Obsolete song artist page

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There are two different groups known as The Romantics, an R&B group of the 1960s (most commonly called "Ruby & The Romantics") and a rock group of the 1980s. Music from both groups has been consolidated under the name The Romantics.

This page is no longer generated. It used to describe the song artist "Ruby & The Romantics". It could be that the name has been changed or a newer version of the data has make this item drop off the end of the lists.

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4 Jul 2009

Talking in Your Sleep and What I Like about You are not by Ruby & the Romantics (60s group) but by The Romantics (80s rock band). In fact all the songs between 1979 and 1986 should be credited by The Romantics instead of Ruby & The Romantics.

You are correct. However since some entries from the 1960s were often originally also credited to "The Romantics", we have decided that the best approach is to leave the entries combined, change the group name to "The Romantics" and add a note about the confusion of names.