rodgers Moonlight & Skies 1933 RYM 10 of 1933
45 Jimmie Rodgers Rock All Our Babies to Sleep 1933 RYM 10 of 1933
46 Jimmie Rodgers Those Gambler's Blues 1930 RYM 10 of 1930
47 Jimmie Rodgers My Time Ain't Long 1933 RYM 11 of 1933
48 Jimmie Rodgers You & My Old Guitar 1933 RYM 11 of 1933
49 Jimmie Rodgers Looking for a New Mama 1931 RYM 11 of 1931
50 Jimmie Rodgers Sleep Baby Sleep 1927 RYM 12 of 1927
51 Jimmie Rodgers Jimmie Rodgers' Last Blue Yodel 1933 RYM 13 of 1933
52 Jimmie Rodgers 15 Years Ago Today 1933 RYM 13 of 1933
53 Jimmie Rodgers Ben Dewberry's Final Run 1928 RYM 18 of 1928
54 Jimmie Rodgers Mississippi River Blues 1931 RYM 21 of 1931
55 Jimmie Rodgers Never No More Blues 1928 RYM 22 of 1928
56 Jimmie Rodgers Whippin' That Old TB 1933 RYM 32 of 1933
57 Jimmie Rodgers No Hard Times 1933 RYM 32 of 1933
58 Jimmie Rodgers Peach Pickin' Time Down in Georgia 1933 RYM 33 of 1933
59 Jimmie Rodgers Treasures Untold 1928 RYM 33 of 1928
60 Jimmie Rodgers Prairie Lullaby 1933 RYM 33 of 1933
61 Jimmie Rodgers If Brother Jack Were Here 1928 RYM 33 of 1928
62 Jimmie Rodgers Why Should I Be Lonely 1933 RYM 35 of 1933
63 Jimmie Rodgers Yodeling Cowboy 1930 RYM 38 of 1930
64 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.6 (Midnight Turning Day Blues) 1930 RYM 38 of 1930
65 Jimmie Rodgers Mississippi Moon 1932 RYM 43 of 1932
66 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.10 (Got Me a Sweet Mama) 1932 RYM 43 of 1932
67 Jimmie Rodgers Barefoot Blues (Blue Yodel No. 12) 1933 RYM 48 of 1933
68 Jimmie Rodgers Cowhand's Last Ride 1933 RYM 48 of 1933
69 Jimmie Rodgers My Blue Eyed Jane 1934 RYM 49 of 1934
70 Jimmie Rodgers Lullaby Yodel 1928 RYM 52 of 1928
71 Jimmie Rodgers Memphis Yodel 1928 RYM 52 of 1928
72 Jimmie Rodgers Gamblin' Bar Room Blues 1933 RYM 53 of 1933
73 Jimmie Rodgers My Carolina Sunshine Girl 1934 RYM 53 of 1934
74 Jimmie Rodgers Yodeling Ranger 1934 RYM 53 of 1934
75 Jimmie Rodgers Let Me Be Your Sidetrack 1933 RYM 56 of 1933
76 Jimmie Rodgers What's It 1933 RYM 56 of 1933
77 Jimmie Rodgers Dear Old Sunny South by the Sea 1928 RYM 57 of 1928
78 Jimmie Rodgers My Little Old Home Town in New Orleans 1928 RYM 57 of 1928
79 Jimmie Rodgers Any Old Time 1930 RYM 68 of 1930
80 Jimmie Rodgers Ninety Nine Years Blues 1930 RYM 69 of 1930
81 Jimmie Rodgers I'm Sorry We Met 1929 RYM 78 of 1929
82 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No.2 (My Lovin' Gal Lucille) 1928 RYM 89 of 1928
83 Jimmie Rodgers Daddy & Home 1929 RYM 101 of 1929
84 Jimmie Rodgers My Old Pal 1929 RYM 101 of 1929
85 Jimmie Rodgers That's Why I'm Blue 1929 RYM 102 of 1929
86 Jimmie Rodgers Hobo Bill's Last Ride 1929 RYM 102 of 1929
87 Jimmie Rodgers Blue Yodel No. 8 1930 Song of 1930
88 Jimmie Rodgers You Understand Me 1958 RYM 154 of 1958
89 Jimmie Rodgers Better Loved You'll Never Be 1957 RYM 52 of 1957
90 Jimmie Rodgers Their Hearts Were Full of Spring 1957 RYM 76 of 1957

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Previous Comments (newest first)

6 Aug 2015

Waiting For the Train


Waiting For the Train - correct: Waiting For a Train

Cheers Walter

You need to read the FAQ about song titles.

4 Aug 2015

Double Listing - The Wreck Of the John B

Looks like #21 & #35 still need to be combined. Thanks.

Yes, we missed one, thanks

26 Jun 2015

Double Listing - The Wreck Of the John B

#21 & #35 are the same.

We have edited the data. Also this is the same song as The Beach Boys "Sloop John B", so we've changed that as well. This note should help users understand why they have a song called "I Wanna Go Home (The Wreck of the 'John B')".

28 Oct 2011

Jimmie Rogers Albums+

I have a lot of his albums my papa had before he died and a lot of other singers from the past

27 Jun 2011

There were two song artists with the name Jimmie Rogers. I believe all the hits from 1957 should be separated out as they relate to the younger Jimmie ( no relation )

You are correct, there are entries here from at least two of the three major American musicians known as "Jimmie Rogers". However the way the data is stored for the site makes it difficult to create multiple artist pages using the same name, so rather than doing that we've added a comment to tell users how to interpret the data on the page.

Thanks for the clarification.

29 Nov 2010

Jimmie Rogers of the 1920s and 1930s.

I am interested in purchasing some records of Jimmie Rogers but I don't want CDs that have duplicates on them. Is ther any way to get three or four of his CDs withouts duplicates?

Please send information concerning this.

We don't sell music. Since you are in the US you can download single tracks from iTunes or Amazon's mp3 download store. By buying single tracks you can make sure not to get any duplicates