Information Architect

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A practitioner of Information Architecture.

The goal of architecture is to provide an overview of a complex system. The architect usually achieves this by developing a variety of specialised views that each reveal one aspect, for example when designing buildings there will be views for the clients, for the structural engineer and for the electrician.

When designing information systems it is common to also have a range of specialists such as user interface designers, data modellers, software development and so on. In this case the architect has to apply best practice to express the needs of the stakeholders in terms that the various implementors can understand.

Links to this page

The following pages link to here: Architect, Blue Sky, Classification, Data Form, Data Model, Diagram, Enterprise Architecture, IA Best Practice, Index, Information Architecture, Interview, Model, Practitioner, Relationship, Stakeholder, Theory, User Interface, Ymper Trymon

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