Song title 610 - Hey There |

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Hey There" in order of success.
This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Rosemary Clooney |
Hey There |
1954 |
US Billboard 1 - Jul 1954 (27 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Jul 1954 (23 weeks), US 1 for 6 weeks - Sep 1954, US CashBox 1 - Jul 1954 (31 weeks), Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Feb 1957, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1954), US BB 3 of 1954, UK 4 - Oct 1955 (11 weeks), DZE 7 of 1954, Your Hit Parade 14 of 1954, US invalid BB 18 of 1954, POP 21 of 1954, Brazil 31 of 1954, DDD 66 of 1954, RYM 34 of 1954 |
2 |
Sammy Davis Jr |
Hey There |
1954 |
US CashBox 1 - Aug 1954 (23 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Aug 1954 (10 weeks), US 1940s 16 - Aug 1954 (4 weeks), UK 19 - Oct 1955 (1 week), Brazil 69 of 1955, RYM 170 of 1955 |
3 |
Johnnie Ray |
Hey There |
1955 |
UK 5 - Oct 1955 (9 weeks), US Billboard 27 - May 1954 (3 weeks), RYM 123 of 1955 |
4 |
Lita Roza |
Hey There |
1955 |
UK 17 - Oct 1955 (2 weeks), RYM 192 of 1955 |
Previous Comments (newest first)
23 Apr 2017
What are the lyrics to "hey there", the Rosemary Clooney song of 1954
I am looking to write a newspaper article to remember the songs of the 1954era. +Is there a site that has the original words to the song, "Hey There", sung by Rosemary Clooney?
Did you try searching '"Hey There" Rosemary Clooney lyrics' on Google? Works for me
11 Jun 2011
song title 976
Why is it listed as 306 if it is 976? Lots of the are like this. Big difference
We don't know where you have seen this song "listed as 306". The number on this page indicates that (in the 1.10.21 version of the data) the song title "Hey There" was the 976th most successful title. It is possible that you are looking at the success of a particular version, or a listing from another region or period?
As the text on the "Song Titles" page explains the list order here depends heavily on which charts are included, and a better idea of a song's true success can be gained by using alternate ways of measuring it. That is why there are various different ways to order artists, songs, albums and titles explored on this site, each one provides some insight into the success of music but, in our opinion, no single one provides a definitive ordering that is able to tell you the 976th of anything.