Song artist 552 - Bette Midler |

This page lists the song chart entries of Bette Midler.A list of the hit albums by Bette Midler is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Bette Midler |
Wind Beneath My Wings |
1989 |
US Billboard 1 - Mar 1989 (29 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Jun 1989, Grammy in 1989, ASCAP song of 1989, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1991), POP 4 of 1989, UK 5 - Jun 1989 (14 weeks), Australia 6 of 1989, US BB 7 of 1989, ARC 7 of 1989 (peak 1 14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Apr 1989 (31 weeks), US CashBox 28 of 1989, Canada 31 of 1989, AFI 44, US Radio 52 of 1989 (peak 3 9 weeks), RIAA 269, RYM 185 of 1988, Party 250 of 1999 |
2 |
Bette Midler |
From a Distance |
1990 |
Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Oct 1990 (37 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Oct 1990 (25 weeks), Grammy in 1990 (Nominated), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1991), ARC 5 of 1990 (peak 1 16 weeks), UK 6 - Oct 1990 (14 weeks), Germany 14 - Feb 1991 (3 months), ODK Germany 14 - Feb 1991 (21 weeks), US BB 15 of 1991, POP 17 of 1990, Sweden 18 - Dec 1990 (3 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 19 of 1991 (peak 16 26 weeks), US Radio 25 of 1990 (peak 4 11 weeks), Holland 33 - Aug 1991 (3 weeks), Canada 61 of 1990 |
3 |
Bette Midler |
The Rose |
1980 |
Record World 1 - 1980, Golden Globe in 1979 (film 'The Rose'), Grammy in 1980 (Nominated), US Billboard 3 - Mar 1980 (25 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1980), Canada 9 of 1980, US BB 10 of 1980, US CashBox 11 of 1980, ARC 13 of 1980 (peak 1 18 weeks), POP 17 of 1980, US Radio 19 of 1980 (peak 3 12 weeks), WABC NY 33 of 1980, AFI 83, OzNet 851, RYM 131 of 1980 |
4 |
Bette Midler |
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy |
1973 |
Record World 5 - 1973, US Billboard 8 - May 1973 (16 weeks), Canada 8 - Jun 1973 (12 weeks), Australia Goset 10 - Jul 1973 (12 weeks), US BB 71 of 1973, WABC NY 74 of 1973, US CashBox 78 of 1973, US Radio 89 of 1973 (peak 8 6 weeks), Canada 94 of 1973 |
5 |
Bette Midler |
Beast of burden |
1984 |
Sweden (alt) 2 - Mar 1984 (21 weeks), Norway 2 - Mar 1984 (22 weeks), Holland 10 - Mar 1984 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - Apr 1984 (13 weeks), Belgium 16 - Mar 1984 (7 weeks), Germany 22 - Apr 1984 (2 months), US Billboard 71 - Feb 1984 (6 weeks), Holland free40 88 of 1984, OzNet 785 |
6 |
Bette Midler |
Do You Want to Dance? |
1973 |
Australia Goset 10 - Mar 1973 (10 weeks), Record World 15 - 1973, US Billboard 17 - Dec 1972 (16 weeks), US BB 77 of 1973, WABC NY 100 of 1973, US Radio 130 of 1973 (peak 17 4 weeks), RYM 160 of 1972, NY Daily Love list 83 |
7 |
Bette Midler |
Every Road Leads Back To You |
1991 |
Japan (Tokyo) 8 - Dec 1991 (13 weeks), US Billboard 78 - Dec 1991 (5 weeks) |
8 |
Bette Midler |
My One True Friend |
1998 |
UK 58 - Dec 1998 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 93 - Nov 1998 (2 weeks) |
9 |
Bette Midler |
To Deserve You |
1995 |
Holland 5 - May 1996 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 14 - Aug 1995 (11 weeks) |
10 |
Bette Midler |
Night & Day |
1991 |
US Billboard 62 - Jan 1991 (7 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 65 - Feb 1991 (3 weeks) |
11 |
Bette Midler |
In My Life |
1991 |
Japan (Tokyo) 4 - Dec 1991 (19 weeks) |
12 |
Bette Midler |
When a Man Loves a Woman |
1980 |
US Billboard 35 - Jan 1980 (10 weeks), Record World 40 - 1980 |
13 |
Bette Midler |
Friends |
1973 |
POP 6 of 1973, US Billboard 40 - Sep 1973 (10 weeks) |
14 |
Bette Midler |
Small World |
1994 |
Japan (Tokyo) 98 - Feb 1994 (1 week) |
15 |
Bette Midler |
Under the Boardwalk |
1989 |
Japan (Tokyo) 52 - Aug 1989 (5 weeks) |
16 |
Bette Midler |
All I Need To Know |
1983 |
US Billboard 77 - Sep 1983 (4 weeks) |
17 |
Bette Midler |
My Favourite Waste of Time |
1983 |
US Billboard 78 - Oct 1983 (4 weeks) |
18 |
Bette Midler |
Storybook Children (Daybreak) |
1978 |
US Billboard 57 - Jan 1978 (10 weeks) |
19 |
Bette Midler |
Married Men |
1979 |
US Billboard 40 - Jun 1979 (9 weeks) |
20 |
Bette Midler |
My Mother's Eyes |
1980 |
US Billboard 39 - Nov 1980 (12 weeks) |
21 |
Bette Midler |
You're Moving Out Today |
1977 |
US Billboard 42 - Apr 1977 (14 weeks) |
22 |
Bette Midler |
Is it Love? |
1984 |
France 3 - Jan 1984 (4 weeks) |
23 |
Bette Midler |
In the Mood |
1974 |
US Billboard 51 - Jan 1974 (7 weeks) |
24 |
Bette Midler |
Oh Industry |
1988 |
RYM 185 of 1988 |
25 |
Bette Midler |
Stay With Me |
1980 |
RYM 131 of 1980 |
26 |
Bette Midler |
Superstar |
1972 |
RYM 160 of 1972 |