Song artist 124 - Marvin Gaye

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Marvin Gaye Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Marvin Gaye.A list of the hit albums by Marvin Gaye is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Marvin Gaye I Heard it Through the Grapevine 1968 UK 1 - Feb 1969 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Nov 1968 (15 weeks), Record World 1 - 1968, Keener 1 - Nov 1968 (9 weeks), Canada 1 - Nov 1968 (8 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1968), DDD 1 of 1968, Springbok 3 - Mar 1969 (9 weeks), D.Marsh 3 of 1968, US CashBox 4 of 1969, US Radio 4 of 1968 (peak 1 12 weeks), Scrobulate 4 of soul, nuTsie 4 of 1960s, US invalid BB 5 of 1968, POP 5 of 1968, Acclaimed 8 (1968), DMDB 9 (1968), KQV 11 of 1968, Belgium 17 - Jun 1986 (4 weeks), Holland 18 - Jan 1969 (13 weeks), RIAA 21, WABC NY 26 of 1969, Canada 28 of 1969, Australia Goset 40 - Apr 1969 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 48 - Jun 1986 (5 weeks), Brazil 59 of 1969, 64 in 2FM list, Billboard 50th song 65, 55th Billboard 100 76 (1968), Vinyl Surrender 79 (1968), Rolling Stone 80, Billboard100 81, US BB 88 of 1969, OzNet 97, Belgium 179 of all time, UKMIX 204, WXPN 604, RYM 10 of 1968, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Marvin Gaye (Sexual) Healing 1983 Canada 1 - Jan 1983 (13 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1983, New Zealand 1 for 6 weeks - Jan 1983, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 2001), US Billboard 3 - Oct 1982 (20 weeks), Holland 3 - Nov 1982 (9 weeks), Belgium 3 - Dec 1982 (9 weeks), UK 4 - Oct 1982 (14 weeks), nuTsie 5 of 1980s, Canada 12 of 1983, ARC 15 of 1983 (peak 2 15 weeks), Sweden (alt) 17 - Feb 1983 (2 weeks), US Radio 18 of 1983 (peak 3 12 weeks), POP 19 of 1983, ODK Germany 23 - Dec 1982 (22 weeks), Scrobulate 27 of soul, US BB 32 of 1983, Brazil 41 of 1983, US CashBox 44 of 1982, Acclaimed 135 (1982), Rolling Stone 231, WXPN 365, OzNet 734, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Nov 1982), RYM 41 of 1982, NY Daily Love list 82, Party 169 of 2007, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Marvin Gaye Let's Get it On 1973 US Billboard 1 - Jul 1973 (19 weeks), Record World 1 - 1973, US Radio 1 of 1973 (peak 1 15 weeks), POP 1 of 1973, DDD 2 of 1973, D.Marsh 2 of 1973, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 2007), US BB 4 of 1973, WABC NY 5 of 1973, Scrobulate 9 of soul, US CashBox 11 of 1973, Canada 13 - Aug 1973 (11 weeks), nuTsie 18 of 1970s, UK 31 - Sep 1973 (7 weeks), Billboard 50th song 32, 55th Billboard 100 37 (1973), Billboard100 38, Brazil 49 of 1973, WXPN 111, Rolling Stone 167, Acclaimed 302 (1973), RYM 36 of 1973, NY Daily Love list 50, Party 47 of 2007
4 Marvin Gaye What's Going On? 1971 Keener 1 - Feb 1971 (10 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Feb 1971 (15 weeks), Record World 2 - 1971, Scrobulate 2 of soul, DDD 3 of 1971, Rolling Stone 4, D.Marsh 4 of 1971, nuTsie 4 of 1970s, France 7 - Jun 1971 (2 weeks), POP 7 of 1971, WABC NY 9 of 1971, Canada 10 - Mar 1971 (10 weeks), WXPN 13, Acclaimed 18 (1971), US BB 21 of 1971, US Radio 21 of 1971 (peak 2 11 weeks), Brazil 21 of 1971, US CashBox 22 of 1971, KQV 25 of 1971, DMDB 50 (1971), RIAA 65, UK 80 - Nov 1983 (4 weeks), OzNet 260, RYM 19 of 1971, WFUV 73, Guardian Pop 34, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
5 Marvin Gaye Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 1971 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002 (1971), Record World 2 - 1971, France 2 - Aug 1971 (5 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jul 1971 (12 weeks), Keener 6 - Jun 1971 (7 weeks), Vinyl Surrender 8 (1971), Canada 12 - Jul 1971 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 19 of soul, D.Marsh 19 of 1971, DDD 21 of 1971, US CashBox 26 of 1971, WABC NY 41 of 1971, US Radio 53 of 1971 (peak 4 8 weeks), Brazil 56 of 1972, US BB 62 of 1971, POP 64 of 1971, KQV 92 of 1971, nuTsie 100 of 1970s, WXPN 424, Acclaimed 922 (1971), RYM 65 of 1971
6 Marvin Gaye Got to Give it Up 1977 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1977 (18 weeks), Record World 1 - 1977, POP 4 of 1977, France 5 - Jun 1977 (3 weeks), UK 7 - May 1977 (10 weeks), US Radio 8 of 1977 (peak 1 12 weeks), WABC NY 15 of 1977, Canada 15 - Jun 1977 (8 weeks), D.Marsh 19 of 1977, US BB 20 of 1977, Belgium 21 - Aug 1977 (2 weeks), Holland 29 - Jul 1977 (4 weeks), RIANZ 31 - Jul 1977 (2 weeks), US CashBox 39 of 1977, Canada 46 of 1977, Acclaimed 2253 (1977), RYM 164 of 1977
7 Marvin Gaye Too Busy Thinking 'bout My Baby 1969 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1969 (15 weeks), UK 5 - Jul 1969 (16 weeks), Record World 5 - 1969, Canada 7 - May 1969 (8 weeks), Keener 13 - Apr 1969 (6 weeks), US BB 14 of 1969, D.Marsh 25 of 1969, KQV 43 of 1969, US Radio 48 of 1969 (peak 4 10 weeks), US CashBox 53 of 1969, Scrobulate 70 of soul, WABC NY 83 of 1969, DDD 101 of 1969, RYM 164 of 1969
8 Marvin Gaye Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) 1971 Record World 7 - 1971, Keener 7 - Sep 1971 (8 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Oct 1971 (9 weeks), France 9 - Dec 1971 (1 week), Canada 11 - Oct 1971 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 23 of 1971, DDD 34 of 1971, Scrobulate 68 of soul, WABC NY 92 of 1971, US Radio 99 of 1971 (peak 9 4 weeks), Acclaimed 836 (1971), RYM 56 of 1971
9 Marvin Gaye Pride & Joy 1963 US invalid BB 7 of 1963, POP 7 of 1963, US Billboard 10 - May 1963 (14 weeks), DDD 54 of 1963, US BB 72 of 1963, WABC NY 82 of 1963, US CashBox 92 of 1963, US Radio 99 of 1963 (peak 10 6 weeks), RYM 144 of 1963
10 Marvin Gaye How Sweet it is (to be Loved by You) 1965 US Billboard 6 - Nov 1964 (14 weeks), Record World 8 - 1965, US invalid BB 17 of 1965, POP 17 of 1965, Keener 18 - Nov 1964 (4 weeks), US CashBox 31 of 1965, DDD 35 of 1964, UK 49 - Dec 1964 (1 week), US Radio 71 of 1965 (peak 6 6 weeks), US BB 100 of 1965, RYM 57 of 1964
11 Marvin Gaye That's the Way Love Is 1969 US Billboard 7 - Aug 1969 (12 weeks), Canada 9 - Sep 1969 (4 weeks), France 9 - Apr 1970 (1 week), Record World 12 - 1969, Keener 14 - Aug 1969 (4 weeks), US BB 72 of 1969, US CashBox 75 of 1969, WABC NY 86 of 1969, US Radio 90 of 1969 (peak 7 6 weeks)
12 Marvin Gaye Ain't That Peculiar 1965 Keener 5 - Sep 1965 (4 weeks), Record World 7 - 1965, US Billboard 8 - Oct 1965 (12 weeks), US invalid BB 14 of 1965, POP 14 of 1965, Canada 33 - Nov 1965 (5 weeks), DDD 54 of 1965, US Radio 70 of 1965 (peak 8 7 weeks), Acclaimed 1337 (1965), RYM 85 of 1965
13 Marvin Gaye I'll Be Doggone 1965 US Billboard 8 - Mar 1965 (12 weeks), Keener 8 - Mar 1965 (6 weeks), Record World 11 - 1965, US invalid BB 13 of 1965, POP 13 of 1965, D.Marsh 34 of 1965, US BB 58 of 1965, DDD 65 of 1965, US CashBox 78 of 1965, US Radio 104 of 1965 (peak 8 6 weeks)
14 Marvin Gaye I Want You 1976 France 3 - Oct 1976 (4 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Apr 1976 (13 weeks), D.Marsh 21 of 1976, Record World 25 - 1976, Scrobulate 87 of soul, WABC NY 88 of 1976, US Radio 126 of 1976 (peak 15 4 weeks), RYM 160 of 1975
15 Marvin Gaye Can I Get a Witness 1963 Keener 3 - Nov 1963 (6 weeks), D.Marsh 20 of 1963, US Billboard 22 - Oct 1963 (16 weeks), DDD 26 of 1963, US CashBox 34 of 1964, RYM 59 of 1963
16 Marvin Gaye You're A Wonderful One 1964 Keener 10 - Mar 1964 (5 weeks), US Billboard 15 - Mar 1964 (10 weeks), Record World 17 - 1964, Canada 22 - Apr 1964 (6 weeks), DDD 94 of 1964, US Radio 131 of 1964 (peak 15 5 weeks), RYM 182 of 1964
17 Marvin Gaye Stubborn Kind of Fellow 1962 Peel list 2 of 1962, US Billboard 46 - Oct 1962 (9 weeks), DDD 68 of 1962, Scrobulate 76 of rhythm & blues, RYM 36 of 1962
18 Marvin Gaye Hitch Hike 1962 US Billboard 30 - Jan 1963 (12 weeks), D.Marsh 31 of 1963, DDD 58 of 1962, RYM 88 of 1962
19 Marvin Gaye Pretty Little Baby 1965 Keener 11 - Jun 1965 (4 weeks), Record World 13 - 1965, Canada 18 - Jul 1965 (9 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Jul 1965 (7 weeks)
20 Marvin Gaye Try It Baby 1964 US Billboard 15 - Jun 1964 (11 weeks), Keener 16 - Jun 1964 (5 weeks), Record World 24 - 1964, US Radio 136 of 1964 (peak 15 5 weeks)
21 Marvin Gaye You 1968 Keener 22 - Jan 1968 (4 weeks), Record World 31 - 1968, US Billboard 34 - Jan 1968 (7 weeks), Canada 36 - Jan 1968 (4 weeks)
22 Marvin Gaye Trouble Man 1973 Record World 6 - 1973, US Billboard 7 - Dec 1972 (12 weeks), US Radio 82 of 1973 (peak 7 6 weeks)
23 Marvin Gaye Baby Don't You Do It 1964 Keener 15 - Sep 1964 (6 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Sep 1964 (9 weeks), Record World 29 - 1964
24 Marvin Gaye Your Unchanging Love 1967 Canada 31 - Jul 1967 (4 weeks), US Billboard 33 - Jul 1967 (7 weeks), Record World 35 - 1967
25 Marvin Gaye One More Heartache 1966 Keener 20 - Feb 1966 (4 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Feb 1966 (8 weeks), Record World 32 - 1966
26 Marvin Gaye The End of Our Road 1970 Keener 28 - Jun 1970 (2 weeks), Record World 30 - 1970, US Billboard 40 - Jun 1970 (7 weeks)
27 Marvin Gaye Don't Mess With Mister 'T' 1973 Brazil 63 of 1973
28 Marvin Gaye Come Get To This 1973 Record World 18 - 1973, US Billboard 21 - Nov 1973 (13 weeks)
29 Marvin Gaye What Good Am I Without You 1964 Keener 24 - Oct 1964 (2 weeks), US Billboard 61 - Oct 1964 (6 weeks)
30 Marvin Gaye Distant Lover 1974 US Billboard 28 - Sep 1974 (9 weeks), DDD 71 of 1974
31 Marvin Gaye Little Darling (I Need You) 1966 US Billboard 47 - Aug 1966 (7 weeks), UK 50 - Oct 1966 (1 week)
32 Marvin Gaye You're The Man 1972 Record World 35 - 1972, US Billboard 50 - May 1972 (5 weeks)
33 Marvin Gaye Chained 1968 US Billboard 32 - Sep 1968 (10 weeks), Record World 33 - 1968
34 Marvin Gaye How Can I Forget 1970 Record World 27 - 1970, US Billboard 41 - Jan 1970 (7 weeks)
35 Marvin Gaye I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby 1963 US Billboard 77 - Oct 1963 (3 weeks), RYM 59 of 1963
36 Marvin Gaye Lucky Lucky Me 1994 UK 67 - May 1994 (1 week)
37 Marvin Gaye California Soul 1970 US Billboard 56 - May 1970 (3 weeks), RYM 183 of 1970
38 Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through The Grapevine (1986) 1986 UK 8 - Apr 1986 (8 weeks)
39 Marvin Gaye After The Dance 1976 US Billboard 74 - Aug 1976 (5 weeks)
40 Marvin Gaye You Sure Love To Ball 1974 US Billboard 50 - Jan 1974 (6 weeks)
41 Marvin Gaye Abraham, Martin & John 1970 UK 9 - May 1970 (14 weeks)
42 Marvin Gaye My Love is Waiting 1983 UK 34 - Jan 1983 (5 weeks)
43 Marvin Gaye The World Is Rated X 1986 UK 95 - Jun 1986 (1 week)
44 Marvin Gaye Little Darlin'/Save The Children 1971 UK 41 - Dec 1971 (6 weeks)
45 Marvin Gaye Sanctified Lady 1985 UK 51 - May 1985 (4 weeks)
46 Marvin Gaye Take This Heart Of Mine 1966 US Billboard 44 - May 1966 (8 weeks)
47 Marvin Gaye If This World Were Mine 1968 US Billboard 68 - Mar 1968 (6 weeks)
48 Marvin Gaye What You Gave Me 1969 US Billboard 49 - Nov 1969 (8 weeks)
49 Marvin Gaye Gonna Give Her All the Love I've Got 1970 US Billboard 67 - Mar 1970 (4 weeks)
50 Marvin Gaye It Hurts Me Too 1962 RYM 36 of 1962
51 Marvin Gaye Hello There Angel 1962 RYM 88 of 1962
52 Marvin Gaye One of These Days 1963 RYM 144 of 1963
53 Marvin Gaye Forever 1964 RYM 57 of 1964
54 Marvin Gaye When I'm Alone I Cry 1964 RYM 182 of 1964
55 Marvin Gaye I Wish it Would Rain 1973 RYM 36 of 1973
56 Marvin Gaye God is Love 1971 RYM 19 of 1971
57 Marvin Gaye Wholly Holy 1971 RYM 56 of 1971
58 Marvin Gaye Sad Tomorrows 1971 RYM 65 of 1971
59 Marvin Gaye She's Got to Be Real 1965 RYM 85 of 1965
60 Marvin Gaye You're What's Happening (In the World Today) 1968 RYM 10 of 1968
61 Marvin Gaye Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home) 1969 RYM 164 of 1969
62 Marvin Gaye Right On! unknown Scrobulate 69 of soul

In addition to the above listed songs Marvin Gaye also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't No Mountain High Enough 1967 US invalid BB 1 of 1967, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1967), POP 1 of 1967, ASCAP song of 1967, Keener 8 - May 1967 (5 weeks), D.Marsh 14 of 1967, US Billboard 19 - May 1967 (12 weeks), Record World 19 - 1967, Canada 38 - Jun 1967 (4 weeks), DDD 40 of 1967, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 80 - Apr 2013 (1 week), WABC NY 80 of 1967, US BB 87 of 1967, RIAA 140, US Radio 174 of 1967 (peak 19 2 weeks), Acclaimed 410 (1967), RYM 56 of 1967, UK most streamed for 1967
2 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing 1968 Record World 7 - 1968, US invalid BB 7 of 1968, POP 7 of 1968, US Billboard 8 - Apr 1968 (13 weeks), Keener 12 - Apr 1968 (6 weeks), D.Marsh 15 of 1968, Canada 26 - Apr 1968 (4 weeks), UK 34 - Jun 1968 (7 weeks), DDD 39 of 1968, US BB 57 of 1968, US CashBox 70 of 1968, US Radio 82 of 1968 (peak 8 5 weeks), WABC NY 90 of 1968, KQV 111 of 1968, Acclaimed 2285 (1968), RYM 151 of 1968
3 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell You're All I Need to Get By 1968 US Billboard 7 - Jul 1968 (12 weeks), France 8 - Feb 1970 (1 week), Record World 11 - 1968, Keener 12 - Aug 1968 (4 weeks), Canada 17 - Jul 1968 (5 weeks), UK 19 - Oct 1968 (19 weeks), DDD 80 of 1968, US BB 82 of 1968, US CashBox 82 of 1968, WABC NY 86 of 1968, US Radio 86 of 1968 (peak 7 5 weeks), RYM 60 of 1968
4 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Your Precious Love 1967 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Nov 1967, US Billboard 5 - Sep 1967 (13 weeks), Record World 6 - 1967, Canada 6 - Sep 1967 (9 weeks), Keener 8 - Sep 1967 (5 weeks), US BB 32 of 1967, DDD 45 of 1967, US Radio 46 of 1967 (peak 5 7 weeks), US CashBox 59 of 1967, Canada 67 of 1967, RYM 117 of 1967
5 Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston It Takes Two 1967 US Billboard 14 - Jan 1967 (12 weeks), Holland 15 - Feb 1967 (10 weeks), UK 16 - Jan 1967 (11 weeks), Canada 16 - Jan 1967 (7 weeks), Record World 19 - 1967, US invalid BB 20 of 1967, POP 20 of 1967, Australia Goset 35 - Jun 1967 (6 weeks), US Radio 158 of 1967 (peak 14 3 weeks), RYM 173 of 1966
6 Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye My Mistake (was To Love You) 1974 US Billboard 19 - Feb 1974 (16 weeks), Record World 20 - 1974, D.Marsh 25 of 1974, Brazil 32 of 1974, US BB 91 of 1974, US Radio 156 of 1974 (peak 19 2 weeks)
7 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If I Could Build My Whole World Around You 1967 US Billboard 10 - Dec 1967 (11 weeks), Record World 13 - 1968, Keener 18 - Nov 1967 (4 weeks), Canada 20 - Dec 1967 (6 weeks), UK 41 - Jan 1968 (7 weeks), US Radio 103 of 1968 (peak 10 4 weeks), Acclaimed 2012 (1967)
8 Erick Sermon & Marvin Gaye Music 2001 US Billboard 22 - Jun 2001 (20 weeks), UK 36 - Oct 2001 (2 weeks), US BB 83 of 2001, RYM 164 of 2001, song 87 of 2001
9 Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells Once Upon a Time 1964 US Billboard 19 - May 1964 (9 weeks), Canada 22 - May 1964 (6 weeks), Record World 25 - 1964, UK 50 - Aug 1964 (1 week), US Radio 169 of 1964 (peak 19 3 weeks)
10 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Keep On Lovin' Me Honey 1968 Canada 10 - Oct 1968 (7 weeks), Keener 18 - Oct 1968 (3 weeks), Record World 22 - 1968, US Billboard 24 - Oct 1968 (7 weeks)
11 Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye You Are Everything 1974 UK 5 - Mar 1974 (12 weeks), Holland 14 - Apr 1974 (9 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in May 1974)
12 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Good Lovin' Ain't Easy to Come By 1969 Keener 23 - Feb 1969 (3 weeks), UK 26 - Jun 1969 (8 weeks), US Billboard 30 - Feb 1969 (7 weeks), Record World 33 - 1969
13 Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye Pledging My Love 1974 Springbok 18 - Mar 1974 (3 weeks), Brazil 85 of 1974
14 Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye Stop Look Listen (To Your Heart) 1974 UK 25 - Jul 1974 (8 weeks), Brazil 57 of 1974
15 Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye You're A Special Part Of Me 1973 US Billboard 12 - Oct 1973 (12 weeks), Record World 17 - 1973, US Radio 108 of 1973 (peak 12 5 weeks)
16 Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells What's The Matter With You Baby 1964 US Billboard 17 - May 1964 (10 weeks), Record World 29 - 1964, US Radio 171 of 1964 (peak 17 1 week)
17 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell The Onion Song 1970 UK 9 - Nov 1969 (12 weeks), US Billboard 50 - Apr 1970 (4 weeks), RYM 183 of 1970
18 Diana Ross & Smokey Robinson & Marvin Gaye & Stevie Wonder Pops We Love You 1979 US Billboard 59 - Jan 1979 (7 weeks), UK 66 - Feb 1979 (5 weeks)
19 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell You Ain't Livin' Till You're Lovin' 1969 UK 21 - Jan 1969 (8 weeks)
20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Give a Little Love 1967 RYM 56 of 1967
21 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Hold Me, Oh My Darling 1967 RYM 117 of 1967
22 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Two Can Have a Party 1968 RYM 60 of 1968
23 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Little Ole Boy, Little Ole Girl 1968 RYM 151 of 1968

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Previous Comments (newest first)

13 Oct 2017

#3 - Let's Get It On

The following Chart Entry should be removed from this Single & transferred to the Album of the same name; Grammy Hall of Fame in 2004 (1973).

Data fixed, thanks

15 Nov 2016

Double Listing - Your Precious Love

#5 & #19 (both under Duets with Tammi Terrell) are the same.

Data fixed, thanks

28 Sep 2015

Double Listing - Pretty Little Baby

#22 & #40 seem to be the same. I can find no record of a Marvin Gaye song titled "Pretty Little Girl".

Look correct, data fixed, thanks

10 Nov 2014

Double Listing - You're A Wonderful One

#17 and #39 are same recording.

That looks correct, data fixed, thanks

9 Feb 2012

At least Top 20

Its totally unbelievable that Marvin is only on #182??? The computation of this Chart is obviously totally flawed. According to Chart Performance, overall Sales and artistik significance, Marvin Gaye enjoys global acclaim and is set to occupy a Place in the all-Time Top 10. Therefore your chart is completely unserious.

Where exactly do you get valid "overall sales" and "artistik significance" (sic) rankings from? Who says he "is set to occupy a Place in the all-Time Top 10"?

This listing is an estimate of success in published charts, not a ranking of "artistik significance" or a listing of which artists are "best".

Suggest how to measure your criteria, or even better, set up a web site that lists artists by "artistik significance"