This page lists the song chart entries of REM.A list of the hit albums by REM is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
Also known as R.E.M. and Hindu Love Gods.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Losing My Religion |
1991 |
Holland 1 - Mar 1991 (13 weeks), Poland 1 - Apr 1991 (24 weeks), Belgium 1 - Apr 1991 (11 weeks), Europe 1 of the 1990s (1991), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2017 (1991), MTV Video of the year 1991, nuTsie 2 of 1990s, Grammy in 1991 (Nominated), US Billboard 4 - Apr 1991 (21 weeks), Norway 4 - Jun 1991 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1991), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 2009), Sweden 5 - Mar 1991 (9 weeks), Holland free40 7 of 1991, Austria 7 - Aug 1991 (4 months), Switzerland 11 - Oct 1991 (9 weeks), Belgium 12 of all time, UK 19 - Mar 1991 (9 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 24 of 1991 (peak 8 20 weeks), Canada 28 of 1991, ARC 29 of 1991 (peak 3 14 weeks), Brazil 30 of 1991, Virgin 30, US BB 33 of 1991, US CashBox 39 of 1991, 39 in 2FM list, US Radio 44 of 1991 (peak 4 9 weeks), Poland 44 of all time, Acclaimed 44 (1991), Japan (Tokyo) 46 - Mar 1991 (9 weeks), POP 61 of 1991, Vinyl Surrender 66 (1991), Scrobulate 69 of rock, Italy 70 of 1991, OzNet 90, WXPN 106, RIAA 143, Rolling Stone 169, RYM 5 of 1991, WFUV 86, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
2 |
Everybody Hurts |
1993 |
Poland 1 - Jun 1993 (52 weeks), MTV Video of the year 1994 (Nominated), Holland 4 - Jun 1993 (13 weeks), UK 7 - Apr 1993 (14 weeks), Virgin 7, Sweden 9 - May 1993 (5 weeks), Europe 9 of the 1990s (1993), Belgium 18 - Jun 1993 (7 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Sep 1993 (20 weeks), Vinyl Surrender 37 (1992), Australia 44 of 1993, nuTsie 54 of 1990s, Holland free40 61 of 1993, Belgium 62 of all time, POP 63 of 1993, Poland 70 of all time, Scrobulate 72 of rock, Canada 75 of 1993, ODK Germany 83 - Nov 2012 (1 week), US Radio 87 of 1993 (peak 9 6 weeks), TheQ 171, OzNet 187, WXPN 354, Acclaimed 1165 (1992), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Apr 1995), RYM 14 of 1993, Guardian Rock 89 |
3 |
Shiny Happy People |
1991 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Sep 1991, Poland 3 - Jun 1991 (11 weeks), Belgium 5 - Jun 1991 (10 weeks), UK 6 - May 1991 (11 weeks), Sweden 6 - Jun 1991 (4 weeks), France 7 - May 1991 (1 week), US Billboard 10 - Jul 1991 (15 weeks), Holland 10 - Jun 1991 (7 weeks), Norway 10 - Jul 1991 (1 week), ODK Germany 10 - Jun 1991 (25 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 12 - Jun 1991 (4 months), Austria 23 - Sep 1991 (3 months), Holland free40 29 of 1991, Canada 29 of 1991, Scrobulate 49 of happy, Brazil 51 of 1991, Virgin 70, POP 74 of 1991, Japan (Tokyo) 77 - Sep 1991 (1 week), Italy 80 of 1991, US Radio 85 of 1991 (peak 10 7 weeks), US BB 100 of 1991, Acclaimed 2489 (1991), RYM 52 of 1991 |
4 |
Drive |
1992 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1992, France 3 - Oct 1992 (5 weeks), Norway 3 - Oct 1992 (12 weeks), Poland 5 - Oct 1992 (14 weeks), Sweden 6 - Oct 1992 (7 weeks), Switzerland 7 - Oct 1992 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Oct 1992 (6 weeks), UK 11 - Oct 1992 (5 weeks), Austria 11 - Nov 1992 (3 months), Germany 13 - Jan 1993 (3 months), ODK Germany 13 - Oct 1992 (24 weeks), Holland 15 - Oct 1992 (6 weeks), Belgium 15 - Oct 1992 (8 weeks), US Billboard 28 - Oct 1992 (15 weeks), Holland free40 36 of 1992, Canada 52 of 1992, Scrobulate 70 of good, Europe 81 of the 1990s (1992), Italy 85 of 1992, Belgium 87 of all time, US Radio 114 of 1992 (peak 11 5 weeks), Acclaimed 854 (1992), RYM 14 of 1992 |
5 |
What's the Frequency, Kenneth? |
1994 |
Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1994, Sweden 4 - Sep 1994 (11 weeks), Poland 7 - Sep 1994 (15 weeks), UK 9 - Sep 1994 (7 weeks), Norway 9 - Sep 1994 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 15 - Oct 1994 (14 weeks), Belgium 16 - Oct 1994 (6 weeks), Canada 16 of 1994, US Billboard 21 - Sep 1994 (20 weeks), Holland 21 - Sep 1994 (5 weeks), Austria 21 - Oct 1994 (1 month), Switzerland 22 - Oct 1994 (9 weeks), Holland free40 29 of 1994, US Radio 58 of 1994 (peak 10 9 weeks), ODK Germany 74 - Oct 1994 (7 weeks), Scrobulate 74 of american, Italy 92 of 1994, Acclaimed 917 (1994), RYM 65 of 1994 |
6 |
Man On the Moon |
1993 |
MTV Video of the year 1993 (Nominated), Poland 4 - Dec 1992 (17 weeks), Sweden 6 - Jan 1993 (6 weeks), France 10 - Jan 1993 (1 week), Belgium 17 - Dec 1992 (5 weeks), UK 18 - Nov 1992 (8 weeks), Holland free40 25 of 1992, Austria 28 - Mar 1993 (1 month), Canada 29 of 1993, US Billboard 30 - Feb 1993 (15 weeks), ODK Germany 34 - Jan 1993 (20 weeks), POP 53 of 1993, Japan (Tokyo) 57 - Feb 1993 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 75 of 90s, US Radio 77 of 1993 (peak 10 7 weeks), TheQ 177, Acclaimed 540 (1992), RYM 21 of 1992 |
7 |
Imitation of Life |
2001 |
Sweden 1 - Apr 2001 (7 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Jul 2001, Poland 2 - Apr 2001 (16 weeks), Norway 4 - May 2001 (5 weeks), UK 6 - May 2001 (9 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 6 - Apr 2001 (14 weeks), Austria 22 - May 2001 (2 months), Holland 23 - Apr 2001 (6 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 27 of 2001 (peak 3 18 weeks), Switzerland 27 - May 2001 (12 weeks), ODK Germany 35 - May 2001 (9 weeks), Italy 40 of 2001, Holland free40 67 of 2001, US Billboard 83 - May 2001 (5 weeks), Acclaimed 2388 (2001), RYM 25 of 2001 |
8 |
Bang & Blame |
1994 |
Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1995, Spain 1 for 1 week - Feb 1995, France 2 - Nov 1994 (3 weeks), Poland 6 - Dec 1994 (17 weeks), Belgium 13 - Dec 1994 (3 weeks), Sweden 14 - Nov 1994 (4 weeks), UK 15 - Nov 1994 (4 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jan 1995 (14 weeks), Canada 22 of 1995, Holland 26 - Nov 1994 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 29 - Jan 1995 (6 weeks), US Radio 53 of 1995 (peak 8 8 weeks), Holland free40 57 of 1994, ODK Germany 74 - Dec 1994 (11 weeks), RYM 105 of 1994 |
9 |
Bad Day |
2003 |
Poland 1 - Sep 2003 (11 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 2003, Sweden 4 - Oct 2003 (9 weeks), UK 8 - Oct 2003 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Oct 2003 (5 weeks), Norway 11 - Oct 2003 (3 weeks), Holland free40 32 of 2003, Switzerland 39 - Nov 2003 (1 week), ODK Germany 39 - Nov 2003 (6 weeks), Italy 59 of 2003, RYM 94 of 2003 |
10 |
The One I Love |
1987 |
Holland free40 1 of 1987, France 6 - Nov 1987 (2 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Sep 1987 (20 weeks), KROQ 11 of 1987, Springbok 17 - Apr 1988 (2 weeks), UK 51 - Nov 1987 (9 weeks), Belgium 59 of all time, ODK Germany 81 - Nov 1991 (6 weeks), Canada 90 of 1987, Vinyl Surrender 90 (1987), US Radio 98 of 1987 (peak 9 6 weeks), Acclaimed 385 (1987), RYM 5 of 1987 |
11 |
Leaving New York |
2004 |
Poland 1 - Sep 2004 (21 weeks), Sweden 2 - Sep 2004 (12 weeks), UK 5 - Oct 2004 (5 weeks), Norway 7 - Oct 2004 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - Oct 2004 (11 weeks), Switzerland 18 - Oct 2004 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 22 - Sep 2004 (9 weeks), Germany 25 - Oct 2004 (1 month), Italy 30 of 2004, Austria 32 - Oct 2004 (2 months), RYM 93 of 2004 |
12 |
Daysleeper |
1998 |
Sweden 2 - Oct 1998 (10 weeks), Poland 3 - Oct 1998 (17 weeks), UK 6 - Oct 1998 (6 weeks), Norway 12 - Oct 1998 (2 weeks), Austria 21 - Nov 1998 (2 months), Japan (Tokyo) 27 - Sep 1998 (11 weeks), US Billboard 57 - Nov 1998 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 57 - Oct 1998 (9 weeks), Holland free40 77 of 1998, RYM 42 of 1998 |
13 |
The Great Beyond |
2000 |
Sweden 2 - Feb 2000 (10 weeks), UK 3 - Feb 2000 (10 weeks), Norway 8 - Feb 2000 (10 weeks), Italy 20 of 2000, Poland 23 - Jan 2000 (10 weeks), ODK Germany 56 - Feb 2000 (6 weeks), US Billboard 57 - Dec 1999 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 69 - Jan 2000 (5 weeks), Holland free40 72 of 2000, RYM 11 of 2000 |
14 |
Stand |
1989 |
US Billboard 6 - Jan 1989 (19 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Jan 1989 (15 weeks), KROQ 9 of 1989, UK 48 - Feb 1989 (5 weeks), POP 56 of 1989, US Radio 71 of 1989 (peak 6 7 weeks), US BB 76 of 1989, Canada 87 of 1989, RYM 56 of 1988 |
15 |
E-Bow the Letter |
1996 |
UK 4 - Aug 1996 (5 weeks), Norway 6 - Sep 1996 (7 weeks), Poland 6 - Sep 1996 (16 weeks), Sweden 13 - Aug 1996 (3 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Sep 1996 (1 week), Austria 28 - Sep 1996 (1 month), Holland free40 46 of 1996, US Billboard 49 - Sep 1996 (9 weeks), Canada 53 of 1996, ODK Germany 65 - Sep 1996 (7 weeks), RYM 44 of 1996 |
16 |
Orange Crush |
1988 |
France 4 - Dec 1988 (3 weeks), Holland free40 7 of 1989, UK 28 - Jun 1989 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 70 - Nov 1988 (3 weeks), KROQ 78 of 1988, TheQ 313, Acclaimed 909 (1988), RYM 26 of 1988 |
17 |
Radio Free Europe |
1981 |
Library of Congress artifact added 2009 (1981), POP 66 of 1983, KROQ 69 of 1983, US Billboard 78 - Jul 1983 (5 weeks), nuTsie 80 of 1980s, Acclaimed 152 (1981), WXPN 307, Rolling Stone 379, RYM 10 of 1981, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
18 |
Nightswimming |
1993 |
Sweden 9 - Sep 1993 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 17 of mellow, Poland 18 - Oct 1993 (7 weeks), UK 27 - Jul 1993 (5 weeks), Holland free40 74 of 1993, ODK Germany 93 - Sep 1993 (2 weeks), WXPN 95, Vinyl Surrender 153 (1992), Belgium 265 of all time, RYM 16 of 1994 |
19 |
Supernatural Superserious |
2008 |
Norway 1 - Feb 2008 (8 weeks), Sweden 17 - Mar 2008 (5 weeks), Switzerland 21 - Feb 2008 (17 weeks), Austria 26 - Apr 2008 (2 months), ODK Germany 26 - Feb 2008 (14 weeks), UK 54 - Feb 2008 (4 weeks), US Billboard 85 - Apr 2008 (1 week), RYM 139 of 2008 |
20 |
Strange Currencies |
1995 |
UK 9 - Apr 1995 (4 weeks), Sweden 18 - Apr 1995 (2 weeks), Poland 23 - Jan 1995 (12 weeks), Holland free40 41 of 1995, US Billboard 47 - Apr 1995 (15 weeks), US Radio 75 of 1995 (peak 18 1 week), Canada 82 of 1995, RYM 99 of 1995 |
21 |
It's the End of the World as We Know it (And I Feel Fine) |
1987 |
UK 39 - Sep 1987 (6 weeks), POP 56 of 1988, KROQ 60 of 1987, US Billboard 69 - Jan 1988 (9 weeks), TheQ 116, Acclaimed 311 (1987), WXPN 337, RYM 9 of 1987 |
22 |
Bittersweet Me |
1996 |
Sweden 16 - Nov 1996 (3 weeks), UK 19 - Nov 1996 (2 weeks), Poland 39 - Jan 1997 (6 weeks), US Billboard 46 - Nov 1996 (12 weeks), Canada 75 of 1997, Holland free40 90 of 1996, ODK Germany 93 - Nov 1996 (4 weeks), RYM 135 of 1996 |
23 |
Find the River |
1994 |
Poland 4 - Jan 1994 (13 weeks), Sweden 17 - Feb 1994 (2 weeks), UK 54 - Dec 1993 (1 week), Scrobulate 71 of good, Holland free40 83 of 1994, WXPN 876, RYM 99 of 1993 |
24 |
Electrolite |
1997 |
Sweden 7 - Jan 1997 (5 weeks), Poland 17 - Jan 1997 (11 weeks), UK 29 - Dec 1996 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 83 - Feb 1997 (4 weeks), US Billboard 96 - Feb 1997 (2 weeks), RYM 62 of 1997 |
25 |
South Central Rain (I'm Sorry) |
1984 |
KROQ 56 of 1984, US Billboard 85 - Jun 1984 (6 weeks), WXPN 410, Acclaimed 1485 (1984), RYM 32 of 1984 |
26 |
The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite |
1993 |
Poland 14 - Mar 1993 (9 weeks), Holland free40 16 of 1993, UK 17 - Feb 1993 (6 weeks), Belgium 28 - May 1993 (1 week), ODK Germany 61 - Apr 1993 (9 weeks), RYM 72 of 1993 |
27 |
All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star) |
2001 |
Sweden 4 - Sep 2001 (6 weeks), Poland 7 - Jul 2001 (14 weeks), UK 24 - Aug 2001 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 92 - Sep 2001 (1 week), RYM 165 of 2001 |
28 |
Crush With Eyeliner |
1995 |
Sweden 17 - Feb 1995 (1 week), UK 23 - Feb 1995 (3 weeks), Poland 34 - Mar 1995 (5 weeks), Holland free40 54 of 1995, RYM 93 of 1995 |
29 |
Fall on Me |
1986 |
US Billboard 94 - Oct 1986 (3 weeks), WXPN 206, Acclaimed 1284 (1986), RYM 8 of 1986 |
30 |
I'll Take the Rain |
2001 |
Poland 3 - Nov 2001 (17 weeks), Sweden 11 - Nov 2001 (5 weeks), UK 44 - Dec 2001 (1 week), RYM 148 of 2001 |
31 |
Aftermath |
2005 |
Sweden 6 - Jan 2005 (3 weeks), Poland 31 - Jan 2005 (11 weeks), UK 41 - Dec 2004 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 78 - Feb 2005 (9 weeks) |
32 |
Lotus |
1998 |
Sweden 6 - Jan 1999 (6 weeks), Poland 8 - Jan 1999 (15 weeks), UK 26 - Dec 1998 (5 weeks), RYM 164 of 1998 |
33 |
Near Wild Heaven |
1991 |
UK 27 - Aug 1991 (4 weeks), Poland 31 - Sep 1991 (10 weeks), Holland free40 46 of 1991, ODK Germany 46 - Sep 1991 (8 weeks), RYM 124 of 1991 |
34 |
Tongue |
1995 |
UK 13 - Jul 1995 (5 weeks), Poland 30 - Aug 1995 (8 weeks), Holland free40 95 of 1995, RYM 170 of 1995 |
35 |
At My Most Beautiful |
1999 |
UK 10 - Mar 1999 (4 weeks), Sweden 10 - Apr 1999 (5 weeks), Poland 21 - Apr 1999 (10 weeks), RYM 89 of 1998 |
36 |
Pop Song '89 |
1989 |
KROQ 32 of 1989, POP 72 of 1989, US Billboard 86 - Jun 1989 (4 weeks), RYM 176 of 1989 |
37 |
Radio Song |
1991 |
Holland free40 12 of 1991, UK 28 - Nov 1991 (3 weeks), Poland 33 - Nov 1991 (8 weeks), RYM 95 of 1991 |
38 |
Electron Blue |
2005 |
France 5 - Apr 2005 (1 week), UK 26 - Mar 2005 (2 weeks), Poland 40 - Mar 2005 (12 weeks) |
39 |
Animal |
2004 |
Sweden 11 - Feb 2004 (2 weeks), UK 33 - Jan 2004 (2 weeks), Poland 36 - Jan 2004 (26 weeks) |
40 |
The Wake-up Bomb |
1996 |
Japan (Tokyo) 11 - Sep 1996 (9 weeks) |
41 |
Superman |
1986 |
KROQ 34 of 1986, RYM 76 of 1986 |
42 |
Driver 8 |
1985 |
WXPN 831, RYM 49 of 1985 |
43 |
Number 9 Dream |
2007 |
Japan (Tokyo) 37 - May 2007 (7 weeks) |
44 |
(Don't Go Back To) Rockville |
1984 |
WXPN 482, RYM 90 of 1984 |
45 |
Love is All Around |
1996 |
Japan (Tokyo) 67 - Dec 1996 (5 weeks) |
46 |
Finest Worksong |
1988 |
UK 50 - Apr 1988 (2 weeks), RYM 95 of 1988 |
47 |
Get Up |
1989 |
Japan (Tokyo) 68 - Oct 1989 (2 weeks) |
48 |
How the West Was Won & Where It Got Us |
1997 |
Poland 14 - May 1997 (8 weeks), RYM 178 of 1998 |
49 |
Wendell Gee |
1985 |
UK 91 - Oct 1985 (1 week), RYM 111 of 1985 |
50 |
Wanderlust |
2005 |
UK 27 - Jul 2005 (2 weeks) |
51 |
The One I Love (1991) |
1991 |
UK 16 - Sep 1991 (6 weeks) |
52 |
Pretty Persuasion |
1984 |
Acclaimed 1719 (1984) |
53 |
Oh My Heart |
2011 |
ODK Germany 46 - Mar 2011 (2 weeks) |
54 |
Living Well Is The Best Revenge |
2008 |
Norway 20 - Apr 2008 (1 week) |
55 |
Until The Day Is Done |
2008 |
Switzerland 49 - Apr 2008 (2 weeks) |
56 |
The Lion Sleeps Tonight |
1994 |
Poland 46 - Mar 1994 (3 weeks) |
57 |
165 Hillcrest |
2001 |
RYM 165 of 2001 |
58 |
Yellow River |
2001 |
RYM 165 of 2001 |
59 |
First We Take Manhattan |
1991 |
Poland 33 - Dec 1991 (10 weeks) |
60 |
Maps & Legends |
1987 |
RYM 5 of 1987 |
61 |
This One Goes Out |
1987 |
RYM 9 of 1987 |
62 |
Rotary Ten |
1986 |
RYM 8 of 1986 |
63 |
White Tornado |
1986 |
RYM 76 of 1986 |
64 |
Crazy |
1985 |
RYM 49 of 1985 |
65 |
Bandwagon |
1985 |
RYM 84 of 1985 |
66 |
Burning Hell |
1985 |
RYM 84 of 1985 |
67 |
Can't Get There From Here |
1985 |
RYM 84 of 1985 |
68 |
Uberlin |
2011 |
RYM 46 of 2011 |
69 |
Ghost Riders |
1988 |
RYM 26 of 1988 |
70 |
Time After Time |
1988 |
RYM 95 of 1988 |
71 |
King of the Road |
1984 |
RYM 32 of 1984 |
72 |
Catapult |
1984 |
RYM 90 of 1984 |
73 |
There She Goes Again |
1983 |
RYM 40 of 1983 |
74 |
Shaking Through |
1983 |
RYM 55 of 1983 |
75 |
Talk About the Passion |
1983 |
RYM 55 of 1983 |
76 |
Rotary Eleven |
1991 |
RYM 5 of 1991 |
77 |
Pop Song |
1991 |
RYM 124 of 1991 |
78 |
Weather |
1989 |
RYM 176 of 1989 |
79 |
Sitting Still |
1981 |
RYM 10 of 1981 |
80 |
Country Feedback |
1991 |
Guardian Rock 88 |
81 |
Belong |
unknown |
Scrobulate 71 of american |
82 |
Monty Got a Raw Deal |
unknown |
Scrobulate 72 of american |
83 |
Try Not to Breathe |
unknown |
Scrobulate 73 of american |
Previous Comments (newest first)
12 May 2015
Double Listing - Supernatural Superserious
#19 & #65 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks