Song artist 775 - The Seekers

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The Seekers Region Profile

The Seekers Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of The Seekers.A list of the hit albums by The Seekers is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Seekers Georgy Girl 1967 Record World 1 - 1967, Canada 1 - Dec 1966 (12 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Feb 1967, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Apr 1967, NZ Listner 1 - Apr 1967 (9 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - Mar 1967, Australia Goset 1 - Feb 1967 (21 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Dec 1966 (16 weeks), Keener 2 - Dec 1966 (8 weeks), Oscar in 1966 (film 'Georgy Girl') (Nominated), Golden Globe in 1966 (film 'Georgy Girl') (Nominated), UK 3 - Feb 1967 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1967), WABC NY 8 of 1967, Australia 8 of 1967, US CashBox 11 of 1967, KQV 11 of 1967, Canada 15 of 1967, US Radio 20 of 1967 (peak 2 9 weeks), Brazil 23 of 1967, US BB 57 of 1967
2 The Seekers The Carnival is Over 1965 UK 1 - Oct 1965 (17 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1965, Australia 1 for 6 weeks - Dec 1965, South Africa 1 of 1965, NZ Listner 2 - Mar 1966 (6 weeks), Norway 3 - Dec 1965 (12 weeks), Australia 4 of 1965, UK sales 6 of the 1960s (1,400 k in 1965), Holland 8 - Nov 1965 (17 weeks), Germany 14 - Jan 1966 (2 months), UKMIX 260, RYM 158 of 1965
3 The Seekers I'll Never Find Another You 1965 UK 1 - Jan 1965 (23 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Mar 1965, Keener 3 - Mar 1965 (7 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Mar 1965 (13 weeks), Record World 4 - 1965, Norway 6 - Mar 1965 (4 weeks), Australia 8 of 1965, Canada 11 - Mar 1965 (9 weeks), US BB 23 of 1965, Holland 23 - Mar 1965 (7 weeks), US Radio 28 of 1965 (peak 4 9 weeks), US CashBox 42 of 1965, KQV 44 of 1965, WABC NY 50 of 1965, UKMIX 336, RYM 168 of 1964
4 The Seekers A World of Our Own 1965 UK 3 - Apr 1965 (18 weeks), Norway 5 - May 1965 (5 weeks), South Africa 10 of 1965, Holland 15 - May 1965 (8 weeks), US Billboard 19 - May 1965 (10 weeks), Record World 19 - 1965, Canada 38 - May 1965 (4 weeks), US Radio 178 of 1965 (peak 19 2 weeks), UKMIX 818, RYM 144 of 1965
5 The Seekers Morningtown Ride 1967 UK 2 - Nov 1966 (15 weeks), Canada 8 - Feb 1967 (7 weeks), US Billboard 44 - Feb 1967 (7 weeks), UKMIX 706
6 The Seekers Walk With Me 1966 UK 10 - Sep 1966 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 29 - Oct 1966 (8 weeks)
7 The Seekers When Will the Good Apples Fall? 1967 UK 11 - Sep 1967 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 35 - Nov 1967 (2 weeks)
8 The Seekers Emerald City 1967 Australia Goset 28 - Jan 1968 (1 week), UK 50 - Dec 1967 (1 week)
9 The Seekers Someday One Day 1966 UK 11 - Mar 1966 (11 weeks)
10 The Seekers On The Other Side 1967 Australia Goset 19 - Oct 1967 (8 weeks)
11 The Seekers Open Up Them Pearly Gates 1964 RYM 168 of 1964
12 The Seekers Sinner Man 1965 RYM 144 of 1965
13 The Seekers We Shall Not Be Moved 1965 RYM 158 of 1965

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