Song artist 291 - Peter Gabriel

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Peter Gabriel Region Profile

Peter Gabriel Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Peter Gabriel.A list of the hit albums by Peter Gabriel is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

A member of Genesis.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer 1986 US Billboard 1 - May 1986 (21 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jul 1986, MTV Video of the year 1987, Austria 2 - Jul 1986 (4 months), Grammy in 1986 (Nominated), Holland free40 3 of 1986, Norway 3 - May 1986 (12 weeks), Springbok 3 - Aug 1986 (15 weeks), UK 4 - Apr 1986 (18 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Jun 1986 (16 weeks), Poland 4 - Jan 1986 (17 weeks), Switzerland 7 of 1986, Belgium 7 - May 1986 (10 weeks), Germany 7 - Jun 1986 (3 months), ODK Germany 7 - May 1986 (21 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Canada 7 of 1986, KROQ 8 of 1986, Holland 10 - May 1986 (12 weeks), US CashBox 14 of 1986, Canada 14 - May 1986 (3 weeks), POP 15 of 1986, ARC 16 of 1986 (peak 1 14 weeks), Sweden 19 - May 1986 (2 weeks), US Radio 20 of 1986 (peak 1 10 weeks), US BB 23 of 1986, Italy 34 of 1986, Vinyl Surrender 51 (1986), Scrobulate 52 of 80s, Brazil 54 of 1986, nuTsie 59 of 1980s, Belgium 192 of all time, Germany 378 of the 1980s (peak 7 13 weeks), Acclaimed 845 (1986), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jun 1986), RYM 24 of 1986
2 Peter Gabriel Steam 1993 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Jan 1993, Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Dec 1992 (10 weeks), UK 10 - Jan 1993 (7 weeks), Poland 14 - Jan 1993 (8 weeks), Holland 16 - Jan 1993 (6 weeks), Belgium 18 - Feb 1993 (3 weeks), Canada 21 of 1993, US Billboard 32 - Dec 1992 (15 weeks), Holland free40 40 of 1992, ODK Germany 48 - Jan 1993 (14 weeks), US Radio 79 of 1993 (peak 8 7 weeks), OzNet 914, RYM 118 of 1992
3 Peter Gabriel Games Without Frontiers 1980 France 1 - Mar 1980 (5 weeks), UK 4 - Feb 1980 (11 weeks), Canada 7 - Jul 1980 (13 weeks), Holland free40 11 of 1980, Sweden (alt) 17 - Apr 1980 (4 weeks), KROQ 25 of 1980, ODK Germany 36 - May 1980 (11 weeks), US Billboard 48 - Aug 1980 (11 weeks), POP 56 of 1980, Canada 57 of 1980, TheQ 390, WXPN 740, Acclaimed 1912 (1980), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1980), RYM 14 of 1980
4 Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill 1977 France 3 - May 1977 (4 weeks), Poland 9 - Mar 2002 (16 weeks), Holland 11 - Apr 1977 (9 weeks), Holland free40 12 of 1977, UK 13 - Apr 1977 (9 weeks), Belgium 14 - May 1977 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - Jul 1977 (18 weeks), Germany 24 - Aug 1977 (1 month), WXPN 37, Europe 64 of the 1970s (1977), US Billboard 68 - Apr 1977 (5 weeks), POP 71 of 1977, Scrobulate 94 of soft rock, Belgium 108 of all time, Acclaimed 2028 (1977), RYM 16 of 1977
5 Peter Gabriel Digging in the Dirt 1992 MTV Video of the year 1993 (Nominated), Japan (Tokyo) 4 - Sep 1992 (17 weeks), Holland free40 8 of 1992, Switzerland 12 - Sep 1992 (15 weeks), Poland 19 - Sep 1992 (9 weeks), Belgium 23 - Oct 1992 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 23 - Sep 1992 (13 weeks), UK 24 - Sep 1992 (4 weeks), Holland 30 - Sep 1992 (3 weeks), Canada 51 of 1992, US Billboard 52 - Oct 1992 (11 weeks), Italy 77 of 1992, RYM 40 of 1992
6 Peter Gabriel Big Time 1987 US Billboard 8 - Nov 1986 (23 weeks), France 8 - Mar 1987 (1 week), UK 13 - Mar 1987 (9 weeks), Belgium 14 - Apr 1987 (5 weeks), Poland 23 - Feb 1987 (8 weeks), Holland 24 - Apr 1987 (5 weeks), Holland free40 26 of 1987, KROQ 35 of 1986, ODK Germany 38 - Apr 1987 (6 weeks), POP 42 of 1987, US BB 75 of 1987, US Radio 81 of 1987 (peak 8 7 weeks), Canada 91 of 1987, RYM 66 of 1987
7 Peter Gabriel Shock the Monkey 1982 Canada 2 - Oct 1982 (14 weeks), Holland free40 2 of 1982, France 3 - Oct 1982 (1 week), KROQ 21 of 1982, Italy 24 of 1983, US Billboard 29 - Oct 1982 (17 weeks), POP 46 of 1983, UK 58 - Sep 1982 (5 weeks), Canada 89 of 1982, RYM 69 of 1982
8 Peter Gabriel In Your Eyes 1986 US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 2005), WXPN 21, POP 24 of 1986, US Billboard 26 - Aug 1986 (14 weeks), Poland 27 - Aug 1989 (4 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Jul 1989 (3 weeks), Acclaimed 1376 (1986), RYM 21 of 1986, Party 134 of 2007
9 Peter Gabriel Biko 1980 Holland free40 4 of 1980, UK 38 - Aug 1980 (9 weeks), Belgium 153 of all time, WXPN 689, Acclaimed 1590 (1980), RYM 121 of 1980, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
10 Peter Gabriel Blood of Eden 1993 Sweden 16 - Apr 1993 (3 weeks), UK 43 - Apr 1993 (4 weeks), Holland free40 70 of 1993, Japan (Tokyo) 84 - May 1993 (3 weeks), RYM 96 of 1993
11 Peter Gabriel Down to Earth 2008 Oscar in 2008 (film 'WALL-E') (Nominated), Golden Globe in 2008 (film 'WALL-E') (Nominated), RYM 199 of 2008
12 Peter Gabriel Red Rain 1987 Poland 1 - Aug 1986 (15 weeks), UK 46 - Jul 1987 (4 weeks), Holland free40 56 of 1987, RYM 57 of 1987
13 Peter Gabriel Growin' Up 2003 Poland 1 - May 2003 (19 weeks), RYM 176 of 2003
14 Peter Gabriel I Don't Remember 1981 Holland free40 12 of 1981, UK 62 - Jul 1983 (4 weeks), RYM 14 of 1980
15 Peter Gabriel More Than This 2002 Poland 6 - Dec 2002 (15 weeks), UK 47 - Jan 2003 (2 weeks)
16 Peter Gabriel The Barry Williams Show 2002 Poland 13 - Aug 2002 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 66 - Sep 2002 (3 weeks), Holland free40 85 of 2002
17 Peter Gabriel Walk Through Fire 1984 France 2 - Jun 1984 (2 weeks), UK 69 - Jun 1984 (3 weeks)
18 Peter Gabriel Love Town 1994 UK 49 - Jun 1994 (2 weeks), RYM 178 of 1994
19 Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog 1993 UK 46 - Sep 1993 (3 weeks), Holland free40 65 of 1993
20 Peter Gabriel They Made The Jazz 1993 Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Jun 1993 (10 weeks)
21 Peter Gabriel Different Drum 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 35 - Jun 1989 (5 weeks)
22 Peter Gabriel The Book of Love 2005 Poland 32 - Feb 2005 (27 weeks), ODK Germany 93 - Jun 2010 (1 week)
23 Peter Gabriel Modern Love 1977 Holland free40 17 of 1977, RYM 155 of 1977
24 Peter Gabriel SW Live EP 1994 UK 39 - Sep 1994 (2 weeks)
25 Peter Gabriel Lovetown 1994 Holland free40 39 of 1994, ODK Germany 95 - Jul 1994 (1 week)
26 Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill/Shaking The Tree 1990 UK 57 - Dec 1990 (5 weeks)
27 Peter Gabriel I Have the Touch 1982 KROQ 105 of 1982
28 Peter Gabriel Not One of Us 1980 KROQ 79 of 1980
29 Peter Gabriel No Self Control 1980 UK 33 - May 1980 (6 weeks)
30 Peter Gabriel Burn You Up, Burn You Down 2003 Poland 24 - Nov 2003 (12 weeks)
31 Peter Gabriel DIY 1978 Holland free40 81 of 1978
32 Peter Gabriel The Tower That Ate People 2001 Poland 37 - Feb 2001 (9 weeks)
33 Peter Gabriel Father & Son 2000 Poland 26 - Jun 2000 (5 weeks)
34 Peter Gabriel Wallflower 1983 Holland free40 46 of 1983
35 Peter Gabriel Love to Be Loved 1993 Poland 16 - Apr 1993 (11 weeks)
36 Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill (Live) 1984 Belgium 29 - Jan 1984 (1 week)
37 Peter Gabriel Ga Ga 1987 RYM 57 of 1987
38 Peter Gabriel Curtains 1987 RYM 66 of 1987
39 Peter Gabriel Don't Break this Rhythm 1986 RYM 24 of 1986
40 Peter Gabriel Soft Dog 1982 RYM 69 of 1982
41 Peter Gabriel Start 1980 RYM 14 of 1980
42 Peter Gabriel Shosholoza 1980 RYM 121 of 1980
43 Peter Gabriel Jetzt kommt die Flut 1980 RYM 121 of 1980
44 Peter Gabriel Moribund the Burgermeister 1977 RYM 16 of 1977
45 Peter Gabriel Slowburn 1977 RYM 155 of 1977
46 Peter Gabriel Troubled unknown Scrobulate 57 of world
47 Peter Gabriel Lazarus Raised unknown Scrobulate 83 of world
48 Peter Gabriel Open unknown Scrobulate 84 of world
49 Peter Gabriel Wall Of Breath unknown Scrobulate 85 of world
50 Peter Gabriel With This Love (Choir) unknown Scrobulate 86 of world
51 Peter Gabriel Mercy Street unknown WXPN 489
52 Peter Gabriel Washing of the Water unknown WXPN 542

In addition to the above listed songs Peter Gabriel also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush Don't Give Up 1986 Holland 4 - Dec 1986 (12 weeks), Poland 7 - Nov 1986 (14 weeks), Belgium 7 - Jan 1987 (6 weeks), UK 9 - Nov 1986 (11 weeks), Sweden 12 - Nov 1986 (3 weeks), POP 12 of 1987, ODK Germany 27 - Nov 1986 (12 weeks), Holland free40 36 of 1986, Poland 58 of all time, US Billboard 72 - Apr 1987 (6 weeks), Europe 92 of the 1980s (1986), WXPN 382, RYM 29 of 1986
2 Peter Gabriel & Youssou N'Dour Shakin' the Tree 1989 Holland free40 24 of 1989, Japan (Tokyo) 26 - Dec 1990 (4 weeks), UK 61 - Jun 1989 (3 weeks), RYM 113 of 1989
3 Deep Forest & Peter Gabriel While The Earth Sleeps 1996 France 1 - Dec 1996 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Nov 1995 (20 weeks), Holland free40 100 of 1996
4 Worldbeaters & Peter Gabriel Partyman 1995 Japan (Tokyo) 88 - Nov 1995 (3 weeks)
5 Afro Celt Sound System & Peter Gabriel When You're Falling 2001 Poland 48 - Aug 2001 (3 weeks)
6 Peter Gabriel & Larry Adler Summertime 1994 Poland 19 - Sep 1994 (7 weeks)

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1 May 2018

Double Listing - Blood Of Eden

Based on time frame of 1993, #10 & #7 (under Duets w/Sinead O'Connor) are the same.

Data fixed, thanks