Song artist 1 - The Beatles |

This page lists the song chart entries of The Beatles.A list of the hit albums by The Beatles is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
Despite only being active for the period 1963-1970 The Beatles were
the most successful chart act
of all time, as well as having the most years on top of the
song and
album charts.
They produced three of the top 10
highest placed albums
of all time (including the number one album). John Lennon, Paul McCartney,
George Harrison and Ringo Starr all also
went on to individual success as well.
Related artist names include Tony Sheridan & The Beatles,
Stu Sutcliffe, Pete Best, The Silver Beatles,
The Quarrymen. They are also commonly referred to as The Fab Four.
The names of the early albums are difficult to sort out since they often released different
albums in different markets with distinct (but overlapping) sets of songs.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
The Beatles |
Hey Jude |
1968 |
UK 1 - Sep 1968 (28 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Sep 1968 (19 weeks), US BB 1 of 1968, US CashBox 1 of 1968, Record World 1 - 1968, WABC NY 1 of 1968, US Radio 1 of 1968 (peak 1 16 weeks), KQV 1 of 1968, Keener 1 - Aug 1968 (11 weeks), Canada 1 - Aug 1968 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Sep 1968 (21 weeks), Brazil 1 of 1968, Switzerland 1 - Sep 1968 (19 weeks), Norway 1 - Sep 1968 (14 weeks), Flanders 1 - Sep 1968 (3 months), Australia 1 of 1968, Germany 1 - Jan 1969 (5 months), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1968, Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1968, Canada 1 of 1968, New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1968, NZ Listner 1 - Sep 1968 (10 weeks), Australia 1 for 13 weeks - Oct 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1968 (28 weeks), France 1 for 4 weeks - Nov 1968, Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1968, Europe 1 of the 1960s (1968), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1968), Top Song of 1968 of the Billboard 50th list, US 4 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), Denmark 2 of 1968, DDD 2 of 1968, OzNet 2, Grammy in 1968 (Nominated), France (SNEP) 3 - Sep 1968 (3 months), Virgin 3, DMDB 4 (1968), nuTsie 5 of 1960s, Switzerland 8 of 1968, Rolling Stone 8, Billboard 50th song 8, WXPN 9, D.Marsh 9 of 1968, Billboard100 10, 55th Billboard 100 10 (1968), TheQ 20, US invalid BB 23 of 1968, POP 23 of 1968, Vinyl Surrender 23 (1968), Italy 30 of 1968, Scrobulate 32 of classic rock, Acclaimed 32 (1968), Germany 52 of the 1960s (peak 1 19 weeks), Belgium 55 of all time, Poland 84 of all time, UKMIX 151, RYM 1 of 1968, WFUV 31, Global 7 (10 M sold) - 1968, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
2 |
The Beatles |
I Want to Hold Your Hand |
1964 |
UK 1 - Dec 1963 (25 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jan 1964 (15 weeks), US BB 1 of 1964, US CashBox 1 of 1964, US Radio 1 of 1964 (peak 1 13 weeks), KQV 1 of 1964, Keener 1 - Jan 1964 (6 weeks), Canada 1 - Jan 1964 (17 weeks), Norway 1 - Jan 1964 (12 weeks), Germany 1 - Feb 1964 (5 months), NZ Lever 1 - Dec 1963 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Dec 1963, Europarade 1 for 9 weeks - Feb 1964, Germany 1 for 8 weeks - Feb 1964, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1964), Top Song of 1964 of the Billboard 50th list, WABC NY 2 of 1964, Brazil 2 of 1964, Denmark 2 of 1964, Australia 2 of 1963, UK sales 2 of the 1960s (1,750 k in 1963), Grammy in 1964 (Nominated), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1964), DDD 4 of 1963, Flanders 6 - Feb 1964 (4 months), South Africa 6 of 1963, US invalid BB 7 of 1964, POP 7 of 1964, D.Marsh 8 of 1964, Record World 13 - 1964, DMDB 13 (1963), Rolling Stone 16, nuTsie 25 of 1960s, RIAA 28, Scrobulate 29 of oldies, Acclaimed 30 (1963), Billboard 50th song 39, Germany 40 of the 1960s (peak 1 21 weeks), 55th Billboard 100 44 (1964), Billboard100 45, UKMIX 212, WXPN 350, RYM 2 of 1964, WFUV 20, Global 7 (10 M sold) - 1963, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
3 |
The Beatles |
Let it Be |
1970 |
US Billboard 1 - Mar 1970 (14 weeks), Record World 1 - 1970, Keener 1 - Mar 1970 (10 weeks), Canada 1 - Mar 1970 (8 weeks), Holland 1 - Mar 1970 (9 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Mar 1970 (17 weeks), Norway 1 - Mar 1970 (15 weeks), Australia 1 of 1970, Italy 1 for 1 week - May 1970, Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Apr 1970, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Apr 1970, NZ Listner 1 - Apr 1970 (3 weeks), Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Apr 1970, Australia Goset 1 - Apr 1970 (32 weeks), Germany 1 for 1 week - May 1970, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2004 (1970), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), UK 2 - Mar 1970 (18 weeks), WABC NY 2 of 1970, Germany 2 - Apr 1970 (4 months), Grammy in 1970 (Nominated), Flanders 3 - Mar 1970 (3 months), Canada 3 of 1970, DDD 3 of 1970, France (SNEP) 4 - Mar 1970 (4 months), Switzerland 4 of 1970, US Radio 6 of 1970 (peak 1 11 weeks), KQV 8 of 1970, Belgium 8 - May 1970 (3 weeks), Italy 8 of 1970, US BB 9 of 1970, US CashBox 9 of 1970, Brazil 9 of 1970, France 10 - Mar 1970 (1 week), Virgin 11, nuTsie 11 of 1970s, WXPN 12, Denmark 13 of 1970, Japan 14 of all time (international songs) (sales 0.558), Europe 15 of the 1970s (1970), Rolling Stone 20, POP 20 of 1970, OzNet 25, Poland 28 - Dec 2003 (27 weeks), Scrobulate 34 of classic rock, Japan (Tokyo) 47 - Nov 2003 (2 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 60 of 2001 (peak 14 20 weeks), DMDB 72 (1970), Belgium 77 of all time, Vinyl Surrender 93 (1970), Germany 149 of the 1970s (peak 2 17 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 178 of the 1970s (peak 1, 23 weeks, 417k sales estimated, 1970), TheQ 318, Acclaimed 342 (1970), RYM 9 of 1970, Guardian Rock 41, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1970 |
4 |
The Beatles |
Get Back |
1969 |
UK 1 - Apr 1969 (25 weeks), US Billboard 1 - May 1969 (12 weeks), Record World 1 - 1969, Keener 1 - Apr 1969 (9 weeks), Canada 1 - Apr 1969 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Apr 1969 (10 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Apr 1969 (11 weeks), Norway 1 - May 1969 (13 weeks), Germany 1 - May 1969 (3 months), Eire 1 for 6 weeks - May 1969, Canada RPM 1 for 6 weeks - May 1969, Canada 1 of 1969, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1969, NZ Listner 1 - May 1969 (12 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - May 1969, Australia Goset 1 - May 1969 (16 weeks), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - May 1969, Mexico 1 for 7 weeks - Jul 1969, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), France (SNEP) 3 - May 1969 (3 months), Flanders 3 - May 1969 (2 months), WABC NY 4 of 1969, Brazil 6 of 1969, Switzerland 6 of 1969, US Radio 7 of 1969 (peak 1 11 weeks), Denmark 8 of 1969, D.Marsh 13 of 1969, US CashBox 14 of 1969, US invalid BB 21 of 1969, DDD 24 of 1969, US BB 25 of 1969, POP 33 of 1969, Europe 38 of the 1960s (1969), KQV 39 of 1969, Italy 46 of 1969, Virgin 64, Scrobulate 91 of british, OzNet 115, UKMIX 190, Germany 217 of the 1960s (peak 1 10 weeks), WXPN 566, Acclaimed 1367 (1969), RYM 6 of 1969, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1969 |
5 |
The Beatles |
She Loves You |
1964 |
UK 1 - Aug 1963 (33 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jan 1964 (15 weeks), Keener 1 - Jan 1964 (7 weeks), Canada 1 - Dec 1963 (22 weeks), Denmark 1 of 1964, Norway 1 - Oct 1963 (18 weeks), Australia 1 of 1963, NZ Lever 1 - Oct 1963 (6 weeks), Europarade 1 for 6 weeks - Dec 1963, UK sales 1 of the 1960s (1,890 k in 1963), ASCAP song of 1963, US BB 2 of 1964, US CashBox 2 of 1964, KQV 2 of 1964, South Africa 2 of 1963, TOTP 2, DDD 2 of 1963, D.Marsh 2 of 1964, WABC NY 3 of 1964, US Radio 3 of 1964 (peak 1 12 weeks), Flanders 5 - Jan 1964 (4 months), Brazil 6 of 1964, Germany 7 - Mar 1964 (3 months), UKMIX 8, Record World 11 - 1964, nuTsie 11 of 1960s, Scrobulate 18 of oldies, US invalid BB 20 of 1964, POP 20 of 1964, Italy 29 of 1964, Rolling Stone 64, Acclaimed 119 (1963), Germany 332 of the 1960s (peak 7 13 weeks), WXPN 335, OzNet 913, RYM 4 of 1963, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1963 |
6 |
The Beatles |
Help! |
1965 |
UK 1 - Jul 1965 (20 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Aug 1965 (13 weeks), Record World 1 - 1965, Canada 1 - Jul 1965 (13 weeks), Holland 1 - Aug 1965 (24 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1965 (14 weeks), Italy 1 for 1 week - Nov 1965, Eire 1 for 5 weeks - Aug 1965, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1965, Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Aug 1965, Europarade 1 for 5 weeks - Aug 1965, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2008 (1965), WABC NY 2 of 1965, Germany 2 - Aug 1965 (4 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1965), Keener 5 - Aug 1965 (6 weeks), Flanders 5 - Aug 1965 (3 months), Australia 5 of 1965, US BB 7 of 1965, South Africa 8 of 1965, US CashBox 11 of 1965, US Radio 12 of 1965 (peak 1 9 weeks), Europe 18 of the 1960s (1965), KQV 19 of 1965, Italy 24 of 1965, DDD 25 of 1965, Rolling Stone 29, D.Marsh 29 of 1965, Brazil 47 of 1965, Scrobulate 77 of classic rock, Acclaimed 134 (1965), Germany 143 of the 1960s (peak 2 15 weeks), Belgium 193 of all time, OzNet 232, UKMIX 410, WXPN 427, RYM 6 of 1965, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
7 |
The Beatles |
All You Need is Love |
1967 |
UK 1 - Jul 1967 (16 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jul 1967 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1967, Canada 1 - Jul 1967 (12 weeks), Holland 1 - Jul 1967 (13 weeks), Norway 1 - Jul 1967 (12 weeks), Germany 1 - Aug 1967 (4 months), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1967, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1967, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1967, NZ Listner 1 - Aug 1967 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1967, Australia Goset 1 - Jul 1967 (13 weeks), France 1 for 1 week - Jul 1967, Germany 1 for 6 weeks - Aug 1967, Spain 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1967, Canada 3 of 1967, Keener 4 - Jul 1967 (5 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1967), Flanders 5 - Jul 1967 (3 months), Denmark 6 of 1967, WABC NY 16 of 1967, US Radio 25 of 1967 (peak 1 7 weeks), Europe 26 of the 1960s (1967), US BB 30 of 1967, Brazil 32 of 1967, US CashBox 43 of 1967, Scrobulate 50 of classic rock, DDD 52 of 1967, Italy 60 of 1967, Germany 118 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), Rolling Stone 362, UKMIX 392, WXPN 491, OzNet 869, Acclaimed 1488 (1967), RYM 26 of 1967, Party 130 of 2007 |
8 |
The Beatles |
Yesterday |
1965 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1965 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1965, Canada 1 - Sep 1965 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Oct 1965 (23 weeks), Norway 1 - Nov 1965 (15 weeks), Flanders 1 - Oct 1965 (4 months), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1997 (1965), ASCAP song of 1965, Keener 2 - Sep 1965 (6 weeks), Brazil 2 of 1966, Grammy in 1965 (Nominated), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1965), Europe 5 of the 1960s (1965), Denmark 7 of 1966, DDD 7 of 1965, UK 8 - Mar 1976 (9 weeks), Germany 8 - Jan 1966 (3 months), DMDB 10 (1965), US Radio 13 of 1965 (peak 1 8 weeks), Rolling Stone 13, Australia 14 of 1965, OzNet 14, Belgium 16 - May 1976 (5 weeks), WABC NY 22 of 1965, US invalid BB 25 of 1965, POP 25 of 1965, nuTsie 28 of 1960s, Virgin 33, KQV 38 of 1965, Scrobulate 39 of classic rock, WXPN 48, TheQ 49, Poland 51 of all time, Belgium 53 of all time, RIAA 56, US CashBox 68 of 1965, Italy 88 of 1965, Acclaimed 117 (1965), Germany 373 of the 1960s (peak 6 8 weeks), RYM 11 of 1965, BBC Rich Song 4 (songwriter royalties $32.2M), one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
9 |
The Beatles |
Hello, Goodbye |
1967 |
UK 1 - Dec 1967 (14 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Dec 1967 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1967, Keener 1 - Nov 1967 (6 weeks), Canada 1 - Nov 1967 (10 weeks), Holland 1 - Nov 1967 (13 weeks), France (SNEP) 1 - Jan 1968 (2 months), Norway 1 - Dec 1967 (9 weeks), Germany 1 - Jan 1968 (4 months), Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Dec 1967, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Jan 1968, NZ Listner 1 - Dec 1967 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Dec 1967 (15 weeks), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1968, Switzerland 2 - Jan 1968 (6 weeks), Denmark 2 of 1967, Flanders 2 - Dec 1967 (3 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1967), Canada 17 of 1967, US Radio 19 of 1967 (peak 1 8 weeks), Brazil 27 of 1968, DDD 36 of 1967, WABC NY 45 of 1968, Italy 79 of 1968, Japan (Tokyo) 84 - Apr 1996 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 92 of oldies, Germany 135 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), OzNet 457, UKMIX 486, RYM 2 of 1967 |
10 |
The Beatles |
I Feel Fine |
1964 |
UK 1 - Dec 1964 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Dec 1964 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1965, Keener 1 - Nov 1964 (6 weeks), Canada 1 - Nov 1964 (14 weeks), Holland 1 - Jan 1965 (16 weeks), Norway 1 - Dec 1964 (11 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Dec 1964, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Dec 1964, NZ Lever 1 - Dec 1964 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Dec 1964, Europarade 1 for 10 weeks - Jan 1965, Flanders 3 - Jan 1965 (2 months), Germany 3 - Jan 1965 (4 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1964), UK sales 5 of the 1960s (1,410 k in 1964), Australia 8 of 1964, DDD 9 of 1964, WABC NY 16 of 1965, Brazil 16 of 1965, US CashBox 19 of 1965, US Radio 26 of 1964 (peak 1 7 weeks), KQV 33 of 1965, Vinyl Surrender 36 (1964), Scrobulate 40 of oldies, nuTsie 77 of 1960s, Germany 207 of the 1960s (peak 3 15 weeks), UKMIX 864, RYM 8 of 1964 |
11 |
The Beatles |
A Hard Day's Night |
1964 |
UK 1 - Jul 1964 (16 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jul 1964 (13 weeks), Record World 1 - 1964, Canada 1 - Jul 1964 (16 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1964 (14 weeks), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Aug 1964, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1964, NZ Lever 1 - Aug 1964 (6 weeks), Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Jul 1964, Europarade 1 for 12 weeks - Aug 1964, Germany 2 - Sep 1964 (2 months), Australia 3 of 1964, Flanders 4 - Aug 1964 (2 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1964), Keener 5 - Jul 1964 (4 weeks), Brazil 6 of 1965, WABC NY 8 of 1964, DDD 11 of 1964, US Radio 12 of 1964 (peak 1 10 weeks), US BB 13 of 1964, South Africa 14 of 1964, KQV 15 of 1964, US CashBox 18 of 1964, Scrobulate 39 of oldies, nuTsie 72 of 1960s, Europe 96 of the 1960s (1964), Rolling Stone 153, Germany 254 of the 1960s (peak 2 8 weeks), Acclaimed 411 (1964), UKMIX 471, OzNet 815, RYM 6 of 1964 |
12 |
The Beatles |
Paperback Writer |
1966 |
UK 1 - Jun 1966 (11 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jun 1966 (10 weeks), Record World 1 - 1966, Canada 1 - May 1966 (10 weeks), Holland 1 - Jun 1966 (9 weeks), Norway 1 - Jun 1966 (10 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1966, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jun 1966, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1966, Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1966, Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1966, Germany 2 - Jul 1966 (3 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1966), Keener 6 - May 1966 (6 weeks), Flanders 8 - Jul 1966 (2 months), France 9 - Mar 1976 (1 week), NZ Listner 12 - Aug 1966 (1 week), US invalid BB 12 of 1966, POP 12 of 1966, Denmark 15 of 1966, Scrobulate 22 of british, D.Marsh 23 of 1966, US BB 28 of 1966, US Radio 33 of 1966 (peak 1 8 weeks), WABC NY 39 of 1966, US CashBox 43 of 1966, Italy 45 of 1966, DDD 53 of 1966, Brazil 96 of 1966, Germany 181 of the 1960s (peak 1 13 weeks), Acclaimed 195 (1966), WXPN 765, UKMIX 867, RYM 2 of 1966 |
13 |
The Beatles |
Penny Lane |
1967 |
US Billboard 1 - Feb 1967 (10 weeks), Record World 1 - 1967, Canada 1 - Feb 1967 (13 weeks), Holland 1 - Feb 1967 (13 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Mar 1967, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1967, NZ Listner 1 - Mar 1967 (10 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1967, Australia Goset 1 - Mar 1967 (14 weeks), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - May 1967, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2011 (1967), UK 2 - Feb 1967 (13 weeks), Keener 2 - Feb 1967 (6 weeks), Germany 2 - Mar 1967 (4 months), Flanders 4 - Mar 1967 (2 months), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1967), D.Marsh 4 of 1967, France (SNEP) 6 - Mar 1967 (2 months), Denmark 7 of 1967, Brazil 16 of 1967, Australia 16 of 1967, WABC NY 20 of 1967, KQV 20 of 1967, Canada 21 of 1967, DDD 23 of 1967, Italy 26 of 1967, US Radio 40 of 1967 (peak 1 6 weeks), US CashBox 45 of 1967, Europe 48 of the 1960s (1967), US BB 55 of 1967, Scrobulate 61 of classic rock, Acclaimed 162 (1967), Germany 180 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), WXPN 306, Rolling Stone 449, OzNet 490, RYM 1 of 1967 |
14 |
The Beatles |
Yellow Submarine |
1966 |
UK 1 - Aug 1966 (15 weeks), Record World 1 - 1966, Canada 1 - Aug 1966 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Aug 1966 (14 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1966 (11 weeks), Flanders 1 - Sep 1966 (3 months), Germany 1 - Sep 1966 (4 months), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1966, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1966, New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1966, NZ Listner 1 - Sep 1966 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Sep 1966, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1966 (10 weeks), Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1966, US Billboard 2 - Aug 1966 (9 weeks), Keener 4 - Aug 1966 (4 weeks), Denmark 4 of 1966, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1966), US invalid BB 7 of 1966, POP 7 of 1966, Italy 29 of 1966, US Radio 41 of 1966 (peak 2 7 weeks), WABC NY 42 of 1966, Scrobulate 47 of classic rock, US CashBox 83 of 1966, US BB 96 of 1966, Germany 141 of the 1960s (peak 1 15 weeks), UKMIX 625, RYM 22 of 1966 |
15 |
The Beatles |
The Ballad of John & Yoko |
1969 |
UK 1 - Jun 1969 (16 weeks), Holland 1 - Jun 1969 (10 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Jun 1969 (11 weeks), Norway 1 - Jun 1969 (15 weeks), Flanders 1 - Jun 1969 (3 months), Germany 1 - Jul 1969 (3 months), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Jun 1969, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Jul 1969, Australia Goset 1 - Jul 1969 (13 weeks), Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1969, Mexico 1 for 1 week - Aug 1969, NZ Listner 2 - Jul 1969 (9 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1969), Record World 7 - 1969, France (SNEP) 7 - Aug 1969 (1 month), Switzerland 7 of 1969, US Billboard 8 - Jun 1969 (9 weeks), Keener 8 - Jun 1969 (5 weeks), Denmark 10 of 1969, D.Marsh 22 of 1969, Brazil 33 of 1969, Italy 58 of 1969, Scrobulate 65 of 60s, US Radio 68 of 1969 (peak 8 6 weeks), DDD 86 of 1969, Germany 169 of the 1960s (peak 1 13 weeks), UKMIX 902, RYM 21 of 1969 |
16 |
The Beatles |
Come Together |
1969 |
US Billboard 1 - Oct 1969 (16 weeks), Record World 1 - 1969, Germany 1 - Jan 1970 (4 months), New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Dec 1969, NZ Listner 1 - Nov 1969 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1969, Australia Goset 1 - Nov 1969 (19 weeks), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1969, ASCAP song of 1969, KQV 2 of 1969, Switzerland 2 - Oct 1969 (11 weeks), Flanders 2 - Nov 1969 (2 months), UK 4 - Nov 1969 (15 weeks), Holland 4 - Oct 1969 (7 weeks), Canada 5 of 1969, Keener 6 - Oct 1969 (6 weeks), France 6 - Feb 1970 (1 week), Australia 6 of 1969, France (SNEP) 8 - Nov 1969 (3 months), DDD 9 of 1969, US Radio 11 of 1969 (peak 1 12 weeks), Italy 14 of 1969, Scrobulate 14 of classic rock, POP 17 of 1969, WABC NY 56 of 1969, Brazil 59 of 1970, TheQ 62, US CashBox 63 of 1969, US BB 85 of 1969, Rolling Stone 202, OzNet 227, Germany 363 of the 1960s (peak 1 6 weeks), Acclaimed 616 (1969), WXPN 873, RYM 1 of 1969 |
17 |
The Beatles |
Can't Buy Me Love |
1964 |
UK 1 - Mar 1964 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Mar 1964 (10 weeks), Record World 1 - 1964, Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Apr 1964, NZ Lever 1 - May 1964 (6 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - May 1964, Europarade 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1964, Keener 2 - Mar 1964 (5 weeks), Canada 3 - Mar 1964 (11 weeks), Norway 3 - Apr 1964 (14 weeks), Denmark 4 of 1964, Australia 4 of 1964, UK sales 4 of the 1960s (1,520 k in 1964), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1964), Flanders 5 - Apr 1964 (3 months), Brazil 9 of 1964, DDD 19 of 1964, US Radio 21 of 1964 (peak 1 7 weeks), WABC NY 23 of 1964, US BB 52 of 1964, Scrobulate 53 of classic rock, US CashBox 68 of 1964, Rolling Stone 289, UKMIX 849, Acclaimed 1529 (1964), RYM 4 of 1964, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1964 |
18 |
The Beatles |
Ticket to Ride |
1965 |
UK 1 - Apr 1965 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Apr 1965 (11 weeks), Record World 1 - 1965, Canada 1 - Apr 1965 (14 weeks), Holland 1 - Apr 1965 (18 weeks), Norway 1 - Apr 1965 (14 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Apr 1965, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - May 1965, Australia 1 for 3 weeks - May 1965, Europarade 1 for 8 weeks - May 1965, Germany 2 - May 1965 (3 months), South Africa 3 of 1965, D.Marsh 4 of 1965, Keener 6 - Apr 1965 (2 weeks), DDD 9 of 1965, Flanders 10 - May 1965 (3 months), Scrobulate 16 of 60s, US Radio 23 of 1965 (peak 1 9 weeks), WABC NY 25 of 1965, US BB 31 of 1965, US CashBox 36 of 1965, nuTsie 48 of 1960s, Acclaimed 249 (1965), Germany 333 of the 1960s (peak 2 10 weeks), Rolling Stone 384, WXPN 594, OzNet 613, RYM 5 of 1965 |
19 |
The Beatles |
Lady Madonna |
1968 |
UK 1 - Mar 1968 (10 weeks), Canada 1 - Mar 1968 (11 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Mar 1968 (13 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1968, NZ Listner 1 - Apr 1968 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Apr 1968 (13 weeks), Record World 2 - 1968, Norway 2 - Mar 1968 (8 weeks), Germany 2 - Apr 1968 (3 months), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), Holland 3 - Mar 1968 (9 weeks), France (SNEP) 3 - Mar 1968 (3 months), Flanders 3 - Apr 1968 (2 months), US Billboard 4 - Mar 1968 (11 weeks), Switzerland 4 of 1968, Keener 6 - Mar 1968 (5 weeks), Denmark 7 of 1968, Poland 11 - Nov 2006 (7 weeks), US invalid BB 11 of 1968, POP 11 of 1968, Australia 16 of 1968, Canada 19 of 1968, WABC NY 21 of 1968, Belgium 23 - Dec 2006 (2 weeks), US CashBox 27 of 1968, KQV 37 of 1968, US Radio 39 of 1968 (peak 4 8 weeks), Scrobulate 41 of oldies, Italy 49 of 1968, DDD 51 of 1968, US BB 60 of 1968, OzNet 76, Germany 219 of the 1960s (peak 2 13 weeks), RYM 17 of 1968 |
20 |
The Beatles |
Something |
1969 |
Record World 1 - 1969, Canada 1 - Oct 1969 (7 weeks), Germany 1 - Jan 1970 (4 months), Canada RPM 1 for 4 weeks - Nov 1969, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1969, NZ Listner 1 - Nov 1969 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Nov 1969, Australia Goset 1 - Nov 1969 (19 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), KQV 2 of 1969, Norway 2 - Nov 1969 (16 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Oct 1969 (16 weeks), UK 4 - Nov 1969 (13 weeks), Canada 5 of 1969, Keener 6 - Oct 1969 (6 weeks), Australia 6 of 1969, US invalid BB 7 of 1969, Scrobulate 7 of oldies, POP 9 of 1969, Brazil 15 of 1970, DDD 21 of 1969, WABC NY 59 of 1969, US CashBox 66 of 1969, WXPN 69, US Radio 70 of 1969 (peak 3 6 weeks), US BB 83 of 1969, Rolling Stone 273, Germany 363 of the 1960s (peak 1 6 weeks), Acclaimed 484 (1969), OzNet 942, RYM 1 of 1969 |
21 |
The Beatles |
Strawberry Fields Forever |
1967 |
Canada 1 - Feb 1967 (11 weeks), Holland 1 - Feb 1967 (13 weeks), Norway 1 - Feb 1967 (13 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1967, Australia Goset 1 - Mar 1967 (14 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1967), Keener 2 - Feb 1967 (6 weeks), France 4 - Apr 1976 (3 weeks), D.Marsh 4 of 1967, NZ Listner 5 - Mar 1967 (6 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Nov 2006 (8 weeks), Denmark 7 of 1967, US Billboard 8 - Feb 1967 (9 weeks), Record World 9 - 1967, DDD 9 of 1967, 11 in 2FM list, Acclaimed 12 (1967), Australia 16 of 1967, Europe 17 of the 1960s (1967), UK 32 - Apr 1976 (16 weeks), Scrobulate 52 of classic rock, nuTsie 53 of 1960s, WXPN 75, Rolling Stone 76, DMDB 80 (1967), US Radio 92 of 1967 (peak 8 5 weeks), OzNet 185, Belgium 235 of all time, RYM 1 of 1967, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
22 |
The Beatles |
We Can Work it Out |
1966 |
UK 1 - Dec 1965 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Dec 1965 (12 weeks), Record World 1 - 1966, Canada 1 - Dec 1965 (15 weeks), Holland 1 - Dec 1965 (14 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jan 1966, Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Jan 1966, Keener 2 - Dec 1965 (7 weeks), Germany 2 - Jan 1966 (4 months), Flanders 3 - Jan 1966 (3 months), Australia 3 of 1965, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1966), UK sales 7 of the 1960s (1,380 k in 1965), WABC NY 8 of 1966, NZ Listner 8 - Mar 1966 (2 weeks), US CashBox 11 of 1966, US BB 16 of 1966, US Radio 16 of 1966 (peak 1 8 weeks), D.Marsh 17 of 1965, KQV 21 of 1966, DDD 34 of 1965, Italy 36 of 1966, Scrobulate 75 of classic rock, Germany 167 of the 1960s (peak 2 15 weeks), WXPN 451, UKMIX 553, Acclaimed 1272 (1965), RYM 2 of 1965 |
23 |
The Beatles |
Eleanor Rigby |
1966 |
UK 1 - Aug 1966 (16 weeks), Canada 1 - Aug 1966 (12 weeks), Holland 1 - Aug 1966 (14 weeks), France 1 - Jul 1970 (4 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Sep 1966, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Oct 1966, NZ Listner 1 - Sep 1966 (8 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Sep 1966, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1966 (10 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002 (1966), Keener 4 - Aug 1966 (4 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Aug 1966 (8 weeks), Scrobulate 13 of classic rock, Record World 16 - 1966, DDD 26 of 1966, KQV 31 of 1966, Vinyl Surrender 44 (1966), Europe 64 of the 1960s (1966), US Radio 131 of 1966 (peak 11 3 weeks), WXPN 131, Rolling Stone 137, OzNet 384, Acclaimed 397 (1966), RYM 22 of 1966 |
24 |
The Beatles |
Michelle |
1966 |
Holland 1 - Jan 1966 (16 weeks), Norway 1 - Feb 1966 (13 weeks), Flanders 1 - Feb 1966 (4 months), Italy 1 for 8 weeks - Apr 1966, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1966, NZ Listner 1 - Mar 1966 (5 weeks), Germany 5 - Mar 1966 (3 months), Denmark 6 of 1966, Brazil 7 of 1966, Italy 8 of 1966, Scrobulate 32 of oldies, KQV 38 of 1966, Europe 49 of the 1960s (1966), DDD 98 of 1965, France (InfoDisc) 118 of the 1960s (peak 1, 26 weeks, 350k sales estimated, 1965), Vinyl Surrender 122 (1965), Germany 286 of the 1960s (peak 6 13 weeks), RYM 29 of 1966, NY Daily Love list 9 |
25 |
The Beatles |
Day Tripper |
1965 |
UK 1 - Dec 1965 (15 weeks), Canada 1 - Dec 1965 (15 weeks), Holland 1 - Dec 1965 (14 weeks), Norway 1 - Dec 1965 (11 weeks), Eire 1 for 5 weeks - Dec 1965, Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Jan 1966, Keener 2 - Dec 1965 (7 weeks), Australia 3 of 1965, US Billboard 5 - Dec 1965 (10 weeks), NZ Listner 8 - Mar 1966 (2 weeks), Record World 12 - 1966, D.Marsh 17 of 1965, Brazil 19 of 1966, DDD 38 of 1965, Italy 65 of 1966, Scrobulate 97 of classic rock, US Radio 101 of 1966 (peak 5 4 weeks), OzNet 467, Acclaimed 919 (1965), RYM 2 of 1965 |
26 |
The Beatles |
The Long & Winding Road |
1970 |
US Billboard 1 - May 1970 (10 weeks), Record World 1 - 1970, Canada 1 - May 1970 (9 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1970, Keener 2 - May 1970 (7 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Oct 2003 (11 weeks), Belgium 3 - Jul 1970 (5 weeks), Australia Goset 6 - Jul 1970 (22 weeks), Switzerland 8 - Jun 1970 (3 weeks), Holland 9 - Jul 1970 (5 weeks), France 10 - Apr 1970 (1 week), Canada 11 of 1970, DDD 18 of 1970, Italy 34 of 1970, Brazil 35 of 1970, US CashBox 36 of 1970, US BB 41 of 1970, US Radio 41 of 1970 (peak 1 8 weeks), WABC NY 42 of 1970, Scrobulate 52 of british, WXPN 68, KQV 113 of 1970, TheQ 205, Acclaimed 1044 (1970), RYM 15 of 1970, NY Daily Love list 42 |
27 |
The Beatles |
Twist & Shout |
1964 |
US invalid BB 1 of 1964, POP 1 of 1964, US Billboard 2 - Mar 1964 (11 weeks), Record World 2 - 1964, NZ Lever 2 - Mar 1964 (4 weeks), Keener 4 - Mar 1964 (5 weeks), Canada 5 - Mar 1964 (10 weeks), Norway 7 - Jan 1964 (3 weeks), Germany 10 - Feb 1964 (4 months), DDD 11 of 1963, Brazil 18 of 1964, OzNet 18, US Radio 19 of 1964 (peak 2 9 weeks), WABC NY 20 of 1964, US BB 40 of 1964, Scrobulate 44 of 60s, UK 48 - Nov 2010 (2 weeks), Italy 48 of 1964, US CashBox 55 of 1964, Canada 69 of 1986, WXPN 374, Germany 386 of the 1960s (peak 10 17 weeks), Acclaimed 1412 (1963), RYM 9 of 1964, Party 19 of 2007 |
28 |
The Beatles |
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da |
1969 |
Switzerland 1 - Jan 1969 (12 weeks), Germany 1 - Feb 1969 (4 months), New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Mar 1969, NZ Listner 1 - Feb 1969 (6 weeks), Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Mar 1969, Australia Goset 1 - Mar 1969 (19 weeks), Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Mar 1969, Switzerland 2 of 1969, France (SNEP) 3 - Jan 1969 (3 months), Australia 3 of 1969, Holland 5 - Jan 1969 (9 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Nov 1996 (5 weeks), Flanders 9 - Feb 1969 (2 months), Italy 16 of 1969, Canada 19 - Nov 1976 (8 weeks), DDD 29 of 1968, US Billboard 49 - Nov 1976 (6 weeks), France (InfoDisc) 102 of the 1960s (peak 3, 27 weeks, 550k sales estimated, 1968), Germany 193 of the 1960s (peak 1 13 weeks), OzNet 918, RYM 29 of 1968 |
29 |
The Beatles |
Eight Days a Week |
1965 |
US Billboard 1 - Feb 1965 (10 weeks), Record World 1 - 1965, Canada 1 - Feb 1965 (12 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1965, Keener 2 - Feb 1965 (4 weeks), Holland 2 - Feb 1965 (17 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1965), KQV 5 of 1965, Germany 7 - Apr 1965 (2 months), Flanders 9 - Apr 1965 (2 months), Brazil 22 of 1965, WABC NY 24 of 1965, DDD 33 of 1964, Scrobulate 33 of oldies, US Radio 35 of 1965 (peak 1 8 weeks), US BB 55 of 1965, US CashBox 55 of 1965, WXPN 704, Acclaimed 1751 (1964), RYM 21 of 1965 |
30 |
The Beatles |
Please Please Me |
1964 |
Italy 1 for 1 week - Feb 1964, UK 2 - Jan 1963 (18 weeks), NZ Lever 2 - Mar 1963 (5 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Feb 1964 (13 weeks), Canada 5 - Mar 1964 (8 weeks), Brazil 5 of 1964, Keener 6 - Feb 1964 (3 weeks), DDD 10 of 1963, Italy 11 of 1964, US BB 16 of 1964, Record World 19 - 1964, Germany 20 - Apr 1964 (1 month), Scrobulate 22 of rock & roll, WABC NY 27 of 1964, US Radio 28 of 1964 (peak 3 8 weeks), US CashBox 37 of 1964, Rolling Stone 184, OzNet 409, UKMIX 487, Acclaimed 935 (1963), RYM 10 of 1963 |
31 |
The Beatles |
I Saw Her Standing There |
1964 |
Canada 1 - Feb 1964 (9 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Feb 1964 (2 weeks), Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Feb 1964, Australia 2 of 1964, Denmark 3 of 1964, US invalid BB 3 of 1964, Peel list 3 of 1963, DDD 3 of 1963, POP 3 of 1964, Keener 5 - Mar 1964 (2 weeks), D.Marsh 8 of 1964, US Billboard 14 - Feb 1964 (11 weeks), nuTsie 32 of 1960s, Scrobulate 39 of rock & roll, UK 90 - Nov 2010 (1 week), WXPN 91, US BB 95 of 1964, US Radio 137 of 1964 (peak 14 3 weeks), Rolling Stone 139, Acclaimed 915 (1963), RYM 2 of 1964, Party 114 of 2007 |
32 |
The Beatles |
Love Me Do |
1964 |
US Billboard 1 - Apr 1964 (14 weeks), Record World 1 - 1964, NZ Lever 1 - May 1964 (5 weeks), Australia 1 for 7 weeks - Feb 1964, Australia 2 of 1964, Keener 8 - May 1964 (2 weeks), Canada 8 - Feb 1964 (10 weeks), US CashBox 13 of 1964, US BB 14 of 1964, Brazil 15 of 1964, DDD 15 of 1962, UK 17 - Oct 1962 (18 weeks), US Radio 20 of 1964 (peak 1 9 weeks), WABC NY 26 of 1964, KQV 33 of 1964, Scrobulate 82 of classic rock, UKMIX 544, OzNet 701, Acclaimed 1338 (1962), RYM 3 of 1962, Guardian Pop 13 |
33 |
The Beatles |
Revolution |
1968 |
KQV 1 of 1968, Keener 1 - Aug 1968 (11 weeks), Canada 1 - Aug 1968 (11 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Nov 1968, NZ Listner 1 - Oct 1968 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 13 weeks - Oct 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Oct 1968 (28 weeks), Record World 2 - 1968, D.Marsh 9 of 1968, DDD 10 of 1968, US Billboard 12 - Sep 1968 (11 weeks), nuTsie 61 of 1960s, US BB 78 of 1968, Brazil 83 of 1968, US Radio 91 of 1968 (peak 12 9 weeks), Scrobulate 96 of political, US CashBox 98 of 1968, WXPN 230, OzNet 231, TheQ 232, Acclaimed 321 (1968), RYM 1 of 1968 |
34 |
The Beatles |
Free As a Bird |
1995 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Dec 1995 (10 weeks), UK 2 - Dec 1995 (8 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1996), US Billboard 6 - Dec 1995 (11 weeks), Sweden 8 - Dec 1995 (3 weeks), Holland 10 - Dec 1995 (5 weeks), Belgium 11 - Dec 1995 (4 weeks), Norway 15 - Dec 1995 (4 weeks), Switzerland 25 - Jan 1996 (7 weeks), Poland 27 - Dec 1995 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 37 - Dec 1995 (11 weeks), Austria 39 - Dec 1995 (1 month), Brazil 43 of 1996, Italy 68 of 1995, Holland free40 69 of 1995, Canada 70 of 1996, RYM 16 of 1995 |
35 |
The Beatles |
Rock 'n' Roll Music |
1965 |
Holland 1 - Mar 1965 (20 weeks), Norway 1 - Feb 1965 (14 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Apr 1965, Europarade 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1965, Germany 2 - Apr 1965 (4 months), Flanders 3 - Apr 1965 (4 months), Australia 12 of 1965, Germany 209 of the 1960s (peak 2 13 weeks), OzNet 329, RYM 41 of 1965 |
36 |
The Beatles |
All My Loving |
1964 |
Canada 1 - Mar 1964 (14 weeks), Australia 1 of 1964, Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Apr 1964, Norway 2 - Mar 1964 (14 weeks), Denmark 5 of 1964, NZ Lever 6 - Apr 1964 (1 week), Flanders 16 - Mar 1964 (2 months), DDD 28 of 1963, Record World 32 - 1964, US invalid BB 39 of 1964, POP 39 of 1964, US Billboard 45 - Mar 1964 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 50 of oldies, OzNet 371, RYM 25 of 1964 |
37 |
The Beatles |
Nowhere Man |
1966 |
Record World 1 - 1966, Canada 1 - Feb 1966 (14 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Mar 1966, Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1966, US Billboard 3 - Mar 1966 (9 weeks), Keener 3 - Feb 1966 (4 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1966), Germany 7 - May 1966 (2 months), WABC NY 32 of 1966, US Radio 43 of 1966 (peak 3 7 weeks), DDD 51 of 1965, US CashBox 60 of 1966, US BB 90 of 1966, Germany 378 of the 1960s (peak 3 8 weeks), WXPN 734, RYM 18 of 1966, Guardian Pop 22 |
38 |
The Beatles |
From Me to You |
1963 |
UK 1 - Apr 1963 (25 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - May 1963, NZ Lever 1 - Jun 1963 (5 weeks), South Africa 1 of 1963, Canada 6 - Feb 1964 (11 weeks), Norway 9 - Jun 1963 (1 week), DDD 24 of 1963, US Billboard 41 - Feb 1964 (7 weeks), Italy 63 of 1964, UKMIX 82, Scrobulate 82 of nice elevator music, RYM 14 of 1963 |
39 |
The Beatles |
I Should Have Known Better |
1964 |
Canada 1 - Jul 1964 (12 weeks), Norway 1 - Sep 1964 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Sep 1964, Germany 6 - Oct 1964 (3 months), Australia 7 of 1964, US Billboard 53 - Jul 1964 (4 weeks), DDD 55 of 1964, Italy 85 of 1965, OzNet 225, Germany 291 of the 1960s (peak 6 13 weeks), RYM 6 of 1964 |
40 |
The Beatles |
Real Love |
1996 |
Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Feb 1996 (11 weeks), UK 4 - Mar 1996 (7 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1996), Norway 5 - Mar 1996 (2 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Mar 1996 (7 weeks), Poland 19 - Mar 1996 (10 weeks), Holland 20 - Mar 1996 (3 weeks), Sweden 20 - Mar 1996 (2 weeks), Switzerland 26 - Mar 1996 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 45 - Mar 1996 (7 weeks), Italy 78 of 1996, Canada 86 of 1996, RYM 13 of 1996 |
41 |
The Beatles |
Don't Let Me Down |
1969 |
Keener 1 - Apr 1969 (9 weeks), Canada 1 - Apr 1969 (8 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Apr 1969 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - May 1969, Australia Goset 1 - May 1969 (16 weeks), France 8 - Jan 1970 (1 week), D.Marsh 13 of 1969, Record World 33 - 1969, US Billboard 35 - May 1969 (4 weeks), DDD 63 of 1969, WXPN 572, Acclaimed 2129 (1969), RYM 6 of 1969 |
42 |
The Beatles |
She's a Woman |
1964 |
Keener 1 - Nov 1964 (6 weeks), Canada 1 - Dec 1964 (10 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Jan 1965 (3 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Dec 1964, US Billboard 4 - Dec 1964 (9 weeks), Record World 7 - 1965, WABC NY 52 of 1965, DDD 63 of 1964, US Radio 83 of 1964 (peak 4 5 weeks), US CashBox 99 of 1965, RYM 8 of 1964 |
43 |
The Beatles |
Do You Want to Know a Secret? |
1964 |
NZ Lever 1 - Apr 1964 (3 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Mar 1964 (11 weeks), Keener 2 - Mar 1964 (4 weeks), Record World 3 - 1964, WABC NY 13 of 1964, Brazil 27 of 1964, US Radio 37 of 1964 (peak 2 8 weeks), KQV 45 of 1964, US BB 55 of 1964, US CashBox 61 of 1964, RYM 30 of 1964 |
44 |
The Beatles |
A Day in the Life |
1967 |
France 1 - May 1970 (5 weeks), DDD 5 of 1967, WXPN 8, Vinyl Surrender 9 (1967), nuTsie 16 of 1960s, TheQ 23, Rolling Stone 26, Scrobulate 38 of classic rock, Acclaimed 39 (1967), OzNet 69, Europe 73 of the 1960s (1967), Belgium 178 of all time, RYM 6 of 1978, WFUV 32, Guardian Rock 17, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
45 |
The Beatles |
Got to Get You Into My Life |
1976 |
Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1976, Canada 2 - Jun 1976 (14 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1999), US Billboard 7 - Jun 1976 (16 weeks), Record World 9 - 1976, Canada 28 of 1976, Scrobulate 30 of oldies, DDD 36 of 1966, WABC NY 59 of 1976, US Radio 63 of 1976 (peak 7 8 weeks), US BB 78 of 1976, US CashBox 89 of 1976, RYM 16 of 1976 |
46 |
The Beatles |
Long Tall Sally |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1964, Norway 2 - Jul 1964 (8 weeks), NZ Lever 3 - Jun 1964 (2 weeks), Flanders 7 - Sep 1964 (1 month), Germany 7 - Aug 1964 (2 months), Australia 12 of 1964, Scrobulate 84 of rhythm & blues, RYM 142 of 1964 |
47 |
The Beatles |
If I Fell |
1964 |
Norway 1 - Nov 1964 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Sep 1964, Australia 7 of 1964, Holland 21 - Jan 1965 (3 weeks), US Billboard 53 - Aug 1964 (9 weeks), WXPN 573, RYM 15 of 1964 |
48 |
The Beatles |
I am the Walrus |
1967 |
Keener 1 - Nov 1967 (6 weeks), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Dec 1967 (15 weeks), Peel list 2 of 1967, NZ Listner 17 - Jan 1968 (1 week), Scrobulate 17 of psychedelic, US Billboard 56 - Dec 1967 (4 weeks), DDD 72 of 1967, WXPN 428, Acclaimed 533 (1967), RYM 2 of 1967 |
49 |
The Beatles |
While my Guitar Gently Weeps |
1968 |
Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Mar 1969, Australia Goset 1 - Mar 1969 (19 weeks), France 8 - Jan 1970 (1 week), DDD 18 of 1968, WXPN 46, Scrobulate 84 of classic rock, Vinyl Surrender 92 (1968), Virgin 93, Rolling Stone 135, TheQ 436, Acclaimed 485 (1968), RYM 29 of 1968 |
50 |
The Beatles |
Magical Mystery Tour |
1967 |
UK 2 - Dec 1967 (12 weeks), Holland 3 - Dec 1967 (11 weeks), NZ Listner 3 - Mar 1968 (6 weeks), Australia Goset 3 - Mar 1968 (13 weeks), Norway 5 - Dec 1967 (6 weeks), Switzerland 6 - Jan 1968 (1 week), DDD 65 of 1967, Scrobulate 87 of 60s, OzNet 756, RYM 160 of 1996 |
51 |
The Beatles |
Roll Over Beethoven |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1964, Canada 2 - Dec 1963 (16 weeks), Norway 2 - Jun 1964 (7 weeks), Australia 13 of 1964, Scrobulate 23 of rock & roll, DDD 66 of 1963, US Billboard 68 - Mar 1964 (4 weeks), RYM 30 of 1963 |
52 |
The Beatles |
Rain |
1966 |
Canada 1 - May 1966 (10 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1966, NZ Listner 3 - Aug 1966 (4 weeks), Keener 6 - May 1966 (6 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Jun 1966 (7 weeks), Record World 28 - 1966, DDD 65 of 1966, Acclaimed 444 (1966), Rolling Stone 463, WXPN 607, RYM 2 of 1966 |
53 |
The Beatles |
Girl |
1966 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Aug 1966, Italy 48 of 1966, Brazil 65 of 1966, Scrobulate 67 of oldies, Acclaimed 1886 (1965), RYM 29 of 1966, NY Daily Love list 71 |
54 |
The Beatles |
Beatles Movie Medley |
1982 |
Poland 4 - May 1982 (15 weeks), UK 10 - Jun 1982 (9 weeks), US Billboard 12 - Mar 1982 (11 weeks), Belgium 29 - May 1982 (1 week), Holland 35 - Jul 1982 (3 weeks), US Radio 84 of 1982 (peak 12 6 weeks), US CashBox 86 of 1982, Holland free40 98 of 1982 |
55 |
The Beatles |
Act Naturally |
1965 |
Canada 1 - Sep 1965 (11 weeks), Keener 2 - Sep 1965 (6 weeks), Australia 14 of 1965, Record World 21 - 1965, US Billboard 47 - Sep 1965 (7 weeks), RIAA 56, RYM 11 of 1965 |
56 |
The Beatles |
PS I Love You |
1964 |
Keener 8 - May 1964 (2 weeks), US Billboard 10 - May 1964 (8 weeks), Record World 13 - 1964, DDD 64 of 1962, Italy 93 of 1964, WABC NY 95 of 1964, US Radio 107 of 1964 (peak 10 4 weeks), RYM 3 of 1962, NY Daily Love list 73 |
57 |
The Beatles |
And I Love Her |
1964 |
Flanders 10 - Oct 1964 (1 month), US Billboard 12 - Jul 1964 (9 weeks), Canada 15 - Aug 1964 (8 weeks), Record World 16 - 1964, US Radio 115 of 1964 (peak 12 4 weeks), Acclaimed 2381 (1964), RYM 15 of 1964 |
58 |
The Beatles |
Yes it is |
1965 |
Canada 1 - Apr 1965 (11 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - May 1965, Keener 6 - Apr 1965 (2 weeks), US Billboard 46 - May 1965 (4 weeks), RYM 5 of 1965 |
59 |
The Beatles |
Baby, It's You |
1995 |
UK 7 - Apr 1995 (7 weeks), Poland 28 - Apr 1995 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 49 - Apr 1995 (5 weeks), US Billboard 67 - Apr 1995 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 94 - Apr 1995 (2 weeks) |
60 |
The Beatles |
In My Life |
1965 |
WXPN 4, Vinyl Surrender 14 (1965), DDD 15 of 1965, Rolling Stone 23, Scrobulate 62 of good stuff, UK 78 - Nov 2010 (1 week), nuTsie 95 of 1960s, Acclaimed 212 (1965), NY Daily Love list 6, WFUV 6, Party 176 of 2007 |
61 |
The Beatles |
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) |
1965 |
Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1966, Scrobulate 34 of oldies, DDD 43 of 1965, WXPN 67, Rolling Stone 83, Acclaimed 429 (1965), WFUV 67, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
62 |
The Beatles |
I'm down |
1965 |
Canada 1 - Jul 1965 (13 weeks), Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Aug 1965, Keener 5 - Aug 1965 (6 weeks), RYM 6 of 1965 |
63 |
The Beatles |
For You Blue |
1970 |
Record World 1 - 1970, Canada 1 - May 1970 (9 weeks), Australia Goset 6 - Jul 1970 (22 weeks), Scrobulate 65 of happy, RYM 15 of 1970 |
64 |
The Beatles |
Baby You're A Rich Man |
1967 |
Australia 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1967, Australia Goset 1 - Jul 1967 (13 weeks), Keener 4 - Jul 1967 (5 weeks), US Billboard 34 - Jul 1967 (5 weeks), RYM 26 of 1967 |
65 |
The Beatles |
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band |
1967 |
Scrobulate 38 of oldies, Australia Goset 40 - Aug 1967 (2 weeks), DDD 56 of 1967, UK 63 - Oct 1978 (3 weeks), US Billboard 71 - Sep 1978 (7 weeks), TheQ 168, WXPN 330, Acclaimed 2272 (1967), RYM 6 of 1978 |
66 |
The Beatles |
Here Comes the Sun |
1970 |
France 7 - Mar 1970 (1 week), DDD 26 of 1969, WXPN 40, UK 64 - Nov 2010 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 81 of classic rock, OzNet 712, RYM 34 of 1994, WFUV 40 |
67 |
The Beatles |
Back in the USSR |
1971 |
UK 19 - Jul 1976 (6 weeks), Sweden (alt) 19 - Aug 1976 (2 weeks), DDD 54 of 1968, Scrobulate 91 of rock & roll, OzNet 244, Acclaimed 2074 (1968), RYM 101 of 1971 |
68 |
The Beatles |
No Reply |
1965 |
Holland 1 - Mar 1965 (20 weeks), Flanders 9 - Apr 1965 (2 months), RYM 41 of 1965 |
69 |
The Beatles |
You Can't Do That |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 1 week - May 1964, Canada 33 - Jun 1964 (1 week), US Billboard 48 - Apr 1964 (4 weeks), DDD 104 of 1964, RYM 4 of 1964 |
70 |
The Beatles |
With a Little Help From My Friends |
1967 |
DDD 41 of 1967, Scrobulate 51 of oldies, UK 63 - Oct 1978 (3 weeks), TheQ 168, Rolling Stone 304, WXPN 627, Acclaimed 2049 (1967), RYM 6 of 1978 |
71 |
The Beatles |
Matchbox |
1964 |
Canada 6 - Sep 1964 (10 weeks), Keener 16 - Aug 1964 (3 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Sep 1964 (8 weeks), Record World 22 - 1964, US Radio 154 of 1964 (peak 17 3 weeks), RYM 73 of 1964 |
72 |
The Beatles |
I Don't Want to Spoil the Party |
1965 |
Canada 1 - Feb 1965 (12 weeks), Keener 2 - Feb 1965 (4 weeks), US Billboard 39 - Feb 1965 (6 weeks), RYM 21 of 1965 |
73 |
The Beatles |
Across the Universe |
1970 |
Scrobulate 14 of british, Japan (Tokyo) 42 - Nov 2003 (1 week), DDD 46 of 1970, WXPN 64, Acclaimed 1158 (1970) |
74 |
The Beatles |
Hey Bulldog |
1999 |
Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Aug 1999 (11 weeks), Poland 32 - Sep 1999 (22 weeks), RYM 86 of 1972 |
75 |
The Beatles |
The Inner Light |
1968 |
Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1968, Australia Goset 1 - Apr 1968 (13 weeks), US Billboard 96 - Mar 1968 (1 week), RYM 17 of 1968 |
76 |
The Beatles |
Ain't She Sweet? |
1964 |
Record World 13 - 1964, Keener 14 - Jul 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jul 1964 (9 weeks), UK 29 - Jun 1964 (6 weeks), US Radio 174 of 1964 (peak 19 1 week) |
77 |
The Beatles |
Boys |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1964, Australia 12 of 1964, Scrobulate 31 of rock & roll |
78 |
The Beatles |
Slow Down |
1964 |
Canada 6 - Sep 1964 (6 weeks), Keener 16 - Aug 1964 (3 weeks), Record World 23 - 1964, US Billboard 25 - Sep 1964 (7 weeks), RYM 73 of 1964 |
79 |
The Beatles |
This Boy |
1963 |
Canada 1 - Mar 1964 (10 weeks), DDD 73 of 1963, RYM 6 of 1963 |
80 |
The Beatles |
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds |
1967 |
Scrobulate 23 of classic rock, DDD 47 of 1967, Vinyl Surrender 58 (1967), OzNet 546, Acclaimed 1577 (1967), RYM 26 of 1996 |
81 |
The Beatles |
And Your Bird Can Sing |
1966 |
Peel list 2 of 1966, Scrobulate 90 of 60s, WXPN 668, Acclaimed 1438 (1966) |
82 |
The Beatles |
Hold Me Tight |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1964, Australia 13 of 1964, RYM 89 of 1964 |
83 |
The Beatles |
Things We Said Today |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Jul 1964, Acclaimed 2067 (1964), RYM 11 of 1964 |
84 |
The Beatles |
Blackbird |
1996 |
WXPN 39, Scrobulate 51 of classic rock, RYM 72 of 1996, WFUV 52 |
85 |
The Beatles |
Thank you Girl |
1963 |
US Billboard 35 - Apr 1964 (7 weeks), Record World 39 - 1964, DDD 102 of 1963, RYM 14 of 1963 |
86 |
The Beatles |
Tomorrow Never Knows |
1966 |
Scrobulate 8 of psychedelic, DDD 66 of 1966, WXPN 284, Acclaimed 499 (1966), Guardian Rock 16 |
87 |
The Beatles |
Honey Don't |
1965 |
Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Apr 1965, Australia 12 of 1965 |
88 |
The Beatles |
I'll Cry Instead |
1964 |
Canada 20 - Aug 1964 (7 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Aug 1964 (7 weeks), Record World 28 - 1964, RYM 56 of 1964 |
89 |
The Beatles |
I call your Name |
1964 |
Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1964, RYM 142 of 1964 |
90 |
The Beatles |
Here, There & Everywhere |
1966 |
DDD 35 of 1966, Vinyl Surrender 94 (1966), WXPN 170, RYM 133 of 1996, NY Daily Love list 47, WFUV 51 |
91 |
The Beatles |
Birthday |
1968 |
DDD 33 of 1968, Scrobulate 90 of happy, OzNet 491, RYM 134 of 1994 |
92 |
The Beatles |
The Fool on the Hill |
1970 |
France 4 - Jun 1970 (4 weeks), Scrobulate 55 of 60s, RYM 160 of 1996 |
93 |
The Beatles |
Helter Skelter |
1968 |
DDD 13 of 1968, Acclaimed 653 (1968), WXPN 849, RYM 16 of 1976 |
94 |
The Beatles |
All Together Now |
1972 |
Holland 19 - Feb 1972 (6 weeks), Belgium 29 - Mar 1972 (1 week), RYM 86 of 1972 |
95 |
The Beatles |
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away |
1965 |
DDD 73 of 1965, WXPN 376, Acclaimed 1672 (1965), RYM 127 of 1996 |
96 |
The Beatles |
Anna (Go to Him) |
1963 |
Brazil 50 of 1967, RYM 73 of 1963 |
97 |
The Beatles |
Old Brown Shoe |
1969 |
Australia Goset 1 - Jul 1969 (13 weeks), RYM 21 of 1969 |
98 |
The Beatles |
I'm Happy Just to Dance With You |
1964 |
Canada 20 - Aug 1964 (7 weeks), US Billboard 95 - Aug 1964 (1 week), RYM 56 of 1964 |
99 |
The Beatles |
I'll Be on My Way |
1994 |
Japan (Tokyo) 4 - Dec 1994 (11 weeks) |
100 |
The Beatles |
What Goes On |
1966 |
Keener 3 - Feb 1966 (4 weeks), US Billboard 81 - Mar 1966 (2 weeks), RYM 18 of 1966 |
101 |
The Beatles |
I'm Only Sleeping |
1966 |
Scrobulate 66 of psychedelic, WXPN 585, Acclaimed 1677 (1966) |
102 |
The Beatles |
Happiness is a Warm Gun |
1968 |
Scrobulate 51 of 60s, Vinyl Surrender 144 (1968), Acclaimed 390 (1968) |
103 |
The Beatles |
When I'm Sixty-Four |
1996 |
Scrobulate 93 of oldies, RYM 26 of 1996 |
104 |
The Beatles |
I'll Follow the Sun |
1965 |
Norway 10 - Oct 1965 (1 week), RYM 110 of 1965 |
105 |
The Beatles |
Misery |
1964 |
Italy 62 of 1964, RYM 127 of 1965 |
106 |
The Beatles |
Octopus's Garden |
1994 |
Scrobulate 93 of rock & roll, RYM 34 of 1994 |
107 |
The Beatles |
Taxman |
1994 |
Scrobulate 100 of oldies, RYM 134 of 1994 |
108 |
The Beatles |
Kansas City |
1965 |
Germany 21 - Aug 1965 (1 month), RYM 110 of 1965 |
109 |
The Beatles |
Money (That's What I Want) |
1963 |
Scrobulate 21 of rock & roll, RYM 40 of 1963 |
110 |
The Beatles |
Drive My Car |
1965 |
Scrobulate 76 of oldies, DDD 83 of 1965 |
111 |
The Beatles |
Getting Better |
1967 |
Scrobulate 57 of oldies, DDD 83 of 1967 |
112 |
The Beatles |
For No One |
1966 |
Scrobulate 97 of oldies, Vinyl Surrender 143 (1966) |
113 |
The Beatles |
It Won't Be Long |
1963 |
DDD 71 of 1963, RYM 40 of 1963 |
114 |
The Beatles |
Please Mr Postman |
1963 |
Scrobulate 95 of rock & roll, RYM 30 of 1963 |
115 |
The Beatles |
I'm So Tired |
1968 |
Scrobulate 92 of rock & roll, Acclaimed 1418 (1968) |
116 |
The Beatles |
Revolver |
1966 |
Norway 9 - Aug 1966 (2 weeks) |
117 |
The Beatles |
Now & Then |
2023 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 1 - Nov 2023 (8 weeks), US Songs 2014-23 peak 7 - Nov 2023 (2 weeks) |
118 |
The Beatles |
Love Me Do (1982) |
1982 |
UK 4 - Oct 1982 (8 weeks) |
119 |
The Beatles |
Bad Boy |
1966 |
Holland 32 - May 1966 (5 weeks) |
120 |
The Beatles |
There's a Place |
1964 |
US Billboard 74 - Apr 1964 (1 week), RYM 9 of 1964 |
121 |
The Beatles |
Sie Liebt Dich (She Loves You) |
1964 |
US Billboard 97 - Jun 1964 (1 week), RYM 83 of 1964 |
122 |
The Beatles |
Cry for a Shadow |
1964 |
NZ Lever 6 - Jun 1964 (2 weeks) |
123 |
The Beatles |
Good Day Sunshine |
1966 |
DDD 97 of 1966, RYM 133 of 1996 |
124 |
The Beatles |
You know my Name (Look up the Number) |
1970 |
Scrobulate 87 of english, RYM 9 of 1970 |
125 |
The Beatles |
She Said, She Said |
1966 |
Acclaimed 1877 (1966), Guardian Rock 15 |
126 |
The Beatles |
Paperback Writer (1976) |
1976 |
UK 23 - Mar 1976 (5 weeks) |
127 |
The Beatles |
I'm a Loser |
1964 |
DDD 78 of 1964 |
128 |
The Beatles |
Why? |
1964 |
US Billboard 88 - Apr 1964 (1 week) |
129 |
The Beatles |
Please Please Me (1983) |
1983 |
UK 29 - Jan 1983 (4 weeks) |
130 |
The Beatles |
She Loves You (1983) |
1983 |
UK 45 - Sep 1983 (3 weeks) |
131 |
The Beatles |
Paperback Writer (1986) |
1986 |
UK 78 - Jun 1986 (2 weeks) |
132 |
The Beatles |
Can't Buy Me Love (1984) |
1984 |
UK 53 - Mar 1984 (2 weeks) |
133 |
The Beatles |
Four By The Beatles (EP) |
1965 |
US Billboard 68 - Feb 1965 (5 weeks) |
134 |
The Beatles |
You're Going to Lose That Girl |
1965 |
DDD 105 of 1965 |
135 |
The Beatles |
I Want You (She's So Heavy) |
1969 |
DDD 83 of 1969 |
136 |
The Beatles |
Glad All Over |
1994 |
Poland 23 - Dec 1994 (9 weeks) |
137 |
The Beatles |
I've Just Seen a Face |
1996 |
RYM 127 of 1996 |
138 |
The Beatles |
I'll get you |
1963 |
RYM 4 of 1963 |
139 |
The Beatles |
Ask Me Why |
1963 |
RYM 10 of 1963 |
140 |
The Beatles |
Oh! Darling |
unknown |
Scrobulate 72 of british, OzNet 257 |
141 |
The Beatles |
Dear Prudence |
unknown |
Scrobulate 54 of 60s, WXPN 137 |
142 |
The Beatles |
Golden Slumbers |
unknown |
Scrobulate 62 of 60s, WXPN 447 |
143 |
The Beatles |
Two of Us |
unknown |
Scrobulate 86 of english, WXPN 505 |
144 |
The Beatles |
If I Needed Someone |
unknown |
Scrobulate 91 of 60s, WXPN 742 |
145 |
The Beatles |
Revolution 9 |
unknown |
Scrobulate 2 of avant-garde |
146 |
The Beatles |
Komm gib mir deine Hand |
1964 |
RYM 83 of 1964 |
147 |
The Beatles |
Tell Me Why |
1964 |
RYM 104 of 1964 |
148 |
The Beatles |
Don't Pass Me By |
1971 |
RYM 101 of 1971 |
149 |
The Beatles |
Dizzy Miss Lizzy |
unknown |
Scrobulate 20 of rock & roll |
150 |
The Beatles |
Leave My Kitten Alone |
unknown |
Scrobulate 40 of rock & roll |
151 |
The Beatles |
Goodnight |
unknown |
Scrobulate 66 of relaxing |
152 |
The Beatles |
Fixing a Hole |
unknown |
Scrobulate 67 of 60s |
153 |
The Beatles |
Lovely Rita |
unknown |
Scrobulate 68 of british |
154 |
The Beatles |
Think for Yourself |
unknown |
Scrobulate 70 of hi fidelity |
155 |
The Beatles |
Why Don't We Do it in the Road? |
unknown |
Scrobulate 81 of halftoned singles club |
156 |
The Beatles |
Run For Your Life |
unknown |
Scrobulate 83 of nice elevator music |
157 |
The Beatles |
I Want to Tell You |
unknown |
Scrobulate 91 of oldies |
158 |
The Beatles |
Revolution 1 |
unknown |
Scrobulate 94 of 60s |
159 |
The Beatles |
One After 909 |
unknown |
Scrobulate 94 of rock & roll |
160 |
The Beatles |
Wait |
unknown |
Scrobulate 96 of rock & roll |
161 |
The Beatles |
Within You Without You |
unknown |
Scrobulate 96 of psychedelic |
162 |
The Beatles |
When I Get Home |
unknown |
Scrobulate 97 of rock & roll |
163 |
The Beatles |
Honey Pie |
unknown |
Scrobulate 98 of oldies |
164 |
The Beatles |
Maxwell's Silver Hammer |
unknown |
Scrobulate 99 of oldies |
165 |
The Beatles |
Carry That Weight |
unknown |
WXPN 447 |
166 |
The Beatles |
The End |
unknown |
WXPN 447 |
167 |
The Beatles |
Rocky Raccoon |
unknown |
WXPN 521 |
168 |
The Beatles |
I Will |
unknown |
WXPN 816 |
169 |
The Beatles |
I'm Looking Through You |
unknown |
WXPN 865 |
In addition to the above listed songs The Beatles also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
The Beatles & Tony Sheridan |
My Bonnie |
1963 |
NZ Lever 1 - Mar 1964 (1 week), US Billboard 26 - Feb 1964 (6 weeks), UK 48 - Jun 1963 (1 week), RYM 13 of 1962 |
2 |
The Beatles & Tony Sheridan |
The Saints |
1962 |
RYM 13 of 1962 |
Previous Comments (newest first)
29 Oct 2018
Doubled song - She loves you
#5 She Loves You #129 She Loves You (1983) #120 Sie Liebt Dich (She Loves You) This is the same song and all points should go to the original first one
Anyway: most complex all-time base I ever seen :) Regards from Poland
In this case there are actually different songs as well as different chart runs, that's why we keep them distinct.(have a look at its rather freaky)
19 Jun 2018 #6 Help spent 24 weeks on Holland 40 not 34 weeks
Data fixed, thanks
30 Dec 2015
#41 I don't believe that song was a number 1, although the album titled thesame was. This list is incredible. It's helped me create a Spotify playlist of a all of their #1's. Thank you.
The listing doesn't say that "Real Love" was number 1 anywhere, we suspect that you are referring to a different number 41.
The source charts are listed on the "Song Charts" page.
We'd be happy to check the original chart data but can't do that until you tell us the name of the song and the chart you think are wrong
31 Oct 2015
#102 - Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava
This recording should be removed from here. It was recorded by a Braziliangroup called Os Incriveis. It is about the Beatles & The Rolling Stones.
Data fixed, thanks
29 Sep 2015
I Should Have Known Better
22 Sep 2015
Double Listing - I Don't Want To Spoil the Party
#78 & #117 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
19 Apr 2013
Sie Liebt Dich
While it's true that Sie Liebt Dich is a German version of She Loves You, it should qualify as a separate entry because The Beatles had to re-record it in its entirety--instruments and all; not just the vocals. On the other hand, Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand (I Want to Hold Your Hand) used the same instrumental track (it was recorded 4-track) as the English version; they only had to re-do the vocals.
Interesting info, thanks for the input. We would list both as seperate songs anyway (because the title changed), but clarifications like this help people to get a better picture.
3 Mar 2012
Song artist 3 - The Beatles
In order for the Beatles to be called "the most successful chart act of all-time" they would've had to had more chart entries on both the singles and album charts. The last time that I checked ELVIS holds that distinction.
Elvis has more chart entries, however The Beatles have higher positions. There is no way that two songs that peaked at 95 and were in the charts for a week each is as impressive as a single number one. We've used a variety of measures for success, Elvis wins some, but The Beatles win more. On balance, we feel that The Beatles get the title.
3 Mar 2012
Dollywood isn't a private residence, it's a theme park. I guarantee Dolly Parton's private residence doesn't draw a fraction of what Graceland does.
27 Aug 2011
Beatles group and solo list
Love the site! Amazing!! Any chance you could work up a composite list of songs from The Beatles together and solo...putting them all together?
I know lots of us would love to see it. (Same thing with their albums)
In fact you can generate this list easily yourself.
Start by downloading the latest CSV file (called something like "tsort-chart-1-10-0038.csv" and available for download from the "CSV File" link on the "Versions" page, see the link at the bottom of this page).
You can then extract the entries that mention "The Beatles", "John Lennon", "Paul McCartney", "George Harrison", "Ringo Starr" and "Wings" (either alone or with others).
That would give you all the entries, any spreadsheet program would be able to split that into songs and albums, sorting by year, by "score" or by artist.
We'd be interested to hear if you use this to create any playlists or for anything else. That's exactly why we created the site
11 Aug 2011
Sie liebt Dich
Sie liebt Dich - as EVERYONE knows is She Loves You in German.
Apart from that - great site.
Indeed it is a version of "She Loves You" which the Beatles sang in German, not just a German title for the same recording.
This caused us some discussion two years ago, but our final decision was that it should be listed separately from "She Loves You" since in some markets both the English and German versions were separate hits.
We agree that this is a borderline case, and could be argued either way, but the listing here is not a mistake but a conscious effort to reflect reality.
25 Jun 2011
I like all your songs
7 Dec 2010
I don't understand what unknown year means. "Lovely Rita" (145) was a hit in 1967, for example.
Songs appear more than once, like "She Loves You" (12,115,139). The charted year is important, but for practical purpose, the release year is more. I don't think that a foreign title makes it a different song.
Is "Love Me Do (1982)" (127) not the same song as "Love Me Do" (30)? And why the year is 1964? The UK chart says 1962.
You say that "Lovely Rita" was a hit in 1967, where? It wasn't a hit in the UK chart or Billboard or Holland or ... The only place we know it was a hit was in the "Scrobulate" chart. And when was it a hit in that chart? We don't know so the year it was a hit is... unknown.
The song "Sie Liebt Dich" is a German version of "Love Me Do", The Beatles sang a distinct version in German (it's on the "Rarities" album, try looking up "Sie Liebt Dich" on YouTube), clearly not just a "foreign title" but a different single. We don't know about the re-release in 1982, it could be the same single, or it could have been a new mix, with a gap of almost 20 years we didn't want to assume its the same.
We have a page that discusses how we assign years, we can't of course use the release date, after all we do, have more than 130,000 songs listed. The year listed here is the year that the song was a hit, which we think is what most readers actually want anyway.
"Love Me Do" was a hit in 1964 in 10 charts (in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Brazil) and a hit in 1962 in 4 charts (only in the UK), so most of the world would consider the song to have been a hit in 1964.
The fact that, as we are UK based, we like you think of "Love Me Do" as being a hit of 1962 actually doesn't matter. Most of the planet would say 1964 so that's where its listed here. On this site we don't get to adjust the scores and we don't get to adjust the years.
The entry here, of course, shows all this detail, you can see that the song entered the UK chart in Oct 1962 and reached number 17, that it reached number 1 in the US Billboard chart which it entered in Apr 1964 and details of all the other charts it entered and when. If you want to get into these details we've provided them, if you don't then the short summary is that most of the world would consider "Love Me Do" a hit of 1964.
27 Jul 2010
It must be remembered that alot of Elvis' sales were lost through the years and probably lost forever. Also, Elvis' label failed to get much of Elvis' releases certified by paying the fee to do so. Also, by the time the Beatles and the British Invasion arrived many countries had more accurate sales charts. The Beatles obviously were the ones that benefitted the most from that. The facts are this, you don't see millions visiting John Lennon's or Paul McCartney's home every year.
Your main point is exactly right. The count of number 1s obviously depends on the number of charts that were active at the time (and place). When Elvis was at his peak there were fewer charts, so less chance to be number 1.
However the number of charts was increasing all the way up to the year 1970 so if that were the only factor then one would expect a group from the 1970s, 1980s or 1990s to lead the count. In addition Elvis was releasing music up to 1977, in our listing he was the second biggest act of the 1960s (after The Beatles) so he should have also benefited from the greater number of charts as well.
We have tried a number of approaches to allow acts from different decades to be compared, none of which is completely satisfactory. In terms of song success we feel that it is possible to argue for either Elvis or The Beatles to have been the most successful act of all time (or at a stretch Glenn Miller, Bing Crosby or possibly even Madonna). Whichever reasonable metric is used these acts consistently come out ahead of the rest of the pack (of course vocal fans of various other acts claim that they were "bigger than Elvis/The Beatles" but this is usually based on an astounding ignorance of history combined with a belief that making the same ridiculous claims enough times makes them true).
Finally we suspect that the number of visitors to Graceland (600k/year) as compared with say either 20 Forthlin Road or 251 Menlove Avenue (which are both run by the UK National Trust) probably has more to do with the sizes of the properties and the number of tourists in Liverpool. But even so the "number of visitors" metric doesn't seem like a good one to us, for example Dollywood gets at least four times as many visitors as Graceland, I don't think very many people would conclude that Dolly Parton was a bigger star than Elvis!