Song artist 11 - Mariah Carey |

This page lists the song chart entries of Mariah Carey.A list of the hit albums by Mariah Carey is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Mariah Carey |
Without You |
1994 |
UK 1 - Feb 1994 (14 weeks), Holland 1 - Feb 1994 (18 weeks), Sweden 1 - Feb 1994 (14 weeks), Austria 1 - Apr 1994 (6 months), Switzerland 1 - Apr 1994 (31 weeks), Switzerland 1 of 1994, Poland 1 - Feb 1994 (35 weeks), Belgium 1 - Mar 1994 (16 weeks), Germany 1 - Mar 1994 (6 months), ODK Germany 1 - Mar 1994 (34 weeks) (4 weeks at number 1) (16 weeks in top 10), Eire 1 for 5 weeks - Feb 1994, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Apr 1994, Europe 1 for 2 weeks - May 1994, Germany 1 for 4 weeks - May 1994, Spain 1 for 1 week - Jun 1994, Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1994), US Billboard 3 - Jan 1994 (23 weeks), Norway 3 - Mar 1994 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1994), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Mar 1994), France Gold (certified by SNEP in Oct 1994), ARC 10 of 1994 (peak 1 18 weeks), Brazil 10 of 1994, US CashBox 15 of 1994, Japan (Osaku) 15 of 1994 (peak 3 24 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 15 - Sep 1993 (35 weeks), Australia 15 of 1994, US BB 16 of 1994, US Radio 16 of 1994 (peak 2 17 weeks), Germany 25 of the 1990s (peak 1 21 weeks), Canada 27 of 1994, POP 37 of 1994, UKMIX 903 |
2 |
Mariah Carey |
All I Want For Christmas is You |
2006 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 1 - Jan 2014 (58 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 1 - Jan 2013 (79 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Nov 1994 (13 weeks), Finland 1 for 1 week - Dec 2018, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Dec 2018, US (Sup) 2 x Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 2009), UK 2 - Dec 1994 (47 weeks), Norway 2 - Dec 2007 (13 weeks), Japan 2 of all time (international songs) (sales 1.33), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 2007), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Dec 1994), Holland 5 - Dec 1994 (6 weeks), Belgium 5 - Dec 1994 (7 weeks), Sweden 8 - Dec 2006 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 10 - Dec 1994 (53 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Scrobulate 11 of christmas, Austria 14 - Dec 2007 (2 months), US Billboard 21 - Dec 2012 (3 weeks), Switzerland 23 - Dec 2006 (11 weeks), Italy 27 of 2012, UK 29 of 2023, Japan (Osaku) 29 of 1995 (peak 1 18 weeks), Poland 31 - Dec 1994 (9 weeks), US BB 55 of 2023, song 58 of 2023 |
3 |
Mariah Carey |
Fantasy |
1995 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1995 (25 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Sep 1995 (16 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1995, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1995, Australia 1 for 1 week - Oct 1995, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1995), UK 4 - Sep 1995 (11 weeks), ARC 4 of 1995 (peak 1 22 weeks), France 5 - Sep 1995 (1 week), US BB 7 of 1995, Sweden 7 - Sep 1995 (3 weeks), US Radio 9 of 1995 (peak 1 19 weeks), Holland 9 - Sep 1995 (7 weeks), Belgium 9 - Sep 1995 (8 weeks), Brazil 10 of 1995, Switzerland 10 - Oct 1995 (15 weeks), Norway 10 - Sep 1995 (6 weeks), POP 12 of 1995, Austria 15 - Oct 1995 (3 months), ODK Germany 17 - Oct 1995 (21 weeks), Canada 18 of 1995, Japan (Osaku) 19 of 1995 (peak 1 12 weeks), US CashBox 21 of 1995, Poland 22 - Sep 1995 (11 weeks), Germany 23 - Oct 1995 (2 months), Australia 24 of 1995, Scrobulate 62 of upbeat, Italy 86 of 1995, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Oct 1995), RYM 157 of 1995 |
4 |
Mariah Carey |
We Belong Together |
2005 |
US Billboard 1 - Apr 2005 (43 weeks), US BB 1 of 2005, ARC 1 of 2005 (peak 1 31 weeks), Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 2005, Top Song of 2005 of the Billboard 50th list, UK 2 - Jul 2005 (18 weeks), Holland 2 - Jul 2005 (13 weeks), Grammy in 2005 (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 2006), US Radio 3 of 2005 (peak 1 22 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Jul 2005 (11 weeks), Belgium 7 - Jul 2005 (16 weeks), Norway 9 - Aug 2005 (9 weeks), Billboard 50th song 9, ODK Germany 11 - Jul 2005 (11 weeks), Billboard100 11, 55th Billboard 100 11 (2005), Brazil 14 of 2005, Germany 17 - Jul 2005 (2 months), Sweden 20 - Aug 2005 (1 week), Australia 20 of 2005, Japan (Tokyo) 34 - Jun 2005 (9 weeks), Acclaim Year 34 of 2005, Scrobulate 35 of pop, POP 43 of 2005, Poland 47 - Jul 2005 (2 weeks), nuTsie 80 of 2000s, RYM 61 of 2005, song 1 of 2005 |
5 |
Mariah Carey |
Dreamlover |
1993 |
US Billboard 1 - Aug 1993 (29 weeks), US Radio 1 of 1993 (peak 1 15 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Aug 1993 (27 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 6 weeks - Aug 1993, Canada 2 of 1993, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 1993), ARC 3 of 1993 (peak 1 18 weeks), Brazil 3 of 1993, Japan (Osaku) 5 of 1993 (peak 1 16 weeks), POP 7 of 1993, US BB 8 of 1993, Holland 8 - Aug 1993 (13 weeks), UK 9 - Aug 1993 (10 weeks), Sweden 13 - Sep 1993 (3 weeks), Switzerland 13 - Sep 1993 (14 weeks), Belgium 13 - Sep 1993 (8 weeks), US CashBox 15 of 1993, Poland 22 - Sep 1993 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 39 - Sep 1993 (14 weeks), Scrobulate 42 of r & b, Acclaimed 1941 (1993), RYM 94 of 1993 |
6 |
Mariah Carey |
Vision of Love |
1990 |
US Billboard 1 - Jun 1990 (22 weeks), Brazil 1 of 1990, Canada RPM 1 for 4 weeks - Aug 1990, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Aug 1990, Grammy in 1990 (Nominated), ARC 3 of 1990 (peak 1 16 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Jun 1990 (17 weeks), US Radio 4 of 1990 (peak 1 11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1990), US BB 6 of 1990, Holland 8 - Jul 1990 (11 weeks), Canada 8 of 1990, UK 9 - Aug 1990 (12 weeks), Sweden 9 - Aug 1990 (4 weeks), Poland 11 - Aug 1990 (11 weeks), Belgium 11 - Aug 1990 (8 weeks), US CashBox 16 of 1990, ODK Germany 17 - Aug 1990 (21 weeks), Germany 19 - Sep 1990 (1 month), Switzerland 24 - Aug 1990 (5 weeks), POP 35 of 1990, Scrobulate 75 of r & b, Japan (Osaku) 79 of 1990 (peak 2 11 weeks), nuTsie 81 of 1990s, NY Daily Love list 69 |
7 |
Mariah Carey |
Honey |
1997 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1997 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Aug 1997 (17 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1997, Spain 1 for 1 week - Nov 1997, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Sep 1997), UK 3 - Sep 1997 (8 weeks), France 4 - Oct 1997 (2 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 6 of 1997 (peak 1 17 weeks), Holland 8 - Aug 1997 (8 weeks), Canada 18 of 1997, Switzerland 23 - Sep 1997 (6 weeks), Belgium 30 - Oct 1997 (1 week), Brazil 31 of 1997, US BB 32 of 1997, POP 32 of 1997, Poland 33 - Aug 1997 (12 weeks), ARC 34 of 1997 (peak 1 14 weeks), ODK Germany 38 - Sep 1997 (9 weeks), Scrobulate 43 of r & b, US Radio 46 of 1997 (peak 10 9 weeks), Italy 84 of 1997 |
8 |
Mariah Carey |
I'll Be There |
1992 |
US Billboard 1 - May 1992 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jun 1992 (23 weeks), Holland 1 - Jul 1992 (13 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 5 weeks - Jun 1992, New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - Jul 1992, UK 2 - Jun 1992 (9 weeks), US Radio 4 of 1992 (peak 1 10 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 4 of 1992 (peak 1 20 weeks), Belgium 4 - Jul 1992 (13 weeks), Poland 5 - Jun 1992 (15 weeks), Canada 7 of 1992, Norway 10 - Aug 1992 (2 weeks), US CashBox 14 of 1992, POP 15 of 1992, US BB 16 of 1992, Switzerland 20 - Jul 1992 (11 weeks), ARC 21 of 1992 (peak 1 14 weeks), Brazil 25 of 1992, ODK Germany 33 - Jul 1992 (14 weeks) |
9 |
Mariah Carey |
Heartbreaker |
1999 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1999 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Aug 1999 (30 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Oct 1999, Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1999, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1999), France Gold (certified by SNEP in Jan 2000), UK 5 - Nov 1999 (13 weeks), Holland 7 - Sep 1999 (15 weeks), Switzerland 7 - Oct 1999 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 9 - Oct 1999 (15 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 13 - Oct 1999 (2 months), Norway 14 - Oct 1999 (4 weeks), Austria 17 - Oct 1999 (4 months), ARC 25 of 1999 (peak 1 18 weeks), Belgium 27 - Oct 1999 (5 weeks), Canada 34 of 1999, US BB 35 of 1999, Scrobulate 40 of hi fidelity, Brazil 41 of 2000, Japan (Osaku) 51 of 1999 (peak 3 14 weeks), Italy 63 of 1999, RYM 192 of 1999 |
10 |
Mariah Carey |
Hero |
1993 |
US Billboard 1 - Oct 1993 (30 weeks), US Radio 2 of 1993 (peak 1 13 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 2 of 1994 (peak 1 25 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Oct 1993 (25 weeks), Norway 2 - Jan 1994 (8 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 1993), POP 3 of 1993, US BB 5 of 1994, Sweden 5 - Nov 1993 (9 weeks), Brazil 6 of 1994, Poland 6 - Nov 1993 (12 weeks), UK 7 - Nov 1993 (21 weeks), ARC 9 of 1993 (peak 1 17 weeks), Holland 10 - Nov 1993 (8 weeks), Scrobulate 15 of female, US CashBox 19 of 1994, Canada 22 of 1994, Australia 33 of 1994, ODK Germany 41 - Dec 1993 (25 weeks) |
11 |
Mariah Carey |
Always Be My Baby |
1996 |
US Billboard 1 - Apr 1996 (32 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - May 1996, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 2007), UK 3 - Jun 1996 (10 weeks), US BB 5 of 1996, Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Mar 1996 (17 weeks), US Radio 12 of 1996 (peak 2 19 weeks), ARC 14 of 1996 (peak 1 19 weeks), Canada 21 of 1996, Holland 30 - Apr 1996 (4 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 36 of 1996 (peak 15 20 weeks), Brazil 36 of 1996, Poland 43 - Apr 1996 (8 weeks), Scrobulate 56 of rhythm & blues, POP 65 of 1996, ODK Germany 76 - May 1996 (9 weeks), RYM 187 of 1996 |
12 |
Mariah Carey |
Emotions |
1991 |
US Billboard 1 - Aug 1991 (19 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Sep 1991 (27 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Nov 1991, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1991), US Radio 7 of 1991 (peak 1 10 weeks), Brazil 7 of 1991, Holland 9 - Sep 1991 (7 weeks), France 10 - Nov 1991 (1 week), ARC 11 of 1991 (peak 1 14 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 12 of 1991 (peak 1 17 weeks), US CashBox 16 of 1991, Sweden 16 - Oct 1991 (3 weeks), UK 17 - Oct 1991 (9 weeks), Canada 19 of 1991, Poland 21 - Oct 1991 (7 weeks), US BB 22 of 1991, POP 28 of 1991, ODK Germany 39 - Oct 1991 (12 weeks) |
13 |
Mariah Carey |
Someday |
1991 |
US Billboard 1 - Jan 1991 (19 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 4 weeks - Mar 1991, Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Jan 1991 (25 weeks), US Radio 3 of 1991 (peak 1 11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1991), Canada 7 of 1991, Poland 10 - Feb 1991 (12 weeks), US CashBox 11 of 1991, US BB 13 of 1991, Japan (Osaku) 16 of 1991 (peak 2 19 weeks), Sweden 17 - Feb 1991 (1 week), ARC 22 of 1991 (peak 1 14 weeks), Holland 29 - Jan 1991 (3 weeks), Belgium 29 - Feb 1991 (1 week), Brazil 33 of 1991, POP 34 of 1991, UK 38 - Jan 1991 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 57 of r & b |
14 |
Mariah Carey |
It's Like That |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Feb 2005 (18 weeks), UK 4 - Apr 2005 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 2005), Switzerland 10 - Apr 2005 (9 weeks), Norway 13 - Apr 2005 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 14 - Apr 2005 (11 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Jan 2005 (20 weeks), Germany 19 - Apr 2005 (1 month), Belgium 20 - Apr 2005 (8 weeks), Holland 26 - Apr 2005 (4 weeks), Austria 34 - Apr 2005 (1 month), Australia 47 of 2005, Poland 49 - Apr 2005 (1 week), POP 52 of 2005, Japan (Osaku) 65 of 2005 (peak 5 16 weeks), US BB 69 of 2005, US Radio 69 of 2005 (peak 17 5 weeks), Scrobulate 74 of r & b, song 49 of 2005 |
15 |
Mariah Carey |
Don't Forget About Us |
2006 |
US Billboard 1 - Oct 2005 (21 weeks), Finland 1 for 1 week - Jan 2006, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 2006), Brazil 9 of 2006, UK 11 - Dec 2005 (7 weeks), ARC 16 of 2005 (peak 1 22 weeks), POP 16 of 2005, Switzerland 19 - Feb 2006 (5 weeks), US Radio 30 of 2006 (peak 3 14 weeks), Holland 32 - Feb 2006 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 41 - Feb 2006 (8 weeks), US BB 50 of 2006, Japan (Tokyo) 57 - Jan 2006 (3 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 89 of 2006, RYM 117 of 2005, song 86 of 2006 |
16 |
Mariah Carey |
My All |
1998 |
US Billboard 1 - May 1998 (20 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 1998), UK 4 - Jun 1998 (8 weeks), Switzerland 7 - Jun 1998 (19 weeks), Norway 15 - Jul 1998 (8 weeks), US BB 17 of 1998, Sweden 20 - Jun 1998 (1 week), ARC 25 of 1998 (peak 1 17 weeks), Poland 26 - Jul 1998 (5 weeks), Brazil 30 of 1998, ODK Germany 30 - Jun 1998 (19 weeks), Holland 32 - Jun 1998 (6 weeks), Austria 32 - Jul 1998 (3 months), POP 37 of 1998, US Radio 57 of 1998 (peak 15 6 weeks), Canada 82 of 1998 |
17 |
Mariah Carey |
Touch My Body |
2008 |
US Billboard 1 - Mar 2008 (20 weeks), US (Sup) Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 2008), Switzerland 3 - Apr 2008 (12 weeks), UK 5 - Apr 2008 (13 weeks), Belgium 7 - Apr 2008 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 7 - Apr 2008 (10 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 7 - Apr 2008 (4 weeks), Austria 10 - Apr 2008 (2 months), Norway 10 - Apr 2008 (5 weeks), Holland 14 - Apr 2008 (7 weeks), Sweden 14 - Apr 2008 (5 weeks), US BB 22 of 2008, Brazil 30 of 2008, US Radio 40 of 2008 (peak 7 12 weeks), US Mediabase 43 of 2008, Italy 78 of 2008, song 30 of 2008 |
18 |
Mariah Carey |
Love Takes Time |
1990 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1990 (25 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Sep 1990 (30 weeks), Poland 4 - Oct 1990 (14 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Nov 1990), ARC 6 of 1990 (peak 1 16 weeks), US Radio 12 of 1990 (peak 1 10 weeks), Holland 24 - Nov 1990 (4 weeks), Canada 24 of 1990, Belgium 29 - Nov 1990 (1 week), Brazil 30 of 1990, UK 37 - Nov 1990 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 57 - Dec 1990 (14 weeks), US BB 69 of 1991, Scrobulate 72 of rhythm & blues, Japan (Osaku) 83 of 1990 (peak 6 10 weeks) |
19 |
Mariah Carey |
Anytime You Need a Friend |
1994 |
Finland 1 for 1 week - Jun 1994, Poland 6 - Aug 1994 (7 weeks), Belgium 7 - Jul 1994 (7 weeks), UK 8 - Jun 1994 (12 weeks), Holland 10 - Jun 1994 (6 weeks), US Billboard 12 - May 1994 (21 weeks), Switzerland 15 - Jul 1994 (13 weeks), US CashBox 24 of 1994, Japan (Tokyo) 28 - Jun 1994 (7 weeks), US Radio 31 of 1994 (peak 6 15 weeks), Canada 39 of 1994, ODK Germany 41 - Jul 1994 (14 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 42 of 1994 (peak 12 23 weeks), ARC 43 of 1994 (peak 4 16 weeks), POP 44 of 1994, US BB 47 of 1994 |
20 |
Mariah Carey |
Can't Let Go |
1992 |
US Billboard 2 - Nov 1991 (19 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Nov 1991 (21 weeks), Sweden 13 - Jan 1992 (4 weeks), ARC 16 of 1992 (peak 1 17 weeks), US Radio 16 of 1992 (peak 1 10 weeks), UK 20 - Jan 1992 (7 weeks), Poland 21 - Dec 1991 (10 weeks), US BB 23 of 1992, US CashBox 23 of 1992, Japan (Osaku) 30 of 1992 (peak 2 17 weeks), Canada 47 of 1992, POP 53 of 1992 |
21 |
Mariah Carey |
Loverboy |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jun 2001 (15 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Jun 2001 (14 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 2001), UK 12 - Jul 2001 (5 weeks), Holland 35 - Jul 2001 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 57 - Jul 2001 (4 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 72 of 2001 (peak 13 21 weeks), US BB 80 of 2001 |
22 |
Mariah Carey |
Through the Rain |
2002 |
Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Oct 2002 (20 weeks), Canada Gold (certified by CRIA in May 2003), Switzerland 7 - Nov 2002 (13 weeks), UK 8 - Nov 2002 (8 weeks), Holland 11 - Nov 2002 (9 weeks), Norway 15 - Dec 2002 (3 weeks), Belgium 26 - Jan 2003 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 36 - Nov 2002 (10 weeks), Poland 43 - Nov 2002 (2 weeks), Scrobulate 73 of rhythm & blues, Italy 78 of 2002, US Billboard 81 - Dec 2002 (9 weeks) |
23 |
Mariah Carey |
I Don't Wanna Cry |
1991 |
US Billboard 1 - Apr 1991 (19 weeks), Poland 6 - Apr 1991 (12 weeks), US Radio 9 of 1991 (peak 1 11 weeks), US CashBox 14 of 1991, Japan (Tokyo) 15 - Apr 1991 (18 weeks), Brazil 20 of 1991, Canada 21 of 1991, US BB 26 of 1991, ARC 30 of 1991 (peak 1 13 weeks), POP 52 of 1991 |
24 |
Mariah Carey |
Thank God I Found You |
2000 |
US Billboard 1 - Dec 1999 (20 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 2000), UK 10 - Mar 2000 (10 weeks), Switzerland 17 - Feb 2000 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 19 - Nov 1999 (19 weeks), Holland 24 - Jan 2000 (6 weeks), US BB 45 of 2000, ARC 49 of 2000 (peak 2 15 weeks), song 51 of 2000 |
25 |
Mariah Carey |
Make it Happen |
1992 |
US Billboard 5 - Feb 1992 (20 weeks), US Radio 8 of 1992 (peak 1 10 weeks), France 8 - May 1992 (3 weeks), UK 17 - Apr 1992 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 22 - Oct 1991 (28 weeks), Poland 23 - Apr 1992 (9 weeks), US CashBox 32 of 1992, US BB 42 of 1992, Canada 43 of 1992, POP 48 of 1992, Japan (Osaku) 73 of 1992 (peak 9 15 weeks), ODK Germany 74 - May 1992 (5 weeks) |
26 |
Mariah Carey |
I Still Believe |
1999 |
US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Mar 1999), US Billboard 4 - Feb 1999 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 14 - Feb 1999 (16 weeks), UK 16 - Apr 1999 (7 weeks), Switzerland 31 - Apr 1999 (2 weeks), US BB 36 of 1999, ODK Germany 58 - Mar 1999 (9 weeks), US Radio 78 of 1999 (peak 19 3 weeks), Brazil 92 of 1999 |
27 |
Mariah Carey |
Shake it Off |
2005 |
US Billboard 2 - Jul 2005 (26 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 2006), UK 9 - Oct 2005 (8 weeks), US BB 15 of 2005, ARC 15 of 2005 (peak 1 22 weeks), US Radio 20 of 2005 (peak 1 18 weeks), Scrobulate 33 of rnb, Australia 50 of 2005, Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Sep 2005 (3 weeks), song 28 of 2005 |
28 |
Mariah Carey |
Obsessed |
2009 |
US (Sup) Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 2009), US Billboard 7 - Jul 2009 (21 weeks), US BB 41 of 2009, US Radio 49 of 2009 (peak 8 9 weeks), UK 52 - Sep 2009 (3 weeks), Brazil 55 of 2009, Switzerland 61 - Sep 2009 (7 weeks), US Mediabase 64 of 2009, song 55 of 2009 |
29 |
Mariah Carey |
Butterfly |
1997 |
Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Sep 1997 (23 weeks), UK 22 - Dec 1997 (6 weeks), ARC 32 of 1998 (peak 2 15 weeks), US Radio 52 of 1997 (peak 12 6 weeks), Scrobulate 72 of r & b, ODK Germany 76 - Dec 1997 (1 week) |
30 |
Mariah Carey |
I Want to Know What Love Is |
2009 |
UK 19 - Dec 2009 (3 weeks), Sweden 20 - Oct 2009 (5 weeks), Switzerland 25 - Oct 2009 (12 weeks), Brazil 29 of 2009, ODK Germany 37 - Dec 2009 (7 weeks), US Billboard 60 - Oct 2009 (6 weeks) |
31 |
Mariah Carey |
Never Too Far |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 12 - Dec 2001 (6 weeks), UK 32 - Dec 2001 (4 weeks), Brazil 59 of 2001, US Billboard 81 - Dec 2001 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 97 - Oct 2001 (1 week) |
32 |
Mariah Carey |
Open Arms |
1996 |
UK 4 - Feb 1996 (6 weeks), Holland 17 - Feb 1996 (5 weeks), Sweden 18 - Mar 1996 (3 weeks), Switzerland 30 - Mar 1996 (2 weeks), Poland 44 - Mar 1996 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Oct 1995 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 65 - Mar 1996 (8 weeks) |
33 |
Mariah Carey |
Forever |
1996 |
Poland 35 - Jul 1996 (11 weeks), US Radio 41 of 1996 (peak 6 10 weeks), ARC 43 of 1996 (peak 4 14 weeks), POP 53 of 1996, Canada 98 of 1996 |
34 |
Mariah Carey |
Bye Bye |
2008 |
US Billboard 19 - May 2008 (12 weeks), UK 30 - May 2008 (11 weeks), US Radio 68 of 2008 (peak 17 4 weeks), ODK Germany 70 - Aug 2008 (2 weeks), US Mediabase 98 of 2008 |
35 |
Mariah Carey |
Get Your Number |
2005 |
Holland 8 - Nov 2005 (7 weeks), UK 9 - Oct 2005 (8 weeks), Switzerland 14 - Nov 2005 (21 weeks), Belgium 17 - Nov 2005 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 27 - Nov 2005 (9 weeks) |
36 |
Mariah Carey |
Never Forget You |
1994 |
US BB 16 of 1994, Japan (Tokyo) 45 - Mar 1994 (4 weeks) |
37 |
Mariah Carey |
Funkin' For Jamaica |
2001 |
UK 32 - Dec 2001 (4 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 62 - Oct 2001 (3 weeks) |
38 |
Mariah Carey |
I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time |
2008 |
US Billboard 58 - Jul 2008 (8 weeks), UK 84 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
39 |
Mariah Carey |
Cry Baby |
2000 |
Holland 27 - Jun 2000 (5 weeks), US Billboard 28 - Jun 2000 (7 weeks) |
40 |
Mariah Carey |
There's Got To Be A Way |
1991 |
France 9 - Jun 1991 (1 week), UK 54 - Jun 1991 (3 weeks) |
41 |
Mariah Carey |
Reflections (Care Enough) |
2001 |
Japan (Tokyo) 28 - Sep 2001 (9 weeks) |
42 |
Mariah Carey |
Stay the Night |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 81 - Apr 2005 (2 weeks) |
43 |
Mariah Carey |
Friends |
2005 |
Japan (Tokyo) 85 - Aug 2005 (3 weeks) |
44 |
Mariah Carey |
Bringin' on the Heartbreak |
2003 |
France 10 - Jun 2004 (1 week), Switzerland 28 - Nov 2003 (4 weeks) |
45 |
Mariah Carey |
Miss You Most (At Christmas Time) |
1994 |
Japan (Tokyo) 93 - Dec 1994 (1 week) |
46 |
Mariah Carey |
Up Out My Face |
2010 |
US Billboard 100 - Mar 2010 (1 week) |
47 |
Mariah Carey |
And You Don't Remember |
1991 |
Japan (Tokyo) 50 - Oct 1991 (7 weeks) |
48 |
Mariah Carey |
To Be Around You |
1991 |
Japan (Tokyo) 63 - Dec 1991 (8 weeks) |
49 |
Mariah Carey |
I Stay In Love |
2008 |
UK 95 - Nov 2008 (1 week) |
50 |
Mariah Carey |
Oh Santa! |
2011 |
US Billboard 100 - Jan 2011 (1 week) |
51 |
Mariah Carey |
Migrate |
2008 |
US Billboard 92 - May 2008 (1 week) |
52 |
Mariah Carey |
You're Mine (Eternal) |
2014 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 87 - Feb 2014 (1 week), US Songs 2014-23 peak 88 - Mar 2014 (1 week) |
53 |
Mariah Carey |
The Star |
2017 |
Golden Globe in 2017 (film 'The Star') (Nominated) |
54 |
Mariah Carey |
The Art Of Letting Go |
2013 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 90 - Nov 2013 (1 week) |
55 |
Mariah Carey |
Infinity |
2015 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 82 - May 2015 (1 week) |
56 |
Mariah Carey |
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) |
2021 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 58 - Dec 2021 (5 weeks) |
57 |
Mariah Carey |
Fly Like a Bird |
unknown |
Scrobulate 32 of rnb |
58 |
Mariah Carey |
Fourth of July |
unknown |
Scrobulate 73 of r & b |
59 |
Mariah Carey |
Breakdown |
unknown |
Scrobulate 82 of rnb |
In addition to the above listed songs Mariah Carey also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men |
One Sweet Day |
1995 |
US Billboard 1 - Dec 1995 (27 weeks), ARC 1 of 1996 (peak 1 25 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1996, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1995, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1996), US BB 2 of 1996, Holland 2 - Dec 1995 (14 weeks), POP 2 of 1995, Grammy in 1995 (Nominated), Brazil 5 of 1996, UK 6 - Dec 1995 (11 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 6 - Nov 1995 (25 weeks), Norway 6 - Dec 1995 (13 weeks), Sweden 8 - Dec 1995 (4 weeks), Belgium 8 - Dec 1995 (12 weeks), Poland 11 - Dec 1995 (12 weeks), Switzerland 12 - Dec 1995 (16 weeks), Canada 12 of 1996, US Radio 13 of 1995 (peak 1 16 weeks), Austria 25 - Feb 1996 (2 months), ODK Germany 25 - Dec 1995 (17 weeks), Billboard 50th song 29, 55th Billboard 100 34 (1995), Billboard100 35, Australia 36 of 1996, Japan (Osaku) 43 of 1996 (peak 12 21 weeks), RIAA 351, OzNet 452, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jan 1996) |
2 |
Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston |
When You Believe |
1998 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Nov 1998 (15 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Jan 1999, Oscar in 1998 (film 'The Prince of Egypt'), Switzerland 2 - Dec 1998 (22 weeks), Norway 2 - Jan 1998 (14 weeks), Golden Globe in 1998 (film 'The Prince of Egypt') (Nominated), UK 4 - Dec 1998 (14 weeks), Sweden 4 - Dec 1998 (8 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1999), France Gold (certified by SNEP in Feb 1999), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1999), Holland 5 - Dec 1998 (15 weeks), Belgium 5 - Dec 1998 (14 weeks), Austria 6 - Dec 1998 (5 months), Switzerland 6 of 1999, Germany 8 - Jan 1999 (4 months), ODK Germany 8 - Dec 1998 (21 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), US Billboard 15 - Dec 1998 (17 weeks), Poland 25 - Dec 1998 (7 weeks), Italy 29 of 1999, POP 52 of 1999, Japan (Osaku) 81 of 1999 (peak 4 13 weeks), Canada 89 of 1998, US BB 99 of 1999 |
3 |
Luther Vandross & Mariah Carey |
Endless Love |
1994 |
New Zealand 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1994, US Billboard 2 - Sep 1994 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Sep 1994 (21 weeks), Belgium 2 - Oct 1994 (12 weeks), UK 3 - Sep 1994 (16 weeks), Holland 4 - Sep 1994 (9 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1994), Switzerland 6 - Oct 1994 (13 weeks), Norway 6 - Sep 1994 (5 weeks), Austria 13 - Oct 1994 (3 months), Sweden 14 - Sep 1994 (4 weeks), Poland 14 - Oct 1994 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 14 - Oct 1994 (19 weeks), Germany 18 - Oct 1994 (2 months), POP 22 of 1994, Australia 26 of 1994, US CashBox 37 of 1994, ARC 39 of 1994 (peak 1 13 weeks), US Radio 45 of 1994 (peak 6 9 weeks), Brazil 49 of 1994, US BB 56 of 1994, Canada 56 of 1994, Italy 61 of 1994 |
4 |
Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey |
I Know What You Want |
2003 |
UK 3 - Jun 2003 (13 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Mar 2003 (24 weeks), Switzerland 5 - May 2003 (16 weeks), Holland 6 - May 2003 (11 weeks), Norway 6 - Jun 2003 (11 weeks), ODK Germany 9 - May 2003 (12 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Germany 11 - May 2003 (2 months), US BB 17 of 2003, Italy 18 of 2003, Australia 20 of 2003, Switzerland 25 of 2003, ARC 28 of 2003 (peak 2 19 weeks), US Radio 38 of 2003 (peak 4 11 weeks), Austria 40 - Jun 2003 (1 month), Poland 43 - Aug 2003 (7 weeks), Brazil 89 of 2004, song 13 of 2003 |
5 |
Mariah Carey & Westlife |
Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now) |
2000 |
UK 1 - Sep 2000 (12 weeks), Sweden 1 - Sep 2000 (9 weeks), Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 2000, Norway 2 - Oct 2000 (7 weeks), Switzerland 20 - Jun 2000 (13 weeks), Belgium 26 - Jun 2000 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 29 - Jun 2000 (11 weeks), Holland 35 - Oct 2000 (2 weeks), Poland 40 - Jun 2000 (8 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 41 - Oct 2000 (6 weeks), Brazil 95 of 2000, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Sep 2000) |
6 |
Mariah Carey & Miguel |
Beautiful |
2013 |
US Billboard 15 - May 2013 (16 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 22 - May 2013 (16 weeks), POP 56 of 2013, US Radio 63 of 2013 (peak 14 7 weeks), US BB 81 of 2013, Australia (ARIA) 81 of 2013, song 79 of 2013 |
7 |
Mariah Carey & Snoop Dogg |
Say Something |
2006 |
UK 27 - Jun 2006 (4 weeks), Switzerland 55 - Jun 2006 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 63 - Jun 2006 (3 weeks), US Billboard 79 - Apr 2006 (5 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 80 - Apr 2005 (2 weeks) |
8 |
Mariah Carey & Cam'ron |
Boy (I Need You) |
2003 |
UK 17 - Apr 2003 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 73 - Apr 2003 (3 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 80 - Mar 2003 (3 weeks) |
9 |
Jermaine Dupri & Mariah Carey |
Sweetheart |
1998 |
Holland 14 - Nov 1998 (6 weeks), Switzerland 18 - Nov 1998 (5 weeks), Germany 21 - Nov 1998 (2 months), Japan (Tokyo) 34 - Aug 1998 (4 weeks) |
10 |
Mariah Carey & Ne-Yo |
The Angels Cry |
2010 |
UK 81 - Apr 2010 (1 week) |
11 |
Mariah Carey & YG |
I Don't |
2017 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 89 - Feb 2017 (1 week) |
12 |
Mariah Carey & Ariana Grande & Jennifer Hudson |
Oh Santa! |
2020 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 76 - Dec 2020 (1 week) |
13 |
Latto & Mariah Carey & DJ Khalid |
Big Energy |
2022 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 21 - Apr 2022 (21 weeks) |
14 |
Mariah Carey & A Grande & J Hudson |
Oh Santa |
2020 |
UK Songs 2013-23 peak 50 - Dec 2020 (7 weeks) |
Previous Comments (newest first)
1 Apr 2018
RE: Mariah v Madonna
And yet, Mariah still ruled the 90s.
We shouldn't compare artists anyways... that just causes problems between their fans.
10 Dec 2017
(3) Double Listings
#8 & #54 are the same (I'll Be There). #53 s/b combined with #5 (under Duets w/Westlife - Against All Odds). And finally #52 s/b combined with #9 (under Duets w/Cam'ron - Boy (I Need You).
Data fixed, thanks
9 Sep 2017
Mariah v Madonna
According to billboard Mariah was #1 and #11 in the 1990s and 2000srespectively whereas Madonna was #2 in the 1980s and 1990s but #25 in the 2000s.
Since Billboard's analysis was for the USA and we look at the whole world those are not inconsistent with our numbers
1 Jun 2015
It's the one and only Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey is more famous than Madonna. Mariah didn't use autotune or other She truly have a talent but Madonna i don't think so
5 May 2015
(2) Double Listings
#9 & #11 (under duets w/Jermaine Dupri - Sweetheart) are the same. Also #45 should be combined with #8 (under duets w/Miguel - Beautiful).
Data fixed, thanks
14 Aug 2013
Mariah vs. Madonna in the 2000s
Mariah and Madonna had almost the same success in the world in the 1990s, since then Mariah has had a significant decline in popularity while Madonna is still successfull. Could you do the same calculations for the 2000-2010 decade? Thank you in advance
Our feeling is that the charts we have for that decade are not yet good enough for the results to be completely trustworthy.
However, with that note of caution, our results are shown on the decade page for the 2000s. According to that calculation the top five worldwide artists were:
1: Eminem 2: Madonna 3: Britney Spears 4: Coldplay 5: U2
Mariah Carey is number 25.
25 Jan 2013
Outside the us
Mariah is the biggest selling international artist in Japan and Japan has 2ndlargest music market (u.s being 1)
What you say is accurate but misleading. Japan does have the second largest music market in the world, however "International" music is only about 10% of that total, so the "International Music" market in Japan is smaller than the market in the UK, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
1 Jan 2010
Mariah vs. Madonna
Up to this point Madonna is still more successful around the world than she isin the U.S., and Mariah is still somewhat more successful in the U.S. than she is around the world.
Madonna continuously keeps making top ten hits even number 1's around Europe, Latin America, Canada, Australia and Asia. It's easy to prove that Madonna has had at least 2 top tens from each one of her albums in the UK, Canada, Australia and many more countries.
She also has scored at least 1 top ten from every of her albums in the U.S. except for her Celebration (2009), You Can Dance (1987), Remixed and Revisited (2004) and GHV2 (2001) albums, all of them are compilation albums and the last three didn't even had new world wide single releases made. Even her three soundtracks were able to spawn at least 1 top 10 each one. Madonna also has the most number ones and top ten's in the United World Chart, 29 top ten's and out of those 15 are number 1's and there is still more number ones and top tens to come, because United World Chart week by week keeps posting past charts.
On the other hand Mariah only has 18 top tens and out of those only 2 are number 1's in the United World Chart. Madonna managed to make her latest single Celebration to peak at No. 6 in the United World Chart where Mariah's not latest single but latest moderate successful single Obsessed peaked at No. 14. This shows how much of an impact charting in the U.S. and in the rest of the world does. This is why I respect and honor the methodologies that they used for these "countdowns".
18 Dec 2009
lol, you dont know mariah carey? words from an idiot are not taken into consideration
You know I think that user comment was maybe not quite serious. Your life would be easier if you moderated your responses a bit.
I'm surprised, most people I have met in Malaysia have a sense of humour.
14 Dec 2009
Totally true! Madonna is the most successful artist of the 90`s. I love Celine Dion, REM, and Prince, Who is Mariah Carey?
11 Nov 2009
RE: mariah vs madonna
ok.. so with ur computation.. u actually weighed north america and europe equally... and in fact according to your reply they are not equal and also aside from europe and north america, there are also other large markets like Japan where 7 of mariah's 90s album amassed million/s of sales each... and all other female intl artist that follows sell less than half of Mariah's... mariah's singles are also very successful in Japan...
so i kinda doubt the quoted statement below..
"So no, sorry even if the scores are adjusted according to the size of themarket Mariah doesn't beat Madonna. We've tried a variety of different ways to look at the data and they all result in Madonna being above Mariah. Your intuition was just plain wrong. Of course this tells us that Madonna was more successful round the world in the 1990s, it does not prove that her music was in any way better."
No you're wrong we didn't weigh them equally, Europe got a weight of 9.01 and North America got 15.14 (based on the sales numbers).
So lets look at Japan. In Japan Madonna had 28 hit songs in the 1990s and Mariah had 25. Mariah's hits were slightly higher in the charts so her total score was 22.47 while Madonna's was 21.67. In other words Madonna scored 96% of Mariah's score. Now, in fact the sales of "International" music in Japan is only about 10% of the market, so Japan's factor should be 0.643, but lets be generous to Mariah and pretend that all $6.43B was "International" music.
If we add these results into the mix we get:
Madonna: 0.94*15.14 + 1*9.01 + 0.96*6.43 = 29.41 Mariah: 1*15.14 + 0.53*9.01 + 1*6.43 = 26.34
...and Madonna *still* beats Mariah.
It is possible that Mariah's albums outsold Madonna's in Japan in the 1990s. We have no reliable data that supports that, but it is possible. If the low percentage of "International" music is taken into account then Madonna could have sold absolutly nothing in Japan in the 1990s and her global total would still beat Mariah.
It doesn't matter how much you "doubt the quoted statement", it remains true even with the scores weighed by sales and with Japan included. Mariah was beaten by Madonna in the 1990s. As we said, we tried a variety of ways of looking at the data and Madonna wins every time.
The problem is that you clearly don't appreciate just how much more popular Madonna was in Europe in the 1990s.
Speaking personally (SH) I don't understand *why* she was so popular, her 1990s material doesn't sound good to me. But that's exactly the point, on this site no-one gets to vote the data determines the outcome, personal opinion doesn't have any influence. If the data didn't sometimes tell us something that is against initial expectation then we wouldn't have created the site.
16 Oct 2009
Mariah v Madonna in the 1990s
This site treats all the charts in the world equally... thats why, they comeup with Madonna no.1 and Mariah no.2.. if they would give higher regard to bigger markets like USA... Mariah wud take the top spot easily...
Your first comment is exactly right, all the charts are weighed equally in the standard calculation. If only the North American charts were counted Mariah would be the number 1, but of course that would hardly give us a reasonable view of the world's music.
You are also correct that the number of chart entries does over emphasise the European nations since each one of them contributes more entries than can be justified by their share of the world music market. This is a side effect of the fact that each European country has people who want to publish their particular national chart, while there is less incentive for the inhabitants of, for example, Wyoming to publish their own weekly state chart for the 1990s.
However those two facts don't necessarily mean that Mariah would take the top slot in any properly weighed summary, and certainly not "easily".
Since we have data immediately available for the success of songs in North America and Europe let's try a quick test with that. In North America Mariah Carey's total score for the 1990s was 84.75, Madonna's was 79.97 of course the absolute values are meaningless, but the relative difference gives us a measure of their performance, Madonna has 94% of Mariah's score.
In Europe Mariah Carey's total score for the 1990s was 90.35, Madonna's was 169.88 Mariah has 53% of Madonna's score.
According to the IFPI the biggest 10 music markets in 1999 were: USA $14.25B, Japan $6.43B, UK $2.91B, Germany $2.83B, France $1.98B, Canada $0.88B, Brazil $0.67B, Australia $0.66B, Spain $0.64B, Italy $0.64B Which gives North America $15.14B and Europe $9.01B (we'll ignore the smaller countries that would bring the Europe total to more than $14B).
If we give the top artist 1 and the lower one a proportional score and then scale by the number of billion dollars in each region Mariah gets 1*15.14 + 0.53*9.01 => 19.93 and Madonna gets 0.94*15.14 + 1*9.01 => 23.29
So no, sorry even if the scores are adjusted according to the size of the market Mariah doesn't beat Madonna. We've tried a variety of different ways to look at the data and they all result in Madonna being above Mariah. Your intuition was just plain wrong.
Of course this tells us that Madonna was more successful round the world in the 1990s, it does not prove that her music was in any way better.