Songs from the Year 1909

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This page lists the top songs of 1909 in the source charts. The way that the various charts are combined to reach this final list is described on the in the site generation page.

There are almost no charts from before 1920 so this list is heavily determined by very few entries.

The top ten song artists of 1909 were:

1:Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan3:Henry Burr5:Haydn Quartet7:Ada Jones & Billy Murray9:Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet
2:Ada Jones4:Fisk University Jubilee Quartet6:Billy Murray8:Blanche Ring10:Mario Pinheiro
# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Fisk University Jubilee Quartet Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 1909 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2015 (1909), Library of Congress artifact added 2002 (1909), Music Imprint 4 of 1900s, US Billboard 7 - Jun 1910 (3 weeks), RIAA 35, Acclaimed 893 (1909)
2 Blanche Ring I've Got Rings on My Fingers 1909 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1909 (5 weeks), Brazil 7 of 1910
3 Ada Jones & Victor Light Opera Co The Yama Yama Man 1909 US Billboard 1 - Jul 1909 (9 weeks), Brazil 13 of 1910
4 Henry Burr I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now 1909 US Billboard 1 - Sep 1909 (13 weeks), Brazil 15 of 1910
5 Ada Jones I've Got Rings on My Fingers 1909 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1909 (12 weeks), Brazil 16 of 1910
6 Haydn Quartet Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet 1909 US Billboard 1 - Dec 1909 (17 weeks), Brazil 19 of 1910
7 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan The Right Church, but the Wrong Pew 1909 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1909 (11 weeks)
8 Henry Burr To the End of the World with You 1909 US Billboard 1 - May 1909 (13 weeks)
9 Harry MacDonough & Elise Stevenson Shine on Harvest Moon 1909 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1909 (14 weeks)
10 Frank Stanley & Elise Stevenson Good Evening, Caroline 1909 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1909 (11 weeks)
11 Gertie Miller Moonstruck 1909 Peel list 1 of 1909
12 Banda da Casa Edison Choro & Poesia 1909 Brazil 1 of 1909
13 Billy Murray I Wish I Had A Girl 1909 US Billboard 2 - May 1909 (6 weeks)
14 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan Down Among the Sugar Cane 1909 US Billboard 2 - Mar 1909 (5 weeks)
15 Harry Lauder She is my Daisy 1909 US Billboard 2 - Sep 1909 (5 weeks)
16 Ada Jones I Remember You 1909 US Billboard 2 - Mar 1909 (4 weeks)
17 Henry Burr Honey On Our Honeymoon 1909 US Billboard 2 - Nov 1909 (5 weeks)
18 Frank Stanley & Henry Burr In the Garden of My Heart 1909 US Billboard 2 - Apr 1909 (7 weeks)
19 Will Oakland Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares 1909 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1909 (5 weeks)
20 Arthur Collins I Love, I Love, I Love My Wife, but Oh You Kid! 1909 US Billboard 2 - Aug 1909 (7 weeks)
21 Ada Jones Pony Boy 1909 US Billboard 2 - Oct 1909 (4 weeks)
22 Ada Jones Beautiful Eyes 1909 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1909 (5 weeks)
23 Frank Stanley & Henry Burr Shine on Harvest Moon 1909 US Billboard 2 - Jun 1909 (6 weeks)
24 Mario Pinheiro e Loucura Meu Anjo 1909 Brazil 2 of 1909
25 George Grossmith Jr Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay 1909 Peel list 2 of 1909
26 Sousa's Band Under the Double Eagle 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (3 weeks)
27 Haydn Quartet Brown Eyes, Good-Bye 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (3 weeks)
28 Ada Jones & Billy Murray I'm Awfully Glad I Met You 1909 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1909 (3 weeks)
29 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet The Hat My Father Wore on St Patrick's Day 1909 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1909 (5 weeks)
30 Frank Stanley & Byron G Harlan Meet Me in Rose-Time, Rosie 1909 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1909 (4 weeks)
31 Ralph Herz That Wasn't All! 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (2 weeks)
32 Harold Jarvis Beautiful Isle of Somewhere 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (3 weeks)
33 Billy Murray Dixie Land, I Love You 1909 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1909 (3 weeks)
34 Walter Van Brunt When I Dream in the Gloaming of You 1909 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1909 (4 weeks)
35 Haydn Quartet Up, Up, Up in My Aeroplane 1909 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1909 (3 weeks)
36 Arthur Collins That's a Plenty 1909 US Billboard 3 - Sep 1909 (3 weeks)
37 Haydn Quartet Lonesome 1909 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1909 (5 weeks)
38 Sousa's Band El Capitan March (new version) 1909 US Billboard 3 - Apr 1909 (4 weeks)
39 Peerless Quartet Pony Boy 1909 US Billboard 3 - Aug 1909 (3 weeks)
40 Mario Pinheiro O Gondoleiro do Amor 1909 Brazil 3 of 1909
41 Phylis Dare Bring Me a Rose 1909 Peel list 3 of 1909
42 Harry Tally I Wish I Had A Girl 1909 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1909 (2 weeks)
43 Will Oakland Silver Threads Among the Gold 1909 US Billboard 4 - Jun 1909 (3 weeks)
44 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan Alabam' 1909 US Billboard 4 - Jan 1909 (3 weeks)
45 Blanche Ring Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay 1909 US Billboard 4 - Jul 1909 (1 week)
46 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan My Wife's Gone to the Country (Hurrah! Hurrah!) 1909 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1909 (2 weeks)
47 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Take Me Out for a Joy Ride 1909 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1909 (3 weeks)
48 Arthur Pryor's Band 1812 Overture 1909 US Billboard 4 - Jul 1909 (2 weeks)
49 Henry Burr Then You'll Remember Me 1909 US Billboard 4 - Jan 1909 (4 weeks)
50 Manuel Romain To the End of the World with You 1909 US Billboard 4 - May 1909 (2 weeks)
51 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan Sweetest Gal in Town 1909 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1909 (2 weeks)
52 Billy Murray Good Evening, Caroline 1909 US Billboard 4 - Feb 1909 (1 week)
53 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Take Me Up with You, Dearie 1909 US Billboard 4 - Aug 1909 (3 weeks)
54 G H Chirgwin The Jocular Joker 1909 Peel list 4 of 1909
55 Frank Stanley & Elise Stevenson It's Hard to Kiss Your Sweetheart (When the Last Kiss Means Good-Bye) 1909 US Billboard 5 - Dec 1909 (3 weeks)
56 Byron G Harlan Schoolmates 1909 US Billboard 5 - Jun 1909 (1 week)
57 Billy Murray My Cousin Caruso 1909 US Billboard 5 - Aug 1909 (2 weeks)
58 Ada Jones Red Head 1909 US Billboard 5 - Nov 1909 (1 week)
59 Harry Tally In Those Good Old Country Days 1909 US Billboard 5 - May 1909 (1 week)
60 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Sullivan 1909 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1909 (1 week)
61 Ada Jones & Billy Murray I'm Looking for a Sweetheart & I Think You'll Do 1909 US Billboard 5 - Jun 1909 (2 weeks)
62 Manuel Romain I Wish I Had My Old Gal Back Again 1909 US Billboard 5 - Oct 1909 (1 week)
63 Henry Burr When You & I Were Young, Maggie 1909 US Billboard 5 - Apr 1909 (1 week)
64 Byron G Harlan Let's Go in to a Picture Show 1909 US Billboard 5 - Dec 1909 (2 weeks)
65 Prince's Orchestra The Washington Post 1909 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1909 (2 weeks)
66 Bob Roberts I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid! 1909 US Billboard 5 - Aug 1909 (1 week)
67 Eduardo das Neves Pelo Buraco 1909 Brazil 5 of 1909
68 Billy Murray When a Fellow's on the Level with a Girl Who's on the Square 1909 US Billboard 6 - Mar 1909 (1 week)
69 Ada Jones & Billy Murray I'm Glad I'm a Boy - I'm Glad I'm a Girl 1909 US Billboard 6 - Dec 1909 (2 weeks)
70 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Meet Me in Rose-Time, Rosie 1909 US Billboard 6 - May 1909 (1 week)
71 Peerless Quartet Roses Bring Dreams of You 1909 US Billboard 6 - Apr 1909 (1 week)
72 Bob Roberts Shine on Harvest Moon 1909 US Billboard 6 - Jun 1909 (1 week)
73 Ada Jones & Billy Murray Isn't Love a Grand Old Thing? 1909 US Billboard 6 - Jul 1909 (1 week)
74 Byron G Harlan Lonesome 1909 US Billboard 6 - Nov 1909 (1 week)
75 Arthur Collins & Byron G Harlan Honey Lou 1909 US Billboard 6 - Jan 1909 (1 week)

Comment on the contents of the 'Songs from the Year 1909' page
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Previous Comments (newest first)

11 Nov 2012

I Wish I Had A Girl

I sent an email about this for the Year 1907, but I see you have it postedhere. Where is "Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland"? One of my grandfather's favorite songs

It was a hit in Nov 1910. If you had typed "Dreamland" into the search box (top right of this page) it would have found it for you

11 Nov 2012

I Wish I Had A Girl

When I lived with my grandparents as a teenager, they told me of many beautiful songs from their youth. They were both 24 years old in 1907. He sang many of them and one in particular was "Gee, I Wish That I Had A Girl Like The Other Fellows Have" I found the sheet music for this many years later after they had both died. It's a nice song with a very pretty melody.

Should it not be on your list for 1907? Wasn't it a hit?

Thank you for posting all these songs from my grandparents' youth.

Many pretty melodies.

The song "I Wish I Had A Girl" was a hit for Billy Murray, Harry Tally and Manuel Romain in 1909.

As we've mentioned elsewhere there are very few charts from before 1920 so we're sure lots of good songs are missing from our lists.

13 Oct 2010

Peel list

what is the "peel list"?

It was a list compiled by the broadcaster John Peel of the best four songs from every year of the 20th century. There are details on the "Song Charts" page (the sixth item in the right menu).

This selection of music was also known as the "Peelennium", and Wikipedia's entry under that name has the complete list.

You can get a feel for how influential he was by looking up "List of Peel sessions" on Wikipedia

19 Sep 2009


The performers must be Harry Macdonough & Elise Stevenson.

You are correct, the entry has been fixed. Thanks for the input