Song artist 530 - Debbie Gibson

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Debbie Gibson Region Profile

Debbie Gibson Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Debbie Gibson.A list of the hit albums by Debbie Gibson is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Debbie Gibson Lost in Your Eyes 1989 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1989 (19 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jan 1989 (17 weeks), Sweden 1 - Feb 1989 (6 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Mar 1989, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 1989), Canada 7 of 1989, US Radio 8 of 1989 (peak 1 10 weeks), France 10 - Jan 1989 (1 week), US BB 13 of 1989, US CashBox 14 of 1989, Brazil 16 of 1989, Belgium 23 - Apr 1989 (3 weeks), ARC 28 of 1989 (peak 1 12 weeks), UK 34 - Jan 1989 (8 weeks), RYM 101 of 1989
2 Debbie Gibson Foolish Beat 1988 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1988 (20 weeks), Sweden 4 - Aug 1988 (5 weeks), Holland 8 - Aug 1988 (9 weeks), UK 9 - Jul 1988 (9 weeks), France 9 - May 1988 (1 week), Switzerland 10 - Sep 1988 (10 weeks), US CashBox 11 of 1988, Belgium 15 - Aug 1988 (6 weeks), US Radio 28 of 1988 (peak 1 8 weeks), US BB 32 of 1988, Canada 32 of 1988, ARC 46 of 1988 (peak 1 12 weeks), Brazil 58 of 1988, RYM 161 of 1988
3 Debbie Gibson Electric Youth 1989 France 2 - Jun 1989 (2 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1989), Sweden 6 - May 1989 (4 weeks), US Billboard 11 - Apr 1989 (13 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 11 - Apr 1989 (10 weeks), UK 14 - Apr 1989 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 18 - May 1989 (13 weeks), Germany 26 - Jun 1989 (1 month), Belgium 28 - May 1989 (1 week), Japan (Osaku) 54 of 1989 (peak 5 10 weeks), US Radio 100 of 1989 (peak 9 5 weeks), RYM 162 of 1989
4 Debbie Gibson Only in My Dreams 1987 US Billboard 4 - May 1987 (28 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1989), UK 11 - Sep 1987 (14 weeks), US BB 26 of 1987, ARC 30 of 1987 (peak 4 14 weeks), Canada 39 of 1987, US Radio 46 of 1987 (peak 4 8 weeks), US CashBox 47 of 1987, Brazil 87 of 1987, RYM 174 of 1987
5 Debbie Gibson Shake Your Love 1988 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1987 (22 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1989), UK 7 - Jan 1988 (8 weeks), France 10 - Nov 1987 (1 week), Switzerland 19 - Mar 1988 (7 weeks), US BB 22 of 1988, Holland 24 - Mar 1988 (4 weeks), Belgium 28 - Apr 1988 (3 weeks), US Radio 36 of 1987 (peak 4 9 weeks), ARC 38 of 1987 (peak 4 13 weeks), Italy 86 of 1988
6 Debbie Gibson Out of the Blue 1988 US Billboard 3 - Jan 1988 (17 weeks), UK 19 - May 1988 (7 weeks), US Radio 47 of 1988 (peak 3 9 weeks), ARC 49 of 1988 (peak 2 13 weeks), US BB 54 of 1988, Brazil 78 of 1988, Canada 97 of 1988, RYM 157 of 1988
7 Debbie Gibson No More Rhyme 1989 France 8 - Nov 1989 (1 week), US Billboard 17 - Jun 1989 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 19 - Jul 1989 (8 weeks), Belgium 29 - Sep 1989 (1 week), US Radio 135 of 1989 (peak 16 3 weeks), RYM 103 of 1989
8 Debbie Gibson Anything is Possible 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 10 - Dec 1990 (16 weeks), US Billboard 26 - Nov 1990 (11 weeks), UK 51 - Mar 1991 (2 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 91 of 1991 (peak 4 13 weeks)
9 Debbie Gibson We Could Be Together 1989 UK 22 - Aug 1989 (8 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 44 - Oct 1989 (5 weeks), US Billboard 71 - Sep 1989 (6 weeks), RYM 179 of 1989
10 Debbie Gibson Losin' Myself 1993 Japan (Tokyo) 17 - Feb 1993 (10 weeks), US Billboard 86 - Feb 1993 (5 weeks)
11 Debbie Gibson Staying Together 1988 US Billboard 22 - Aug 1988 (12 weeks), UK 53 - Oct 1988 (2 weeks)
12 Debbie Gibson Eyes Of The Chils 1993 Japan (Tokyo) 40 - Mar 1993 (8 weeks)
13 Debbie Gibson For Better Or Worse 1995 Japan (Tokyo) 87 - Aug 1995 (4 weeks)
14 Debbie Gibson Without You 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 18 - Nov 1990 (12 weeks)
15 Debbie Gibson One Hand, One Heart 1990 Japan (Tokyo) 86 - Dec 1990 (1 week)
16 Debbie Gibson Shock Your Mama 1993 UK 74 - Apr 1993 (1 week)
17 Debbie Gibson One Step Ahead 1991 France 7 - Dec 1991 (1 week)
18 Debbie Gibson Silence Speaks (A Thousand Words) 1989 RYM 101 of 1989
19 Debbie Gibson Over the Wall 1989 RYM 179 of 1989

In addition to the above listed songs Debbie Gibson also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Craig McLachlan & Debbie Gibson You're the One That I Want 1993 UK 13 - Jul 1993 (6 weeks)

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