Song artist 748 - Steppenwolf

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Steppenwolf Region Profile

Steppenwolf Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Steppenwolf.A list of the hit albums by Steppenwolf is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Steppenwolf Born to Be Wild 1968 Canada 1 - Jun 1968 (8 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Aug 1968, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002 (1968), US Billboard 2 - Jul 1968 (13 weeks), Record World 2 - 1968, Keener 3 - Jul 1968 (8 weeks), France 3 - Feb 1970 (2 weeks), Holland 4 - Oct 1968 (18 weeks), US invalid BB 4 of 1968, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1968), POP 4 of 1968, DDD 7 of 1968, WABC NY 13 of 1968, NZ Listner 13 - Nov 1968 (4 weeks), Canada 14 of 1968, Belgium 16 - Nov 1990 (7 weeks), Europe 19 of the 1960s (1968), Flanders 20 - Oct 1968 (1 month), US Radio 21 of 1968 (peak 2 9 weeks), Germany 23 - Oct 1968 (2 months), TheQ 24, KQV 26 of 1968, AFI 29, UK 30 - Jun 1969 (9 weeks), US BB 31 of 1968, D.Marsh 34 of 1968, US CashBox 36 of 1968, nuTsie 44 of 1960s, DMDB 77 (1968), Belgium 93 of all time, Rolling Stone 129, RIAA 133, Acclaimed 165 (1968), OzNet 364, WXPN 776, RYM 28 of 1968, Party 110 of 1999, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Steppenwolf Magic Carpet Ride 1968 Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Nov 1968, Canada 2 - Oct 1968 (9 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Oct 1968 (16 weeks), Record World 3 - 1968, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1969), NZ Listner 5 - Dec 1968 (7 weeks), Keener 7 - Oct 1968 (9 weeks), US invalid BB 8 of 1968, POP 8 of 1968, Australia Goset 12 - Nov 1968 (16 weeks), Germany 17 - Jan 1969 (1 month), DDD 19 of 1968, US Radio 32 of 1968 (peak 3 9 weeks), WABC NY 41 of 1968, Canada 45 of 1968, US CashBox 60 of 1968, US BB 62 of 1968, Scrobulate 64 of 60s, KQV 68 of 1968, TheQ 75, Brazil 82 of 1969, WXPN 695, RYM 31 of 1968
3 Steppenwolf Rock Me 1969 France 2 - Jan 1971 (3 weeks), Canada 4 - Mar 1969 (7 weeks), Record World 7 - 1969, US Billboard 10 - Mar 1969 (10 weeks), Keener 20 - Feb 1969 (5 weeks), KQV 55 of 1969, US CashBox 81 of 1969, WABC NY 90 of 1969, Canada 90 of 1969, US Radio 97 of 1969 (peak 10 6 weeks)
4 Steppenwolf Straight Shootin' Woman 1974 France 4 - Mar 1975 (3 weeks), Canada 13 - Sep 1974 (10 weeks), Record World 27 - 1974, US Billboard 29 - Sep 1974 (9 weeks), Canada 88 of 1974
5 Steppenwolf Hey Lawdy Mama 1970 France 10 - Aug 1971 (1 week), Record World 24 - 1970, US Billboard 35 - Apr 1970 (8 weeks), Australia Goset 42 - Aug 1970 (3 weeks)
6 Steppenwolf Move Over 1969 Record World 18 - 1969, Keener 18 - Aug 1969 (5 weeks), Germany 23 - Nov 1969 (1 month), US Billboard 31 - Aug 1969 (9 weeks)
7 Steppenwolf Monster 1970 Record World 24 - 1970, Keener 27 - Jan 1970 (3 weeks), US Billboard 39 - Dec 1969 (8 weeks)
8 Steppenwolf Snow Blind Friend 1971 France 7 - Nov 1971 (1 week), US Billboard 60 - Mar 1971 (7 weeks)
9 Steppenwolf Who Needs Ya 1970 Canada 17 - Jan 1971 (5 weeks), US Billboard 54 - Nov 1970 (6 weeks)
10 Steppenwolf Ride With Me 1971 Record World 37 - 1971, US Billboard 52 - Jul 1971 (8 weeks)
11 Steppenwolf Never Too Late 1969 Record World 35 - 1969, US Billboard 51 - May 1969 (5 weeks)
12 Steppenwolf Screaming Night Hog 1970 Record World 38 - 1970, US Billboard 62 - Aug 1970 (7 weeks)
13 Steppenwolf Born To Be Wild (1999) 1999 UK 18 - Feb 1999 (5 weeks)
14 Steppenwolf For Ladies Only 1971 US Billboard 64 - Nov 1971 (7 weeks)
15 Steppenwolf Everybody's Next One 1968 RYM 28 of 1968
16 Steppenwolf Sookie Sookie 1968 RYM 31 of 1968
17 Steppenwolf The Pusher 1970 RYM 167 of 1970
18 Steppenwolf Your Wall's Too High 1970 RYM 167 of 1970

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