TsorT Info

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TsorT Info is a collection of contributors that are coordinated by Steve Hawtin.

We announce any new items or updates via the twitter user @tsortinfo

Music Charts

The original reason for creating the group was to work on the music data. This collects together more than 360,000 chart entries to provide a comprehensive list of the music charts since 1900.

Android Apps

A number of applications built for the Android platform. In particular a collection of easy to use local datasets, which are all free, and a paid for app that consolidates the datasets into a single place.

Some of the datasets are related to the music lists, like the list of artist hit songs and albums, and others that are not, like the list of US States and Presidents.

The RefLib application can download new datasets from this page.

Information Architecture

The pages that discuss Information Architecture are not a TsorT Info activity, they are down to Steve's own efforts (and only he is to blame for any mistakes and ommisions).

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