Song artist 977 - Glenn Frey |

This page lists the song chart entries of Glenn Frey. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
A member of Eagles.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Glenn Frey |
The Heat is On |
1985 |
US Billboard 2 - Dec 1984 (23 weeks), Norway 2 - Apr 1985 (13 weeks), Germany 4 - Apr 1985 (3 months), ODK Germany 4 - Apr 1985 (16 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Sweden (alt) 5 - Mar 1985 (10 weeks), Switzerland 5 - Apr 1985 (12 weeks), Springbok 7 - May 1985 (16 weeks), UK 12 - Feb 1985 (13 weeks), Sweden 13 - Mar 1985 (3 weeks), Belgium 18 - May 1985 (2 weeks), US BB 19 of 1985, ARC 22 of 1985 (peak 2 14 weeks), Australia 22 of 1985, US Radio 26 of 1985 (peak 2 10 weeks), Holland 31 - Jun 1985 (4 weeks), US CashBox 49 of 1985, POP 58 of 1985, Canada 65 of 1985, Brazil 74 of 1985 |
2 |
Glenn Frey |
You Belong To The City |
1985 |
Poland 1 - Oct 1985 (15 weeks), US Billboard 2 - Sep 1985 (20 weeks), Canada 3 - Oct 1985 (9 weeks), France 7 - Oct 1985 (1 week), Sweden 18 - Dec 1985 (1 week), US BB 30 of 1985, US Radio 31 of 1985 (peak 2 9 weeks), ARC 32 of 1985 (peak 1 12 weeks), US CashBox 34 of 1985, Canada 57 of 1985, UK 94 - Nov 1985 (1 week), RYM 184 of 1985 |
3 |
Glenn Frey |
True Love |
1988 |
US Billboard 13 - Aug 1988 (15 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 20 - Nov 1988 (7 weeks), Canada 46 of 1988, UK 84 - Oct 1988 (3 weeks), US Radio 127 of 1988 (peak 13 5 weeks) |
4 |
Glenn Frey |
Smuggler's Blues |
1985 |
US Billboard 12 - Apr 1985 (19 weeks), UK 22 - Jun 1985 (9 weeks), Poland 35 - Jul 1985 (4 weeks), US Radio 108 of 1985 (peak 12 6 weeks), RYM 184 of 1985 |
5 |
Glenn Frey |
I've Got Mine |
1992 |
Poland 24 - Jul 1992 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 25 - Jun 1992 (10 weeks), ODK Germany 51 - Aug 1992 (16 weeks), Holland free40 83 of 1992, US Billboard 91 - Jul 1992 (3 weeks) |
6 |
Glenn Frey |
Part Of Me, Part Of You |
1991 |
Poland 47 - Oct 1991 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 54 - Sep 1991 (13 weeks), US Billboard 55 - May 1991 (13 weeks), Canada 81 of 1991 |
7 |
Glenn Frey |
Sexy Girl |
1984 |
US Billboard 20 - Jun 1984 (15 weeks), UK 81 - Aug 1985 (3 weeks), US Radio 135 of 1984 (peak 20 2 weeks) |
8 |
Glenn Frey |
The One You Love |
1982 |
US Billboard 15 - Aug 1982 (17 weeks), US CashBox 75 of 1982, US Radio 104 of 1982 (peak 15 4 weeks) |
9 |
Glenn Frey |
This Way To Happiness |
1995 |
Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Apr 1995 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 65 - May 1995 (11 weeks) |
10 |
Glenn Frey |
Soul Searchin' |
1988 |
Japan (Tokyo) 57 - Nov 1988 (4 weeks) |
11 |
Glenn Frey |
Once in a Lifetime |
1992 |
Japan (Tokyo) 33 - Jun 1992 (5 weeks) |
12 |
Glenn Frey |
The Allnighter |
1984 |
US Billboard 54 - Sep 1984 (6 weeks) |
13 |
Glenn Frey |
I Found Somebody |
1982 |
US Billboard 31 - Jun 1982 (13 weeks) |
14 |
Glenn Frey |
All Those Lies |
1982 |
US Billboard 41 - Dec 1982 (11 weeks) |
15 |
Glenn Frey |
Livin' Right |
1989 |
US Billboard 90 - Mar 1989 (4 weeks) |
16 |
Glenn Frey |
She Can't Let Go |
1982 |
Poland 19 - Oct 1982 (4 weeks) |
17 |
Glenn Frey |
Lover's Mood |
1984 |
Poland 40 - Nov 1984 (1 week) |
18 |
Glenn Frey |
Love In The 21st Century |
1993 |
ODK Germany 53 - May 1993 (12 weeks) |
Previous Comments (newest first)
13 Sep 2009
Song title and artist
"Smugler's Blues" The artist use to be with the EAGLES.
Glenn Frey's three biggest hits were (in order) "The Heat is On", "You Belong To The City" and "Smuggler's Blues" all in 1985. The first two made it into the top 100 for 1985. "Smuggler's Blues" does not have enough entries to be in the top 100 for that year, it has the following chart entries:
"US Billboard 12 - Apr 1985 (19 weeks), UK 22 - Jun 1985 (9 weeks), Poland 35 - Jul 1985 (4 weeks), RYM 184 of 1985"
Glenn Frey just misses being in the top 1000 artists, so he does not have his own page. If he did then it would note the fact that he was one of the founders of The Eagles. The page about The Eagles does mention his name
Searching with the word "Smuggler" on or both lead to Glenn Frey's song.