Song artist 43 - Bruce Springsteen |

This page lists the song chart entries of Bruce Springsteen.A list of the hit albums by Bruce Springsteen is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
For two years was part of Steel Mill before they split up, three of them
became members of his backing group, The E-Street Band.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Streets of Philadelphia |
1994 |
Austria 1 - Apr 1994 (4 months), Norway 1 - Feb 1994 (18 weeks), Poland 1 - Feb 1994 (23 weeks), Belgium 1 - Feb 1994 (19 weeks), Italy 1 for 3 weeks - Apr 1994, Germany 1 - Mar 1994 (4 months), ODK Germany 1 - Feb 1994 (27 weeks) (5 weeks at number 1) (13 weeks in top 10), Eire 1 for 5 weeks - Mar 1994, Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jan 1994, Europe 1 for 8 weeks - Apr 1994, Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1994, Spain 1 for 1 week - Apr 1994, Oscar in 1993 (film 'Philadelphia'), Golden Globe in 1993 (film 'Philadelphia'), UK 2 - Mar 1994 (12 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Mar 1994 (21 weeks), Grammy in 1994 (Nominated), Italy 3 of 1994, France 4 - Feb 1994 (2 weeks), Canada 4 of 1994, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1994), France Gold (certified by SNEP in Aug 1995), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1994), Holland 6 - Feb 1994 (15 weeks), Sweden 7 - Feb 1994 (13 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Feb 1994 (20 weeks), Switzerland 12 of 1994, Europe 29 of the 1990s (1994), Australia 30 of 1994, Japan (Tokyo) 33 - Jan 1994 (16 weeks), Holland free40 38 of 1994, ARC 44 of 1994 (peak 3 13 weeks), US CashBox 49 of 1994, US Radio 53 of 1994 (peak 10 10 weeks), US BB 54 of 1994, POP 63 of 1994, AFI 68, Germany 74 of the 1990s (peak 1 16 weeks), Brazil 86 of 1994, Japan (Osaku) 94 of 1994 (peak 14 17 weeks), WXPN 837, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1994), RYM 6 of 1994 |
2 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Dancing in the Dark |
1984 |
Canada 1 - May 1984 (14 weeks), Holland 1 - Jun 1984 (19 weeks), Belgium 1 - May 1985 (14 weeks), Australia 1 of 1984, US Billboard 2 - May 1984 (21 weeks), Sweden (alt) 2 - May 1984 (13 weeks), Grammy in 1984 (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 1992), US CashBox 3 of 1984, UK 4 - May 1984 (29 weeks), Springbok 4 - Sep 1984 (16 weeks), Norway 7 - Jun 1984 (4 weeks), POP 8 of 1984, US Radio 11 of 1984 (peak 2 13 weeks), ARC 13 of 1984 (peak 1 15 weeks), US BB 14 of 1984, Canada 20 of 1984, Holland free40 34 of 1984, Europe 39 of the 1980s (1984), Brazil 66 of 1984, OzNet 79, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 87 - Jun 2013 (1 week), nuTsie 92 of 1980s, Belgium 198 of all time, TheQ 274, Acclaimed 734 (1984), UKMIX 865, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1985), RYM 30 of 1984, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
3 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Born in the USA |
1985 |
Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1985, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Feb 1985, Grammy in 1985 (Nominated), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1999), UK 5 - Jun 1985 (12 weeks), Belgium 8 - Jul 1985 (5 weeks), POP 8 of 1985, US Billboard 9 - Nov 1984 (16 weeks), Holland 10 - Jun 1985 (9 weeks), nuTsie 10 of 1980s, Sweden (alt) 11 - Jul 1985 (8 weeks), Austria 13 - Apr 1985 (5 months), Australia 16 of 1985, Canada 17 - Jan 1985 (6 weeks), Norway 20 - Jul 2008 (1 week), Sweden 34 - Jul 2008 (1 week), Holland free40 41 of 1985, Europe 55 of the 1980s (1984), RIAA 59, US CashBox 66 of 1985, US Radio 88 of 1985 (peak 9 6 weeks), US BB 92 of 1985, Canada 95 of 1985, TheQ 211, Belgium 232 of all time, Rolling Stone 275, Acclaimed 279 (1984), WXPN 481, OzNet 849, RYM 45 of 1984 |
4 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Human Touch |
1992 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Mar 1992 (13 weeks), Norway 1 - Mar 1992 (10 weeks), Italy 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 1992, Spain 1 for 1 week - Jun 1992, Belgium 3 - Mar 1992 (9 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Mar 1992 (14 weeks), Holland 5 - Mar 1992 (7 weeks), UK 11 - Mar 1992 (5 weeks), Canada 13 of 1992, Sweden 14 - Mar 1992 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - Mar 1992 (16 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Mar 1992 (16 weeks), Germany 16 - Apr 1992 (1 month), Poland 19 - Apr 1992 (12 weeks), Italy 21 of 1992, Austria 23 - Apr 1992 (1 month), Japan (Osaku) 43 of 1992 (peak 5 18 weeks), Holland free40 49 of 1992, US Radio 90 of 1992 (peak 8 5 weeks), RYM 66 of 1992 |
5 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Born to Run |
1975 |
DDD 1 of 1975, D.Marsh 1 of 1975, nuTsie 5 of 1970s, WXPN 6, France 7 - Dec 1975 (2 weeks), 10 in 2FM list, UK 16 - May 1987 (5 weeks), Sweden (alt) 17 - Jan 1976 (2 weeks), Rolling Stone 21, Record World 22 - 1975, US Billboard 23 - Sep 1975 (11 weeks), Acclaimed 24 (1975), Belgium 26 - Nov 1975 (3 weeks), POP 35 of 1975, DMDB 48 (1975), Belgium 54 of all time, Europe 63 of the 1970s (1975), Virgin 79, RIAA 135, OzNet 148, TheQ 150, RYM 5 of 1975, WFUV 3, Guardian Rock 58, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
6 |
Bruce Springsteen |
I'm On Fire |
1985 |
Holland 1 - Jun 1985 (13 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1985, Belgium 2 - Jul 1985 (10 weeks), Poland 4 - Jul 1985 (7 weeks), Springbok 4 - Jun 1985 (14 weeks), UK 5 - Jun 1985 (12 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Feb 1985 (20 weeks), France 10 - May 1985 (1 week), Austria 10 - Jul 1985 (2 months), Canada 12 - Mar 1985 (9 weeks), Switzerland 15 - May 1985 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - May 1985 (19 weeks), Germany 19 - Jun 1985 (2 months), Sweden (alt) 20 - Jul 1985 (4 weeks), US CashBox 68 of 1985, US Radio 72 of 1985 (peak 6 7 weeks), Europe 76 of the 1980s (1985), US BB 82 of 1985, Canada 90 of 1985, Holland free40 100 of 1985, WXPN 791, OzNet 804, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jul 1985), RYM 26 of 1985 |
7 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Hungry Heart |
1980 |
D.Marsh 1 of 1980, Canada 2 - Oct 1980 (17 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Nov 1980 (17 weeks), France 9 - Dec 1980 (1 week), Record World 10 - 1980, Austria 11 - Mar 1981 (2 months), Sweden (alt) 17 - May 1981 (2 weeks), US Radio 35 of 1980 (peak 5 9 weeks), ARC 42 of 1980 (peak 3 13 weeks), UK 44 - Nov 1980 (4 weeks), US BB 49 of 1981, Canada 50 of 1981, POP 52 of 1980, WABC NY 55 of 1981, ODK Germany 62 - Sep 1995 (10 weeks), US CashBox 89 of 1980, OzNet 608, WXPN 800, Acclaimed 1344 (1980), RYM 42 of 1980 |
8 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Glory Days |
1985 |
US Billboard 5 - Jun 1985 (18 weeks), POP 6 of 1985, Canada 14 - Jul 1985 (7 weeks), Belgium 14 - Sep 1985 (4 weeks), Sweden 16 - Aug 1985 (2 weeks), UK 17 - Aug 1985 (6 weeks), Holland 17 - Aug 1985 (6 weeks), Switzerland 19 - Aug 1985 (6 weeks), Sweden (alt) 20 - Aug 1985 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 27 - Aug 1985 (9 weeks), Austria 28 - Sep 1985 (1 month), Holland free40 44 of 1985, ARC 47 of 1985 (peak 4 13 weeks), US Radio 58 of 1985 (peak 5 8 weeks), US CashBox 63 of 1985, US BB 67 of 1985, TheQ 413, Acclaimed 1890 (1984), RYM 51 of 1985 |
9 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Brilliant Disguise |
1987 |
Norway 1 - Oct 1987 (6 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Oct 1987 (16 weeks), Belgium 10 - Oct 1987 (3 weeks), Sweden 13 - Oct 1987 (2 weeks), Holland 15 - Oct 1987 (5 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Oct 1987 (4 weeks), Springbok 19 - Jan 1988 (2 weeks), UK 20 - Oct 1987 (5 weeks), Poland 25 - Oct 1987 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 38 - Oct 1987 (7 weeks), Holland free40 52 of 1987, Italy 57 of 1987, Canada 62 of 1987, US Radio 71 of 1987 (peak 5 7 weeks), US BB 86 of 1987, Acclaimed 1171 (1987), RYM 68 of 1987 |
10 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Secret Garden |
1995 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - May 1995, Poland 15 - Jan 1995 (18 weeks), UK 17 - Apr 1995 (7 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Mar 1997 (16 weeks), Holland 31 - May 1995 (6 weeks), US Radio 54 of 1997 (peak 14 7 weeks), POP 65 of 1997, ODK Germany 66 - May 1995 (10 weeks), US BB 77 of 1997, Canada 83 of 1995, Japan (Tokyo) 91 - Jun 1997 (1 week) |
11 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Cover Me |
1984 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 2001), US Billboard 7 - Aug 1984 (18 weeks), France 7 - Nov 1984 (1 week), Canada 10 - Sep 1984 (8 weeks), Sweden (alt) 15 - Sep 1984 (8 weeks), UK 16 - Oct 1984 (21 weeks), POP 31 of 1984, Poland 36 - Nov 1984 (2 weeks), US Radio 64 of 1984 (peak 7 8 weeks), US BB 67 of 1984, US CashBox 80 of 1984, Canada 94 of 1984, OzNet 681 |
12 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Rising |
2002 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Oct 2002, Norway 5 - Jul 2002 (2 weeks), Sweden 17 - Aug 2002 (3 weeks), Poland 26 - Aug 2002 (7 weeks), Holland free40 39 of 2002, Holland 40 - Jul 2002 (2 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 47 - Jul 2002 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 49 - Aug 2002 (3 weeks), US Billboard 52 - Aug 2002 (11 weeks), nuTsie 95 of 2000s, WXPN 793, RYM 50 of 2002 |
13 |
Bruce Springsteen |
My Hometown |
1986 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 2001), US Billboard 6 - Dec 1985 (14 weeks), UK 9 - Dec 1985 (5 weeks), Canada 15 - Jan 1986 (4 weeks), Sweden 15 - Jan 1986 (2 weeks), Holland 23 - Jan 1986 (5 weeks), Belgium 30 - Jan 1986 (1 week), POP 46 of 1986, US CashBox 75 of 1986, US Radio 84 of 1986 (peak 6 6 weeks), RYM 69 of 1985 |
14 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Tunnel of Love |
1987 |
MTV Video of the year 1988 (Nominated), France 5 - Jan 1988 (1 week), US Billboard 9 - Dec 1987 (15 weeks), Holland free40 36 of 1987, Holland 38 - Jan 1988 (3 weeks), UK 45 - Dec 1987 (4 weeks), US Radio 116 of 1988 (peak 9 4 weeks), WXPN 842, Acclaimed 2100 (1987), RYM 71 of 1987 |
15 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Better Days |
1992 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Jul 1992, Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Apr 1992 (5 weeks), Belgium 15 - Jun 1992 (5 weeks), Holland 21 - Jun 1992 (3 weeks), UK 34 - May 1992 (3 weeks), Switzerland 39 - Jun 1992 (2 weeks), Italy 40 of 1992, Japan (Osaku) 41 of 1992 (peak 3 15 weeks), Poland 43 - Jul 1992 (5 weeks), Holland free40 54 of 1992, RYM 66 of 1992 |
16 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The River |
1981 |
Norway 5 - Jul 1981 (9 weeks), Europe 8 of the 1980s (1981), Sweden 10 - Jul 2008 (1 week), Holland 12 - May 1981 (7 weeks), Belgium 17 of all time, Belgium 21 - Jun 1981 (3 weeks), Holland free40 22 of 1981, UK 35 - Jun 1981 (6 weeks), WXPN 77, Acclaimed 2034 (1980), RYM 40 of 1981 |
17 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Santa Claus is Coming to Town |
2007 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1992), UK 9 - Dec 2007 (11 weeks), Sweden 12 - Dec 2007 (3 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 47 - Jan 2017 (11 weeks), Switzerland 77 - Jan 2009 (1 week), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Dec 1985), RYM 69 of 1985, BBC Rich Song 7 (songwriter royalties $27.2M) |
18 |
Bruce Springsteen |
War |
1986 |
Norway 2 - Nov 1986 (11 weeks), Holland 5 - Dec 1986 (9 weeks), Belgium 6 - Dec 1986 (7 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Nov 1986 (11 weeks), UK 18 - Nov 1986 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 27 - Jan 1987 (8 weeks), Poland 30 - Dec 1986 (4 weeks), Italy 63 of 1986, US Radio 93 of 1986 (peak 8 6 weeks) |
19 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Murder Incorporated |
1995 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Apr 1995, Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Feb 1995 (9 weeks), Holland free40 35 of 1995, Canada 52 of 1995, Japan (Osaku) 65 of 1995 (peak 9 19 weeks) |
20 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Wrestler |
2008 |
Golden Globe in 2008 (film 'The Wrestler'), Norway 14 - Jan 2009 (1 week), Sweden 19 - Dec 2008 (2 weeks), UK 93 - Jan 2009 (1 week), RYM 45 of 2008 |
21 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Thunder Road |
1975 |
WXPN 1, DDD 7 of 1975, Scrobulate 55 of americana, nuTsie 79 of 1970s, Rolling Stone 86, Acclaimed 219 (1975), WFUV 1 |
22 |
Bruce Springsteen |
I'm Goin' Down |
1985 |
US Billboard 9 - Sep 1985 (13 weeks), Sweden (alt) 13 - Sep 1985 (4 weeks), Sweden 17 - Sep 1985 (1 week), ODK Germany 61 - Oct 1985 (5 weeks), US CashBox 93 of 1985, US Radio 100 of 1985 (peak 9 6 weeks), RYM 151 of 1985 |
23 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Tougher Than the Rest |
1988 |
Switzerland 3 - Jul 1988 (15 weeks), Belgium 9 - Aug 1988 (3 weeks), Austria 11 - Sep 1988 (3 months), UK 13 - Jun 1988 (8 weeks), Holland 13 - Jul 1988 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 25 - Aug 1988 (11 weeks), Holland free40 62 of 1988, RYM 92 of 1988 |
24 |
Bruce Springsteen |
57 Channels (And Nothin' On) |
1992 |
Norway 9 - Aug 1992 (1 week), Holland 29 - Jul 1992 (3 weeks), UK 32 - Jul 1992 (4 weeks), Poland 41 - Aug 1992 (6 weeks), POP 62 of 1992, US Billboard 68 - Jun 1992 (6 weeks), Holland free40 69 of 1992 |
25 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Radio Nowhere |
2007 |
Norway 2 - Sep 2007 (23 weeks), Switzerland 87 - Nov 2007 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 90 - Oct 2007 (3 weeks), UK 96 - Oct 2007 (1 week), RYM 64 of 2007 |
26 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Prove it All Night |
1978 |
D.Marsh 6 of 1978, Canada 11 - Jul 1978 (10 weeks), US Billboard 33 - Jun 1978 (9 weeks), Acclaimed 2491 (1978), RYM 88 of 1978 |
27 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Fade Away |
1981 |
Canada 12 - Feb 1981 (8 weeks), US Billboard 20 - Feb 1981 (12 weeks), Record World 22 - 1981, US Radio 123 of 1981 (peak 20 2 weeks) |
28 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Working On A Dream |
2009 |
Norway 9 - Feb 2009 (5 weeks), Switzerland 31 - Feb 2009 (7 weeks), Sweden 37 - Dec 2008 (1 week), US Billboard 95 - Feb 2009 (1 week) |
29 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Devils And Dust |
2005 |
Poland 50 - May 2005 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 54 - May 2005 (2 weeks), US Billboard 72 - Apr 2005 (1 week) |
30 |
Bruce Springsteen |
One Step Up |
1988 |
US Billboard 13 - Feb 1988 (15 weeks), Holland 28 - May 1988 (4 weeks), US Radio 129 of 1988 (peak 13 5 weeks), RYM 133 of 1988 |
31 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Fire |
1987 |
Holland 21 - Mar 1987 (5 weeks), US Billboard 46 - Jan 1987 (8 weeks), UK 54 - Feb 1987 (3 weeks), RYM 90 of 1987 |
32 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Missing |
1996 |
France 6 - Oct 1996 (1 week), Norway 15 - Aug 1996 (5 weeks), Switzerland 32 - Aug 1996 (3 weeks), Poland 45 - Sep 1996 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 83 - Oct 1996 (5 weeks), Italy 95 of 1996 |
33 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Sad Eyes |
1999 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Jan 1999, Poland 5 - Jan 1999 (13 weeks), Sweden 18 - May 1999 (2 weeks) |
34 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out |
1976 |
POP 58 of 1976, US Billboard 83 - Jan 1976 (3 weeks), WXPN 883, RYM 39 of 1975 |
35 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Waitin' on a Sunny Day |
2003 |
Sweden 17 - Jun 2003 (2 weeks), Poland 39 - Mar 2003 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 85 - May 2003 (1 week), RYM 154 of 2003 |
36 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Ghost of Tom Joad |
1996 |
Scrobulate 25 of folk rock, UK 26 - May 1996 (2 weeks) |
37 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Leap of Faith |
1992 |
Holland 35 - Nov 1992 (3 weeks), UK 46 - Oct 1992 (3 weeks), Holland free40 62 of 1992, Italy 82 of 1992 |
38 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Atlantic City |
1982 |
Canada 11 - Oct 1982 (8 weeks), WXPN 108, RYM 31 of 1982 |
39 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Dead Man Walking |
1995 |
Oscar in 1995 (film 'Dead Man Walking') (Nominated) |
40 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Badlands |
1978 |
US Billboard 42 - Aug 1978 (8 weeks), WXPN 110, RYM 87 of 1978 |
41 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) |
1973 |
WXPN 22, DDD 31 of 1973, RYM 30 of 1975, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
42 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Lonesome Day |
2002 |
UK 39 - Dec 2002 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 92 - Dec 2002 (1 week) |
43 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Jungleland |
1975 |
WXPN 28, DDD 69 of 1975, WFUV 25 |
44 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Lucky Town |
1993 |
UK 48 - Apr 1993 (3 weeks), Holland free40 64 of 1993 |
45 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Spare Parts |
1988 |
Holland free40 17 of 1988, UK 32 - Sep 1988 (3 weeks) |
46 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Incident on 57th Street |
1987 |
WXPN 155, RYM 90 of 1987 |
47 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Long Walk Home |
2007 |
Japan (Tokyo) 47 - Nov 2007 (1 week) |
48 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Girls In Their Summer Clothes |
2007 |
US Billboard 95 - Feb 2008 (1 week), RYM 27 of 2007 |
49 |
Bruce Springsteen |
My City Of Ruins |
2002 |
Japan (Tokyo) 86 - Aug 2002 (2 weeks) |
50 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Promised Land |
1978 |
WXPN 613, RYM 115 of 1978 |
51 |
Bruce Springsteen |
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) |
1974 |
WXPN 280, RYM 48 of 1974, WFUV 15 |
52 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Hungry Heart (1995) |
1995 |
UK 28 - Nov 1995 (3 weeks) |
53 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Meeting Across the River |
1975 |
WXPN 642, RYM 5 of 1975 |
54 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Spirits in the Night |
1973 |
WXPN 202, RYM 117 of 1973 |
55 |
Bruce Springsteen |
For You |
1973 |
WXPN 434, RYM 117 of 1973 |
56 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Ramrod |
1980 |
KROQ 41 of 1980 |
57 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Cadillac Ranch |
1981 |
France 9 - Oct 1981 (1 week) |
58 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Pay me my money down |
2006 |
Norway 8 - Jul 2006 (19 weeks) |
59 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Dream Baby Dream |
2008 |
Sweden 24 - Nov 2008 (2 weeks) |
60 |
Bruce Springsteen |
All I'm Thinkin' About |
2005 |
Poland 50 - Jul 2005 (1 week) |
61 |
Bruce Springsteen |
I Wanna Be With You |
1999 |
Poland 42 - May 1999 (1 week) |
62 |
Bruce Springsteen |
If I Should Fall Behind |
1994 |
RYM 6 of 1994 |
63 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Lucky Man |
1987 |
RYM 68 of 1987 |
64 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Two for the Road |
1987 |
RYM 71 of 1987 |
65 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Because the Night |
1987 |
RYM 177 of 1987 |
66 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Johnny Bye Bye |
1985 |
RYM 26 of 1985 |
67 |
Bruce Springsteen |
American Beauty |
2014 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 83 - Apr 2014 (1 week) |
68 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Stand on It |
1985 |
RYM 51 of 1985 |
69 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Janey, Don't You Lose Heart |
1985 |
RYM 151 of 1985 |
70 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Roulette |
1988 |
RYM 92 of 1988 |
71 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Pink Cadillac |
1984 |
RYM 30 of 1984 |
72 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Shut Out the Light |
1984 |
RYM 45 of 1984 |
73 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Mansion on the Hill |
1982 |
RYM 31 of 1982 |
74 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Independence Day |
1981 |
RYM 40 of 1981 |
75 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Something in the Night |
1978 |
RYM 87 of 1978 |
76 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Factory |
1978 |
RYM 88 of 1978 |
77 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Streets of Fire |
1978 |
RYM 115 of 1978 |
78 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Held Up Without a Gun |
1980 |
RYM 42 of 1980 |
79 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Night |
1975 |
RYM 30 of 1975 |
80 |
Bruce Springsteen |
She's the One |
1975 |
RYM 39 of 1975 |
81 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The E Street Shuffle |
1974 |
RYM 48 of 1974 |
82 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Blinded By the Light |
1973 |
RYM 87 of 1973 |
83 |
Bruce Springsteen |
The Angel |
1973 |
RYM 87 of 1973 |
84 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Fever |
unknown |
WXPN 260 |
85 |
Bruce Springsteen |
New York City Serenade |
unknown |
WXPN 279 |
86 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Backstreets |
unknown |
WXPN 406 |
87 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Kitty's Back |
unknown |
WXPN 586 |
88 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Darkness on the Edge of Town |
unknown |
WXPN 640 |
89 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Jersey Girl |
unknown |
WXPN 684 |
90 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Growin' Up |
unknown |
WXPN 721 |
91 |
Bruce Springsteen |
Racing in the Streets |
1978 |
Guardian Rock 59 |
In addition to the above listed songs Bruce Springsteen also contributed to the
following entries:
Previous Comments (newest first)
23 May 2018
Double Listing - Murder Incorporated
#18 & #63 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
15 Dec 2017
Double Listing +- War
#17 & #2 (under Duets) are the same.
Data fixed, thanks
18 May 2015
Double Listing - My Hometown
Should #59 be combined with #14?
Hmm, tough one. OK we've split the two songs so "My Hometown" gets added, but that means we have two versions of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" so we've designated the earlier one as "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (1985)" (the later one was more widespread).
That should fix it, thanks