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25 Apr 2023

Song withe train in it. +The word train is drawn out when it is sung in the song.

I think it is a rock band sing it

27 Jan 2023

Song from early 1960s

Early 1960-1963 song starts with lyrics "Treat me right, treat me good, treatme like a lover should" or alternate "treat me like you 0k0now you .should.Song switches from English to German near the end.

Can't beat classic Elvis... "Wooden Heart"

Sei mir gut, sei mir gut Sei mir wie du wirklich sollst Wie du wirklich sollst 'Cause I don't have a wooden heart

11 Oct 2022

This song was on the radio in 95/96

I don't know the bands name but I do remember the lyrics. It was on the hard rock radio station in 1995/96 and it goes like this: chorus: "the snake in the tree he was winking at me" I can't find it on youtube, I was wondering could you help me find it.+

2 Jul 2022

music video+

It's a woman singinging. In a trailer park and has supernatural powers.+

15 Apr 2022

lyrics in song three sisters dressed in white

I'm looking for a contemporary Christian song that includes the lyrics +"threesisters dressed in white"

6 Feb 2022


Early 90s song a guy sang about a girl that was poison or toxic or something,in the video she wore a denim jacket and a leather skirt I think, she also had a snake tattoo. +It played on vh1 a lot.

11 Jun 2020

tick tock

song from the late 60s or early 70s female singer

23 May 2020

Songs with the word ‘Together’ in their title

11 Apr 2020

Who recorded "The man in the moon" song+

Lyrics: When the man in the moon used to gossip, tell everything that he heard, ....... I love the man in the moon

3 Apr 2020

UK & Irish summer hit, 1990s , lyrics My Dad, tractor

7 Mar 2020

techno i think by delirious

the lyrics goes like: "sensual experience the moment that you want to approach this and find out whoyou are and when your mind plays that game with you its interesting"

25 Jan 2020

aahh , aaahh, aaah, there's a woman - Ray Stevens she plays piano in a littleplace that I know

25 Jan 2020

The song sang by female artist in 30-ties

Song "The Touch Of Your Lips" sang by female artist with chorus in background

12 Jan 2020

Drunk man in truck+

What my husband remembers from the video is a drunk man or a man that has beendrinking, wakes up in his truck to a woman looking at him through the window, then later offering him a coffee, then in another clip hes doing mechanic work on the truck, the song is an older country song

3 Jan 2020

Song from 1963-64

Title was TNT, group not known, but most likely British pop/rock. I was about5 or 6, played it on a bus station café jukebox every Friday over and over while waiting for a bus with my Mum. Still haunted by it and would love to hear it again.

28 Oct 2019


Heavy metal hair band of the 80s singing a song about a tattoo. +The band isplaying in a barn type building and there is a group of girls who hear them playing and singing the song and so the girls start air playing instruments and singing the song like the guys. +The song goes "you like a tattoo, you won't rub off or fade away

16 Aug 2019

Title of sing pkease

The story of the dong is about a couple who reunite and the tables and chairsin the kitchen are happy approx 1940s

17 Jul 2019

+ +Beach music

The first time I saw your face I knew that I loved yoy

17 Jul 2019

Female artiste, 1970's album

Featured a song called - (I think) They're Dancing on the Moon

13 Jul 2019

isnt any body talkin about goin home

I am looking for this song

27 Jun 2019

50-60s song about a crush on a teacher

a song that a young girl sings about her boyfriend's crush on the teacher. ItBegins, Letters to teacher special delivery. Teacher, teacher, what shall I do. I love my Jimmy boy but he's in love with you. I'm just 11 & Jim's gonna be 13... Don't show this letter cause he'll find it out & say, I should know better than to tell on him this way... Teacher, dear teacher now that I know Jim's secret love for you is a very special kind. His Dad showed me an old photograph he had & you look just like his Mom's the sweetest girl he knew.+

19 Jun 2019

reggae circa 1970s early 80s

the battle getting hotter and hotter

15 Jun 2019


I'm trying to figure out the name of a certain song and the only thing I haveto go off of is that it was released somewhere in 2000-2010 and it starts with the sound of shaking chains

14 Jun 2019

Tropic Island

In a faraway land, on a tropic island

12 Jun 2019

Two crazy kids (That's what they say we are.)

5 Jun 2019

THis WOrld is not my HOme lyrics

They begin: This Word is not my home, I'm just a-passin (or traveling) through. My treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue The angels beckon me from heaven's open door and I can't feel at home in this world any more.

31 Mar 2019

heavens highway 66

while traveling so many great highways, i have left the broadway of sin. when the last word is spoken, i will lay down my cross and go in. note: trying tofind this song.

13 Mar 2019

90s song about thick girls

Lyrics include "I like the Thick Girls, something's I can hold on to.

23 Dec 2018


Tired parents with no control High on fashion and high on souls.....

12 Jul 2018


looking for a song sung by a female talks about tequila and putting saw duston the floor to make it feel more like home???+

24 Jun 2018


there's something about that name choral bass solo

13 Apr 2018


i was dreaming tired of my life thumnder

11 Apr 2018


Its 2 guys on a frontporch one playing an acoustic guitar to a song theycreated. There's is either a little girl or boy in the video also. It has the rythym played by the guy on the porch and the other guy cuts in with a country/rap style verse. It goes "wahuhooah there aint no place like here (yeah) noaoooo there aint no place like here.. (X4) at the beginning end and in between verses. Please help I found it accidentally on Facebook years ago maybe around 2013 but I have never been able to find it again... Pleaseee help!!!+

3 Mar 2018

the only men i know are either married,gay or dead

2 Mar 2018


Songs with the word trouble in it multiple times

20 Nov 2017

looking for this song for years

you"re three thousand miles away, and am lonely. that"s how far i am away from you, you"re three thousand miles away and am lonely there must be something we can do

18 Nov 2017


till then my darling please wait for me +till then we may be osean apart. +need the rest of the words

8 Nov 2017

Till we meet again+

I know what it's called but I don't know 🤷‍♂️ who sings it. It goes like this “it seems like only yesterday when you and I first went to school

30 Oct 2017


+This Is Enough To Satisfy Me. +Music by Chas. T. Edwards

23 Oct 2017

Song titled TRAGIC

The lyric was, " It's going to be Tragic, when your true love sees youstanding in the moonlight---". +It had a great reverberation effect in it.

7 Aug 2017

We can fight tomorrow+

I have been looking for this song for 2 years. I used to listen to it when Iwas a kid (2005-2011). It's about a guy and a girl. The girl wants to fight but the guy says something along the lines of today is a good day we can fight tomorrow or something like that. It's a pop song and in the music video it's an African American guy singing and it's a white background with stick figures. Please help this search has been driving me insane.+

17 Jul 2017


Lyrics Therewas once a lille birdie, Living in the forest tree, And it sang a songone morning, that was sweet ads sweet could be+

6 Jun 2017

the lyrics for the song of Teresa Brewer+

the song is choo n choon chewing gum 1950s

6 Jun 2017

looking for lyrics for a 1950s song+


20 May 2017

Love song ?translated from French 1940s

Refrain is:Tell me that you love me, cherie(missing) Now the dream is ended.cherie. (missing) and like a broken melody, tell me that you love me, cherie.+

10 Apr 2017

Church christian song

This single was in my parents house from the early sixties in the UK. It had aphoto cover of the two singers a young guy and Girl, possibly brother and sister, probably in their teens. One side had the song "Yes Jesus loves me" and the other side was "There's a place for little children" there may have been a third song??+

9 Mar 2017

touch a woman and it will be alright

22 Feb 2017

looking for an old song around 1997

hi anyone know where I can find the lyrics to the song " write in this vein "+by tattu ???

21 Feb 2017

church song, Take it to the Lord in Prayer. It is not the old song What a friend we have in Jesus.+

This the song, " If the road before you offers naught but toil and pain + If the sun hidden by dark clouds of rain + If without a ray of hope your life is filled with care, + Take it to the Lord in Prayer.

+ Many are the heartaches that will come to you + Keep your trust in Jesus, + He will see you through, + Never will you find a friend so kind and true + Take it to thje Lord in Prayer.

17 Feb 2017

Tu auras le bonheur, n'oublie jamais mon enfant

13 Feb 2017


Country song. Female. She's still in love with you is a line from the song

13 Feb 2017


A country song with 3 words i the title, one of them being truth

12 Feb 2017

if i go tomorrow

5 Feb 2017

first line

tonight you're mine+

27 Oct 2016

Early 60s song

I am trying to identify the artist that made a record called "The Girl That's on my Mind ". Circa 1960 ( give or take a year )/+

16 Oct 2016

In search of a rock music video

I m search of n old tock video..the scenario featured a desert,..a bridedressed in black n half veiled ...a rose was there lying on the ground.. there was a Truck with horns or something.. n a Man dressed as a matador n , fighting a bullfight with the Truck..+

11 Oct 2016


there's a story that stood through the ages, first heard by the prophets of old... Looking for this Christmas song, it was in a Play.

15 Sep 2016

couple time travels

29 Aug 2016

sound tract to That's the man i'm looking for

this is a christian song

10 Aug 2016

we back on track

we back on track

6 Aug 2016

Trance Music

Looking for a trance track from a number of years ago. +It was very rhythmicand a very low toned voice repeated "Time To Die". +Don't know if that's the title or not. +Heard it on a pulse music channel on Winamp. +Don't know who the artist was or anything else about it.

23 May 2016

The way I feel about you

I am looking for a song I think it may have been by One Way, it was in theearly 80's. +I think the name is That's the way I feel about you. +One of the lines says: I'm not afraid to show, I'll even put up a billboard just to let you know, that's the way I feel, there's nothing I won't do to prove my love for you...

1 May 2016

Girl on train

26 Apr 2016

T0rn Between Two Lovers

Use the index or search box?

That would show the answer is Mary MacGregor

9 Apr 2016

Name of a song & Singer

Take me away & everyday I love you +good beat only heard it once

6 Apr 2016

fast song trumpets 80s?

I'm looking for instrumental song from late 70s or early 80s, very fast beat,lots of trumpets, beat goes like ta ta ta TA, TA TA ta ta te ra ta ta ta TA; trumpets have an echo in the end. big group, probably Brit New Wave like Madness or UB40, can anyone help?

Try Dexys Midnight Runners?

5 Mar 2016


First 2 lies are To find someone like you that is so good and true

27 Nov 2015

looking for a song by taverous dont know how to spell the group name dont know the title but the words go never knew love like this before never never back in the 70

looking for a song by a group don't know how to spell they name but I thinkits taverous and don't know the title but some of the words are never knew love like this before never never back in the 70 or 80

We think the group is "Tavares"

19 Aug 2015


It's just time

17 Aug 2015

White tee shirt

22 May 2015

turn _____oh my god just

21 May 2015

specific lyrics


i think the site is great. yes there is a but i am fidning it hard to find an unknown song but keep smiling because the whole world smiles at you.

25 Apr 2015

The Invisible Man

Some lyrics: +The invisible man steps out to the ? at precisely 7:10. He bought the paper and caught the train with the rest of invisible men. He never saw the news of London Town it blew his mind. He never saw, he never saw, the invisible man was blind

2 Apr 2015

woman loses her lover & keeps seeing him on tv screens

black woman loses her lover & keeps seeing him on the tv's screens as she passes them by stores & at home, and she is already grieving. This is either R&B or Hip/Hop from the 1990's.+

20 Mar 2015

Techno song that is played on the Walmart ch every night and it sounds like she is saying....over and over again...." Its higher life..and the tragedy is that your my tragedy..."

12 Nov 2014


'There's a train in my head that just keeps drivin screaming through the night' from the 80s

15 Oct 2014

shotgun, train

it was a country song from the early 2000's. it said something *like* 'my mama was a freight train, my daddy was the/a sun of a gun'

13 Oct 2014

the song TOGETHER

The song TOGETHER from years ago. +We strolled the lane together, laughed at the rain together, etc.

9 Oct 2014

Chicago House Music (1980's)

Within the track were the lyrics, "2 till early". +Also, this track was featured in the espn 30 for 30 documentary on "Benji". +Thx.

5 Oct 2014

find a song title

black group, lyrics involve shout of word "time" while loud tick-tock in background, probably from the 70s-80s?

25 Sep 2014

Song from mid to late 1940s

Lyrics. Take it back and change it for a boy ( or maybe a girl)

23 Sep 2014


+lyrics ba ba ba ba I know this much is true

12 Sep 2014

together forever

I wrote last night. Not sure how long it takes to get a response' A song fromthe 40's /50's (maybe even 60's) two men Gene Kelly type characters sing & dancing and part of the song they belted out "together forever"... + please help

We all have day jobs, you didn't mention how much you were willing to pay

12 Sep 2014

jennie c riley

how come i can't find jeanie c riley singing sweet taste of tears

because it was never a hit anywhere in the world perhaps?

11 Sep 2014

together forever

two men singing, probably @ 1940's, or 50's,maybe even 60's maybe Gene Kelly or that genre very lively upbeat song, +actually maybe a man & a woman singing not sure hope you can help

8 Sep 2014

country song

Country song. Male. Lyrics something like take me by the hand, hold me in your heart.....It's you +it's you, I'd go anywhere, do anything...

8 Sep 2014

song from the 60's by black artist tell him that I be there

6 Sep 2014

Talk too much / Too Labba labba

You talk bout this, you talk bout that

3 Sep 2014

A rock singer travelling the country trying to become famous

1 Sep 2014

A song called time in the mid eighties+

1 Sep 2014

trying to get to you, to you, to you

30 Aug 2014

this is my song

29 Aug 2014

The one you love

The one that makes your heart skip a beat. I am so glad to I'm the one you love. And I love you to. And I don't mind at all. That is all of the lyrics I know. +And those r from the middle of the song.

19 Aug 2014

Song with the word "today, today"

looking for a song with a great beat that has the words "today, today" +Have no idea the title

6 Aug 2014


The song starts with a violin entry and the first lines are girl let me take you on a trip... I think it's around 2006

3 Aug 2014

Find song

This song is from the 70s. By the new seekers or by Middle of the road. Definitely by a band. Lyrics: baby.don't know ....what I have to say...I'd be sad and blue..repeat again what I'm gonna say.."

29 Apr 2014

Time To Say Goodbye

I don't know if that is the title of the song but it is driving me crazy. +Hope you can help. +Thanks.

10 Apr 2014

r&b song

together always+

25 Jan 2014

trash can

the title I think is Trashcan, some of the words are zoobie doo zoobie doo zoobie doo. a very goo tune to exercise to.

"Love in a Trashcan" by The Raveonettes?

6 Nov 2011


When you get this letter please don't laugh. All that's left of my dreams is this photograph. A picture of two lovers while their love was still new. I'm sure you'll remember the boy is me the girl is you.