Obsolete song artist page

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This page is no longer generated. It used to describe the song artist "Ernest Hare & Billy Jones". It could be that the name has been changed or a newer version of the data has make this item drop off the end of the lists.

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2 Aug 2015

Ernest Hare

Hi, Not quite sure but the title "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavour (On the Bedpost Overnight)" is also known as "Does Your Spearmint Lose It's Flavour (On the Bedpost Overnight)"

cheers Walter

You need to read the FAQ about song titles. Remember the goal of this site is to help readers find connections even when names used are slightly different, so many of the names are not strictly the ones used in a particular place, we show the name that was most widely applied. In this case Lonnie Donegan's version was a hit in 9 charts while Ernest Hare & Billy Jones' version was a hit in just one

There are other sites that focus on the exact text that happens to have been written on the US single, we don't think that is as important as discovering connections.