Album artist 118 - Duran Duran

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Duran Duran Region Profile

Duran Duran Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Duran Duran. A list of songs by Duran Duran can be found here. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

Named after a character in the film "Barbarella"

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Duran Duran Rio 1982 Australia num 1 for 1 week - Jul 1982, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 1991), UK 2 - May 1982 (109 weeks), Holland free40 2 of 1982, UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Nov 1982), Billboard 6 - Jun 1982 (129 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), Melody Maker 7 of 1982, Sweden 9 - Jun 1982 (13 weeks), BEA 9 of 1982, Norway 13 - Jun 1982 (7 weeks), US CashBox 19 of 1983, US BB 20 of 1983, Australia (Kent) 24 of 1982 (peak 1), Channel4 30, Global 131 - 8 M claimed, Acclaimed 776 (1982), RYM 60 of 1982, AVrev 41, Xgau rating C- (1982)
2 Duran Duran Arena 1984 ODK Germany 1 - Dec 1984 (26 weeks) (5 weeks at number 1) (11 weeks in top 10), Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Jan 1985, Germany 1 - Dec 1984 (14 weeks), US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Feb 1985), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Mar 1985), Billboard 4 - Dec 1984 (27 weeks) (7 weeks in top 10), Switzerland 4 - Dec 1984 (13 weeks), Italy 4 of 1985, Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1985), UK 6 - Nov 1984 (31 weeks), Austria 8 - Jan 1985 (2 months), Norway 16 - Dec 1984 (8 weeks), Sweden 16 - Nov 1984 (12 weeks), US BB 28 of 1985, US CashBox 31 of 1985, Holland free40 59 of 1984, Global 153 - 7 M claimed
3 Duran Duran Seven & The Ragged Tiger 1984 UK 1 - Dec 1983 (47 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 1 - Dec 1983, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Nov 1991), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Nov 1983), Billboard 8 - Dec 1983 (63 weeks) (14 weeks in top 10), US BB 10 of 1984, Austria 11 - Jul 1984 (4 months), US CashBox 13 of 1984, Norway 14 - Dec 1983 (4 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Jul 1984 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 17 - Jan 1984 (40 weeks), Sweden 19 - Dec 1983 (8 weeks), Holland free40 25 of 1983, Italy 50 of 1984, France (InfoDisc) 56 of 1984 (peak 20, 16 weeks), Global 153 - 7 M claimed, Xgau rating C+ (1984)
4 Duran Duran Duran Duran 1981 Holland free40 2 of 1981, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1985), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Dec 1982), UK 3 - Jun 1981 (117 weeks), Sweden 3 - Aug 1981 (30 weeks), Billboard 10 - Feb 1983 (87 weeks), Australia (Kent) 16 of 1982 (peak 9), US BB 45 of 1983, US CashBox 60 of 1983, Global 177 - 5 M claimed, RYM 107 of 1981
5 Duran Duran Duran Duran (The Wedding Album) 1993 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 1993), UK 4 - Feb 1993 (23 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Apr 1993), Billboard 7 - Feb 1983 (47 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Austria 12 - Mar 1993 (3 months), Italy 19 of 1993, Sweden 21 - Mar 1993 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 22 - Mar 1993 (21 weeks), Holland free40 22 of 1993, Switzerland 23 - Mar 1993 (10 weeks), US CashBox 28 of 1993, US BB 56 of 1993, France (InfoDisc) 89 of 1993 (peak 32, 8 weeks)
6 Duran Duran Notorious 1986 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 1987), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Dec 1986), Norway 8 - Dec 1986 (10 weeks), Sweden 8 - Dec 1986 (14 weeks), Billboard 12 - Dec 1986 (34 weeks), UK 16 - Dec 1986 (16 weeks), Switzerland 19 - Jan 1987 (4 weeks), Italy 19 of 1986, ODK Germany 22 - Dec 1986 (11 weeks), Austria 22 - Jan 1987 (2 months), US BB 39 of 1987, France (InfoDisc) 91 of 1987 (peak 30, 2 weeks)
7 Duran Duran Duran Duran's Greatest Hits 1998 UK 2 x Platinum (certified by BPI in Mar 2004), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2005), Europe Platinum (certified by IFIP in 2002), UK 4 - Nov 1998 (33 weeks), Canada Gold (certified by CRIA in Jun 2003), Norway 13 - Jan 1998 (6 weeks), Austria 30 - Feb 1999 (1 month), Sweden 38 - Mar 2000 (1 week), Billboard 170 - Apr 1999 (1 week)
8 Duran Duran Big Thing 1988 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 1988), UK 15 - Oct 1988 (5 weeks), Switzerland 19 - Nov 1988 (2 weeks), Billboard 24 - Nov 1988 (25 weeks), Italy 25 of 1988, Sweden 27 - Nov 1988 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 31 - Nov 1988 (7 weeks), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Nov 1988)
9 Duran Duran Decade 1989 US Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 1998), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Dec 1989), UK 5 - Nov 1989 (16 weeks), Billboard 67 - Dec 1989 (16 weeks), Xgau rating B- (1989)
10 Duran Duran Thank You 1995 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1995), UK 12 - Apr 1995 (3 weeks), Billboard 19 - Apr 1995 (10 weeks), Austria 34 - May 1995 (1 month), ODK Germany 50 - Apr 1995 (7 weeks), Italy 99 of 1995
11 Duran Duran Astronaut 2004 UK 3 - Oct 2004 (4 weeks), UK Gold (certified by BPI in Oct 2004), Billboard 17 - Oct 2004 (8 weeks), Switzerland 21 - Oct 2004 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 23 - Oct 2004 (3 weeks), Italy 80 of 2004
12 Duran Duran Liberty 1990 UK 8 - Sep 1990 (4 weeks), Switzerland 36 - Sep 1990 (2 weeks), Billboard 46 - Sep 1990 (10 weeks), Italy 60 of 1990, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Sep 1990)
13 Duran Duran Red Carpet Massacre 2007 Billboard 36 - Dec 2007 (3 weeks), Switzerland 38 - Dec 2007 (2 weeks), UK 44 - Dec 2007 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 85 - Dec 2007 (1 week)
14 Duran Duran All You Need Is Now 2011 UK 11 - Apr 2011 (4 weeks), Billboard 29 - Jan 2011 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 39 - Apr 2011 (2 weeks)
15 Duran Duran Pop Trash 2000 UK 53 - Jul 2000 (1 week), ODK Germany 80 - Jul 2000 (1 week), Billboard 135 - Jul 2000 (1 week)
16 Duran Duran Paper Gods 2015 Billboard 10 - Oct 2015 (7 weeks) (1 week in top 10), ODK Germany 24 - Sep 2015 (1 week)
17 Duran Duran Medazzaland 1997 Billboard 58 - Nov 1997 (3 weeks)
18 Duran Duran Carnival 1982 Billboard 98 - Oct 1982 (15 weeks)
19 Duran Duran Live 2011 - A Diamond In The Mind 2012 ODK Germany 59 - Jul 2012 (1 week)
20 Duran Duran Mixing 1985 Italy 24 of 1985

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4 Oct 2016

#5 - Duran Duran (The Wedding Album)

When you recently made a correction some data got combined in error. TheBillboard Chart Entry of (7 - 134 weeks - Feb 1983) should be changed to read (7 - 47 weeks - March 1993). The remaining (87) weeks are already listed on the 1981 Duran Duran album.

That looks right, fixed thanks

20 Sep 2016

(2) Double Listings...Plus

#7 & #18 are the same (Greatest Hits). Also #15 & #17 (Red Carpet Massacre). Finally there are (2) distinct Albums titled 'Duran Duran', one from 1981 & one from 1993. The Billboard chart data has mistakenly been combined. On #4 - 'Duran Duran' (1981) the Billboard Chart Entry should read - #10 - 87 weeks. On #6 - 'Duran Duran (The Wedding Album)' (1993) the Billboard Chart Entry should read #7 - 47 weeks.

Data fixed, thanks

19 Jan 2015

(1) Triple Listing & (1) Double Listing

#9 & #14 & #19 are all the same (Duran Duran - The Wedding Album). Also #7 & #13 are the same (Greatest).

Data fixed, thanks