Song artist 629 - ABC

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ABC Region Profile

ABC Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of ABC.A list of the hit albums by ABC is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

Recorded as Vice Versa.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 ABC The Look of Love 1982 Canada 1 - Sep 1982 (18 weeks), France 1 - Jul 1982 (4 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 1 week - Oct 1982, UK 4 - May 1982 (14 weeks), Holland free40 6 of 1982, Sweden (alt) 8 - Aug 1982 (14 weeks), Scrobulate 9 of 80s, Holland 12 - May 1982 (7 weeks), Canada 17 of 1982, US Billboard 18 - Sep 1982 (24 weeks), Belgium 19 - Jul 1982 (3 weeks), Poland 26 - Aug 1982 (1 week), ODK Germany 36 - Aug 1982 (15 weeks), POP 45 of 1983, US CashBox 65 of 1982, KROQ 97 of 1982, US Radio 110 of 1982 (peak 18 6 weeks), Acclaimed 594 (1982), OzNet 751, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jun 1982), RYM 87 of 1982
2 ABC When Smokey Sings 1987 US Billboard 5 - Jul 1987 (19 weeks), UK 11 - Jun 1987 (10 weeks), Holland 11 - Jun 1987 (7 weeks), Belgium 12 - Jul 1987 (7 weeks), Springbok 20 - Sep 1987 (1 week), Canada 47 of 1987, ODK Germany 52 - Jul 1987 (7 weeks), Holland free40 54 of 1987, POP 62 of 1987, KROQ 62 of 1987, US Radio 69 of 1987 (peak 5 8 weeks), US BB 70 of 1987, RYM 146 of 1987
3 ABC Be Near Me 1985 France 4 - Apr 1985 (2 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Aug 1985 (21 weeks), Canada 15 - Oct 1985 (7 weeks), UK 26 - Apr 1985 (4 weeks), KROQ 33 of 1985, Holland free40 36 of 1985, US BB 71 of 1985, US Radio 79 of 1985 (peak 9 7 weeks), US CashBox 90 of 1985, RYM 190 of 1985
4 ABC Poison Arrow 1982 France 3 - Mar 1982 (3 weeks), UK 6 - Feb 1982 (11 weeks), Holland 13 - Mar 1982 (6 weeks), Belgium 18 - Apr 1982 (4 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Jan 1983 (15 weeks), Holland free40 34 of 1982, Acclaimed 1278 (1982), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Mar 1982), RYM 54 of 1982
5 ABC All of My Heart 1982 UK 5 - Sep 1982 (8 weeks), France 6 - Oct 1982 (1 week), Canada 7 - Dec 1982 (12 weeks), Belgium 14 - Sep 1982 (6 weeks), Holland 19 - Sep 1982 (5 weeks), Holland free40 24 of 1982, ODK Germany 67 - Nov 1982 (4 weeks), RYM 157 of 1982
6 ABC The Night You Murdered Love 1987 France 1 - Sep 1987 (3 weeks), Holland 10 - Oct 1987 (7 weeks), Holland free40 17 of 1987, Belgium 18 - Oct 1987 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 20 - Nov 1987 (16 weeks), Germany 27 - Nov 1987 (1 month), UK 31 - Sep 1987 (8 weeks)
7 ABC (How To Be A) Millionaire 1985 Holland free40 12 of 1984, US Billboard 20 - Jan 1986 (14 weeks), UK 49 - Nov 1984 (4 weeks), KROQ 72 of 1985, US Radio 150 of 1986 (peak 20 1 week)
8 ABC That Was Then But This is Now 1983 France 2 - Nov 1983 (2 weeks), Holland free40 8 of 1983, Canada 14 - Dec 1983 (8 weeks), UK 18 - Nov 1983 (4 weeks), US Billboard 89 - Feb 1984 (3 weeks)
9 ABC Love Conquers All 1991 France 4 - Aug 1991 (2 weeks), Switzerland 22 - Aug 1991 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 36 - Jul 1991 (10 weeks), UK 47 - Jul 1991 (2 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 91 - Aug 1991 (1 week)
10 ABC King Without a Crown 1987 France 4 - Nov 1987 (1 week), Belgium 15 - Feb 1988 (1 week), Holland 31 - Jan 1988 (3 weeks), UK 44 - Nov 1987 (3 weeks), Holland free40 63 of 1987
11 ABC Tears Are Not Enough 1981 France 8 - Dec 1981 (1 week), UK 19 - Oct 1981 (8 weeks), Acclaimed 2279 (1981), RYM 122 of 1981
12 ABC Vanity Kills 1985 KROQ 55 of 1985, UK 70 - Jun 1985 (2 weeks), US Billboard 91 - May 1986 (4 weeks)
13 ABC The Real Thing 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 36 - Dec 1989 (6 weeks), UK 68 - Sep 1989 (2 weeks)
14 ABC One Better World 1989 UK 32 - May 1989 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Jul 1989 (12 weeks), Holland free40 88 of 1989
15 ABC Say It 1992 Belgium 28 - Mar 1992 (1 week), UK 42 - Jan 1992 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 52 - Dec 1991 (14 weeks)
16 ABC SOS 1984 France 5 - Feb 1984 (1 week), Poland 36 - Feb 1984 (2 weeks), UK 39 - Jan 1984 (5 weeks)
17 ABC The Look Of Love (1990) 1990 ODK Germany 31 - May 1990 (10 weeks), UK 68 - Apr 1990 (2 weeks)
18 ABC Valentine's Day 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 90 - Feb 1990 (1 week)
19 ABC Stranger Things 1997 UK 57 - Mar 1997 (1 week)
20 ABC Ocean Blue 1986 UK 51 - Jan 1986 (4 weeks)
21 ABC Never More Than Now 1989 France 9 - Dec 1989 (1 week)
22 ABC Chicago 1987 RYM 146 of 1987
23 ABC Theme From 'Man-Trap' 1982 RYM 54 of 1982
24 ABC Overture 1982 RYM 157 of 1982
25 ABC Alphabet Soup 1981 RYM 122 of 1981

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