
This page lists the various (fairly old) pieces of software that can be downloaded from this site. This list needs updating... one day. All these programs are open source.

Build Folio: The Build Folio program generates web pages that let you navigate a set of files and directories. Very good at generating thumbnailed indexes of directories containing a lot of images. The way the web pages are generated can be completely controlled via configuration files. The program is built as a Perl 5 script which by default calls the Tk package to provide a graphical front end. Originally developed on a PC running Windows, it should be able to run anywhere. The script generates its own documentation.

Latest Version 0.9b
Released 27 Sep 2002 (updated 2 Oct 2007) 482kB 190kB

Build Folio Test Data: A set of directories, image and various other files that illustrate the types of things that can do.  You can see what is generated by going here.

Latest Version 0.9
Released 27 Sep 2002 2.4Mb

Change Attributes: Perl/Tk script to change file attributes under Windows. Allows you to specify a whole group of files and, for example set the ARCHIVE bit. Provides a nice front end that gives the user access to all the normal Windows attributes.

Version 1.1 provides a button to additionally list the matching files (and directories) in increasing size order. This is valuable when looking for stuff to clean up on a full disk.

Latest Version 1.1
Released 29 Jun 2004 42kB 9kB

Action: Perl/Tk script to carry out some actions under Windows. Allows you to join together, rename, uuencode or uudecode whole blocks of files.

Latest Version 1.0
Released 27 Sep 2002 24kB 6kB

Rename: General file rename program written in Perl (using Tk for an interface). Allows the user to specify file names using Perl patterns and change the names en-mass. Most valuable under Windows, where you can't use things like perl to do mass name changing.

Latest Version 1.0
Released 19 May 2002 16kB 4kB

Replace: A little script that does a textual "search and replace" on all the matching files in a directory. Most valuable under Windows, where you can't use things like perl to do mass text editing.

Latest Version 1.0
Released 30 Jun 2004 6kB 2kB

Splitter: A script that splits a file into multiple parts. This can be based on size or patterns found within the file. Most valuable under Windows, where you can't use things like split to cut up files.

Latest Version 1.0
Released 30 Jun 2004 18kB 5kB

RmDup: A script that looks for duplicate files within a directory and, if it finds any, removes them. I use it when I download changing pictures from the web (for example weather maps), if I run this then any exact duplicates are cleaned out even if the names are completely different.

Latest Version 1.0
Released 30 Jun 2004 7kB 2kB

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