Song artist 717 - Boston

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Boston Region Profile

Boston Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Boston.A list of the hit albums by Boston is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Boston More Than a Feeling 1976 D.Marsh 2 of 1977, Record World 4 - 1976, Canada 4 - Oct 1976 (16 weeks), France 4 - Dec 1976 (3 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 2005), US Billboard 5 - Sep 1976 (18 weeks), Holland free40 6 of 1976, Switzerland 9 - Mar 1977 (8 weeks), Holland 11 - Jan 1977 (7 weeks), Belgium 14 - Jan 1977 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - Jan 1977 (15 weeks), RIANZ 15 - Dec 1976 (10 weeks), Germany 18 - Feb 1977 (2 months), UK 22 - Jan 1977 (15 weeks), nuTsie 23 of 1970s, POP 28 of 1976, Europe 30 of the 1970s (1977), US Radio 52 of 1976 (peak 5 10 weeks), TheQ 56, Canada 58 of 1976, Scrobulate 70 of classic rock, WABC NY 75 of 1976, US CashBox 83 of 1976, 96 in 2FM list, Belgium 228 of all time, OzNet 237, Acclaimed 292 (1976), Rolling Stone 500, RYM 10 of 1976, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Boston Amanda 1986 US Billboard 1 - Sep 1986 (17 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Nov 1986, Norway 10 - Dec 1986 (2 weeks), US CashBox 12 of 1986, Switzerland 12 - Dec 1986 (8 weeks), Sweden 17 - Oct 1986 (2 weeks), Poland 17 - Nov 1986 (7 weeks), Holland 23 - Dec 1986 (6 weeks), US Radio 28 of 1986 (peak 1 8 weeks), Canada 39 of 1986, ODK Germany 46 - Dec 1986 (7 weeks), US BB 50 of 1986, Holland free40 62 of 1986, UK 84 - Nov 1986 (2 weeks), RYM 135 of 1986
3 Boston Don't Look Back 1978 US Billboard 4 - Aug 1978 (13 weeks), France 5 - Nov 1978 (1 week), Canada 7 - Aug 1978 (13 weeks), Record World 8 - 1978, Holland 12 - Sep 1978 (5 weeks), Holland free40 24 of 1978, Belgium 28 - Oct 1978 (1 week), UK 43 - Oct 1978 (5 weeks), US CashBox 48 of 1978, Canada 50 of 1978, US Radio 52 of 1978 (peak 4 9 weeks), WABC NY 57 of 1978, US BB 93 of 1978, TheQ 106, RYM 182 of 1978
4 Boston Long Time 1977 Canada 15 - Mar 1977 (9 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Jan 1977 (10 weeks), Record World 22 - 1977, POP 33 of 1977, ODK Germany 39 - Apr 1977 (5 weeks), Holland free40 72 of 1977, Canada 95 of 1977, US CashBox 99 of 1977, TheQ 118
5 Boston Peace Of Mind 1977 France 10 - Aug 1977 (1 week), Canada 14 - May 1977 (8 weeks), US Billboard 38 - May 1977 (8 weeks), Record World 39 - 1977, POP 39 of 1977, Holland free40 42 of 1977, TheQ 144, RYM 151 of 1977
6 Boston I Need Your Love 1994 Japan (Tokyo) 4 - May 1994 (11 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 27 of 1994 (peak 1 20 weeks), US Billboard 51 - Jun 1994 (10 weeks)
7 Boston Can'tcha Say 1987 US Billboard 20 - Mar 1987 (13 weeks), UK 82 - May 1987 (1 week), US Radio 156 of 1987 (peak 20 2 weeks)
8 Boston A Man I'll Never Be 1979 France 9 - Mar 1979 (1 week), US Billboard 31 - Nov 1978 (11 weeks), Record World 36 - 1979
9 Boston We're Ready 1986 US Billboard 9 - Dec 1986 (15 weeks), US Radio 111 of 1987 (peak 9 5 weeks)
10 Boston Still in Love 1987 US Billboard 20 - Mar 1987 (13 weeks), US Radio 156 of 1987 (peak 20 2 weeks)
11 Boston Livin' For You 1994 France 10 - Jun 1994 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 96 - Jul 1994 (2 weeks)
12 Boston Foreplay 1977 TheQ 118, RYM 151 of 1977
13 Boston Higher Power 1998 France 3 - Jan 1998 (3 weeks)
14 Boston Feelin' Satisfied 1979 US Billboard 46 - Mar 1979 (7 weeks)
15 Boston Tell Me 1998 France 9 - May 1998 (1 week)
16 Boston Smokin' 1976 RYM 10 of 1976
17 Boston Rock 'n' Roll Band unknown TheQ 478

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