Song artist 67 - Aerosmith |

This page lists the song chart entries of Aerosmith.A list of the hit albums by Aerosmith is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
Fronted by Steve Tyler.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Aerosmith |
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing |
1998 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1998 (20 weeks), Sweden 1 - Aug 1998 (14 weeks), Austria 1 - Aug 1998 (5 months), Switzerland 1 - Aug 1998 (27 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1998 (17 weeks), Italy 1 of 1998, Germany 1 - Jul 1998 (5 months), ODK Germany 1 - Aug 1998 (25 weeks) (4 weeks at number 1) (13 weeks in top 10), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1998, Australia 1 for 9 weeks - Sep 1998, Europe 1 for 8 weeks - Sep 1998, Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Sep 1998, POP 1 of 1998, ARC 2 of 1998 (peak 1 23 weeks), Australia 2 of 1998, Oscar in 1998 (film 'Armageddon') (Nominated), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1998), Holland 3 - Aug 1998 (16 weeks), Belgium 3 - Sep 1998 (19 weeks), UK 4 - Sep 1998 (55 weeks), Poland 4 - Jul 1998 (17 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1998), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Oct 1998), Switzerland 5 of 1998, US Radio 6 of 1998 (peak 1 24 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 7 - Jun 1998 (44 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 12 of 1999 (peak 1 49 weeks), US BB 23 of 1998, Scrobulate 26 of soundtrack, Canada 27 of 1998, Brazil 46 of 1998, Germany 71 of the 1990s (peak 1 17 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 73 - May 2014 (2 weeks), Europe 80 of the 1990s (1998), UKMIX 339, OzNet 974, RYM 100 of 1998, Party 52 of 2007 |
2 |
Aerosmith |
Cryin' |
1993 |
Sweden 1 - Oct 1993 (11 weeks), Norway 1 - Dec 1993 (12 weeks), Poland 1 - Sep 1993 (21 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1993, MTV Video of the year 1994, Switzerland 4 - Dec 1993 (20 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1993), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1994), Austria 5 - Dec 1993 (3 months), Holland 7 - Oct 1993 (13 weeks), Belgium 7 - Nov 1993 (12 weeks), Germany 7 - Jan 1994 (4 months), ODK Germany 7 - Nov 1993 (21 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), POP 10 of 1993, US Billboard 12 - Jul 1993 (26 weeks), UK 17 - Oct 1993 (6 weeks), US Radio 46 of 1993 (peak 7 10 weeks), Brazil 54 of 1993, US BB 60 of 1993, Canada 62 of 1993, Holland free40 78 of 1993 |
3 |
Aerosmith |
Jaded |
2001 |
Japan (Osaku) 1 of 2001 (peak 1 27 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Jan 2001 (21 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Jan 2001 (20 weeks), UK 13 - Mar 2001 (7 weeks), Sweden 13 - Mar 2001 (3 weeks), ARC 14 of 2001 (peak 1 19 weeks), Holland 17 - Feb 2001 (8 weeks), Poland 24 - Feb 2001 (5 weeks), Switzerland 30 - Mar 2001 (1 week), US Radio 32 of 2001 (peak 6 14 weeks), US BB 47 of 2001, ODK Germany 48 - Mar 2001 (7 weeks), Brazil 50 of 2001, Italy 83 of 2001, song 47 of 2001 |
4 |
Aerosmith |
Livin' On the Edge |
1993 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Mar 1993 (13 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Jun 1993, MTV Video of the year 1993 (Nominated), Poland 3 - Apr 1993 (14 weeks), Norway 4 - Apr 1993 (7 weeks), Sweden 5 - Apr 1993 (6 weeks), US Billboard 18 - Apr 1993 (20 weeks), UK 19 - Apr 1993 (4 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 21 of 1993 (peak 2 17 weeks), Switzerland 21 - Apr 1993 (10 weeks), Scrobulate 34 of live, US Radio 71 of 1993 (peak 7 7 weeks), Canada 81 of 1993, US BB 94 of 1993, RYM 141 of 1993 |
5 |
Aerosmith |
Amazing |
1994 |
Poland 1 - Dec 1993 (31 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Apr 1994, Sweden 3 - Feb 1994 (6 weeks), Norway 5 - Feb 1994 (4 weeks), Holland 13 - Jan 1994 (7 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Feb 1994 (10 weeks), Belgium 20 - Feb 1994 (5 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Dec 1993 (21 weeks), Austria 28 - Apr 1994 (1 month), ODK Germany 28 - Feb 1994 (10 weeks), POP 33 of 1994, Scrobulate 42 of ballad, US Radio 43 of 1994 (peak 7 10 weeks), Canada 51 of 1994, UK 57 - Dec 1993 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 60 - Nov 1993 (6 weeks), US BB 72 of 1994, Holland free40 82 of 1994 |
6 |
Aerosmith |
Janie's Got a Gun |
1990 |
Australia 1 for 1 week - Feb 1990, MTV Video of the year 1990 (Nominated), US Billboard 4 - Nov 1989 (17 weeks), France 6 - Jan 1990 (1 week), Poland 12 - Feb 1990 (12 weeks), Sweden 13 - Jan 1990 (3 weeks), Australia 25 of 1990, POP 27 of 1990, Canada 31 of 1990, US BB 61 of 1990, Brazil 73 of 1990, UK 76 - Nov 1989 (3 weeks), US Radio 88 of 1990 (peak 8 7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 93 - Feb 1990 (1 week), RYM 52 of 1989 |
7 |
Aerosmith |
Dream On |
1976 |
France 1 - Dec 1973 (4 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2018 (1973), DDD 4 of 1973, US Billboard 6 - Jan 1976 (20 weeks), Record World 6 - 1976, Canada 9 - Mar 1976 (9 weeks), Holland 12 - Jan 1994 (8 weeks), POP 25 of 1976, nuTsie 27 of 1970s, TheQ 40, US BB 51 of 1976, Scrobulate 68 of classic rock, US Radio 71 of 1976 (peak 6 8 weeks), WABC NY 77 of 1976, US CashBox 90 of 1976, Rolling Stone 172, Acclaimed 362 (1973), RYM 4 of 1973, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
8 |
Aerosmith |
Crazy |
1994 |
Poland 1 - May 1994 (16 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Sep 1994, POP 11 of 1994, US Billboard 17 - May 1994 (23 weeks), UK 23 - Nov 1994 (4 weeks), Switzerland 28 - Jul 1994 (8 weeks), Holland 30 - Jun 1994 (4 weeks), Canada 30 of 1994, US Radio 32 of 1994 (peak 6 15 weeks), ODK Germany 43 - Jun 1994 (10 weeks), US CashBox 47 of 1994, ARC 49 of 1994 (peak 6 15 weeks), US BB 68 of 1994, Scrobulate 68 of ballad, Holland free40 84 of 1994, TheQ 311 |
9 |
Aerosmith |
Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) |
1997 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Feb 1997 (15 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 3 of 1997 (peak 1 22 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1997), Poland 11 - Feb 1997 (11 weeks), Sweden 16 - Mar 1997 (2 weeks), Canada 21 of 1997, UK 22 - Mar 1997 (4 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Mar 1997 (7 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Mar 1997 (15 weeks), Austria 36 - Apr 1997 (1 month), ODK Germany 40 - Mar 1997 (8 weeks), RYM 179 of 1997 |
10 |
Aerosmith |
Love in an Elevator |
1989 |
US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1989), US Billboard 5 - Sep 1989 (16 weeks), France 7 - Oct 1989 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Sep 1989 (11 weeks), Holland 9 - Sep 1989 (8 weeks), Sweden 12 - Oct 1989 (4 weeks), UK 13 - Sep 1989 (8 weeks), Poland 15 - Nov 1989 (10 weeks), Belgium 21 - Oct 1989 (4 weeks), POP 22 of 1989, Japan (Osaku) 30 of 1989 (peak 5 12 weeks), US CashBox 50 of 1989, US BB 81 of 1989, US Radio 84 of 1989 (peak 7 6 weeks), RYM 127 of 1989 |
11 |
Aerosmith |
Walk This Way |
1977 |
DDD 3 of 1975, Record World 5 - 1977, Canada 6 - Jan 1977 (11 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Nov 1976 (16 weeks), POP 19 of 1977, nuTsie 41 of 1970s, US CashBox 72 of 1977, Canada 77 of 1977, Virgin 87, US Radio 89 of 1977 (peak 10 6 weeks), US BB 90 of 1977, DMDB 90 (1976), TheQ 120, Acclaimed 246 (1975), RIAA 267, Rolling Stone 336, RYM 11 of 1975, Party 105 of 2007 |
12 |
Aerosmith |
Angel |
1988 |
US Billboard 3 - Jan 1988 (25 weeks), US CashBox 20 of 1988, ARC 21 of 1988 (peak 1 14 weeks), US BB 34 of 1988, POP 37 of 1988, Poland 39 - Jun 1988 (2 weeks), US Radio 52 of 1988 (peak 3 9 weeks), UK 69 - Apr 1988 (3 weeks), Canada 91 of 1988, Brazil 97 of 1988 |
13 |
Aerosmith |
Pink |
1998 |
Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Nov 1997 (23 weeks), UK 13 - Dec 1997 (8 weeks), Poland 16 - Nov 1997 (14 weeks), US Billboard 27 - Feb 1998 (13 weeks), POP 55 of 1998, US Radio 73 of 1998 (peak 20 1 week), ODK Germany 81 - Jan 1998 (8 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 97 of 1998 (peak 18 16 weeks), Holland free40 97 of 1998, TheQ 243 |
14 |
Aerosmith |
Blind Man |
1994 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Feb 1995, Norway 9 - Nov 1994 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 12 - Nov 1994 (7 weeks), Sweden 18 - Nov 1994 (3 weeks), UK 23 - Nov 1994 (4 weeks), Belgium 23 - Dec 1994 (1 week), Poland 30 - Dec 1994 (7 weeks), US Billboard 48 - Nov 1994 (14 weeks), Canada 65 of 1995, Holland free40 80 of 1994, ODK Germany 89 - Dec 1994 (4 weeks) |
15 |
Aerosmith |
Sweet Emotion |
1975 |
France 4 - Aug 1975 (2 weeks), DDD 12 of 1975, TheQ 14, US Billboard 36 - Jun 1975 (8 weeks), POP 71 of 1975, UK 74 - Aug 1994 (1 week), Scrobulate 81 of hard rock, Rolling Stone 408, Acclaimed 1707 (1975), RYM 18 of 1975 |
16 |
Aerosmith |
The Other Side |
1990 |
US Billboard 22 - Jun 1990 (15 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 41 - Jul 1990 (10 weeks), UK 46 - Aug 1990 (3 weeks), US Radio 143 of 1990 (peak 19 1 week), TheQ 417, RYM 165 of 1990 |
17 |
Aerosmith |
Hole In My Soul |
1997 |
Poland 21 - Jul 1997 (7 weeks), UK 29 - Jun 1997 (2 weeks), US Billboard 51 - Aug 1997 (11 weeks), ODK Germany 75 - Jul 1997 (9 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 80 - Jun 1997 (1 week) |
18 |
Aerosmith |
Dude (Looks Like a Lady) |
1987 |
US Billboard 14 - Oct 1987 (20 weeks), UK 45 - Oct 1987 (5 weeks), POP 47 of 1987, US Radio 122 of 1987 (peak 14 5 weeks), TheQ 223, RYM 91 of 1987 |
19 |
Aerosmith |
What It Takes |
1990 |
US Billboard 9 - Mar 1990 (17 weeks), Poland 20 - May 1990 (8 weeks), US BB 91 of 1990, US Radio 98 of 1990 (peak 10 6 weeks), TheQ 443, RYM 187 of 1989 |
20 |
Aerosmith |
Rag Doll |
1988 |
US Billboard 17 - Jun 1988 (17 weeks), Holland 19 - Jan 1989 (6 weeks), UK 42 - Apr 1990 (4 weeks), Italy 91 of 1988, US Radio 148 of 1988 (peak 17 2 weeks) |
21 |
Aerosmith |
Come Together |
1978 |
Canada 4 - Aug 1978 (13 weeks), US Billboard 23 - Aug 1978 (12 weeks), Record World 29 - 1978, RYM 168 of 1978 |
22 |
Aerosmith |
Girls Of Summer |
2002 |
Japan (Tokyo) 5 - Jun 2002 (16 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 89 of 2002 (peak 11 15 weeks) |
23 |
Aerosmith |
Back In The Saddle |
1977 |
US Billboard 38 - Apr 1977 (8 weeks), POP 54 of 1977, TheQ 434, RYM 78 of 1977 |
24 |
Aerosmith |
Remember (Walkin' in the Sand) |
1980 |
Canada 8 - Jan 1980 (10 weeks), POP 48 of 1980, US Billboard 67 - Jan 1980 (6 weeks) |
25 |
Aerosmith |
Baby Please Don't Go |
2004 |
Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Mar 2004 (12 weeks) |
26 |
Aerosmith |
Eat the Rich |
1993 |
UK 34 - Jul 1993 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 65 - Jun 1993 (4 weeks) |
27 |
Aerosmith |
Fly Away From Here |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 12 - May 2001 (10 weeks), Poland 45 - Jun 2001 (7 weeks) |
28 |
Aerosmith |
Theme From 'Spider Man' |
2002 |
Japan (Tokyo) 4 - Apr 2002 (10 weeks) |
29 |
Aerosmith |
Draw The Line |
1977 |
US Billboard 42 - Oct 1977 (10 weeks), POP 44 of 1977 |
30 |
Aerosmith |
Just push play |
2002 |
Japan (Tokyo) 28 - Jan 2002 (7 weeks), Party 122 of 1999 |
31 |
Aerosmith |
Devil's Got A New Disguise |
2006 |
Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Nov 2006 (4 weeks) |
32 |
Aerosmith |
Rats In The Cellar |
1988 |
Japan (Tokyo) 95 - Nov 1988 (2 weeks) |
33 |
Aerosmith |
Nine Lives |
1997 |
Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Apr 1997 (4 weeks) |
34 |
Aerosmith |
Theme From 'Superman' |
2002 |
Japan (Osaku) 99 of 2002 (peak 6 12 weeks) |
35 |
Aerosmith |
Toys in the Attic |
1975 |
TheQ 260, RYM 72 of 1975, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
36 |
Aerosmith |
Last Child |
1976 |
US Billboard 21 - Jun 1976 (15 weeks), RYM 74 of 1976 |
37 |
Aerosmith |
Home Tonight |
1976 |
US Billboard 71 - Sep 1976 (4 weeks), RYM 119 of 1976 |
38 |
Aerosmith |
Shut Up & Dance |
1994 |
UK 24 - Jul 1994 (4 weeks) |
39 |
Aerosmith |
Dude (Looks Like A Lady) (1990) |
1990 |
UK 20 - Feb 1990 (5 weeks) |
40 |
Aerosmith |
Kings & Queens |
1978 |
US Billboard 70 - Mar 1978 (5 weeks) |
41 |
Aerosmith |
Chip Away The Stone |
1979 |
US Billboard 77 - Jan 1979 (3 weeks) |
42 |
Aerosmith |
What Could Have Been Love |
2012 |
POP 76 of 2012 |
43 |
Aerosmith |
Sunshine |
2002 |
Poland 37 - Jan 2002 (3 weeks) |
44 |
Aerosmith |
Full Circle |
1999 |
Poland 43 - May 1999 (4 weeks) |
45 |
Aerosmith |
Angel's Eye |
2000 |
Poland 37 - Dec 2000 (2 weeks) |
46 |
Aerosmith |
Taste of India |
1998 |
RYM 100 of 1998 |
47 |
Aerosmith |
Fall Together |
1997 |
RYM 179 of 1997 |
48 |
Aerosmith |
Simoriah |
1987 |
RYM 91 of 1987 |
49 |
Aerosmith |
Can't Stop Messin' |
1993 |
RYM 141 of 1993 |
50 |
Aerosmith |
Don't Stop |
1993 |
RYM 141 of 1993 |
51 |
Aerosmith |
Monkey on My Back |
1989 |
RYM 187 of 1989 |
52 |
Aerosmith |
My Girl |
1990 |
RYM 165 of 1990 |
53 |
Aerosmith |
Theme From 'Wayne's World' |
1990 |
RYM 165 of 1990 |
54 |
Aerosmith |
Nobody's Fault |
1977 |
RYM 78 of 1977 |
55 |
Aerosmith |
Combination |
1976 |
RYM 74 of 1976 |
56 |
Aerosmith |
Round & Round |
1975 |
RYM 11 of 1975 |
57 |
Aerosmith |
Uncle Salty |
1975 |
RYM 18 of 1975 |
58 |
Aerosmith |
You See Me Crying |
1975 |
RYM 72 of 1975 |
59 |
Aerosmith |
SOS (Too Bad) |
1975 |
RYM 132 of 1975 |
60 |
Aerosmith |
Lord Of The Thighs |
1975 |
RYM 132 of 1975 |
61 |
Aerosmith |
Somebody |
1973 |
RYM 4 of 1973 |
62 |
Aerosmith |
Same Old Song & Dance |
1974 |
RYM 68 of 1974 |
63 |
Aerosmith |
Pandora's Box |
1974 |
RYM 68 of 1974 |
64 |
Aerosmith |
Spaced |
1974 |
RYM 90 of 1974 |
65 |
Aerosmith |
The Train Kept A-Rollin' |
1974 |
RYM 90 of 1974 |
In addition to the above listed songs Aerosmith also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Run DMC & Aerosmith |
Walk This Way |
1986 |
New Zealand 1 for 4 weeks - Nov 1986, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2014 (1986), Holland 2 - Sep 1986 (9 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jul 1986 (16 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1993), POP 4 of 1986, Belgium 5 - Sep 1986 (6 weeks), Norway 6 - Oct 1986 (6 weeks), nuTsie 7 of 1980s, UK 8 - Sep 1986 (10 weeks), France 8 - Aug 1986 (1 week), Switzerland 9 - Oct 1986 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 13 - Oct 1986 (14 weeks), Holland free40 16 of 1986, Germany 18 - Oct 1986 (2 months), Canada 54 of 1986, US Radio 61 of 1986 (peak 4 8 weeks), Italy 66 of 1986, Scrobulate 70 of hip-hop, US CashBox 80 of 1986, KROQ 86 of 1986, US BB 89 of 1986, Acclaimed 91 (1986), Rolling Stone 287, RYM 15 of 1986, Guardian Rock 81, Party 215 of 1999, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
Previous Comments (newest first)
23 May 2018
Double Listing - Falling In Love
#9 & #40 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks