Song artist 507 - Haydn Quartet

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Haydn Quartet Region Profile

Haydn Quartet Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Haydn Quartet. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Haydn Quartet Sweet Adeline (You're the Flower of My Heart) 1904 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1904 (17 weeks), 5 of 1900-19 (1904), Brazil 13 of 1905
2 Haydn Quartet Bedelia 1904 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1904 (11 weeks), Brazil 7 of 1905
3 Haydn Quartet In the Good Old Summer Time 1903 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1903 (12 weeks), Brazil 16 of 1904
4 Haydn Quartet Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet 1909 US Billboard 1 - Dec 1909 (17 weeks), Brazil 19 of 1910
5 Haydn Quartet Sunbonnet Sue 1908 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1908 (14 weeks)
6 Haydn Quartet Because 1900 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1900 (6 weeks)
7 Haydn Quartet Blue Bell 1904 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1904 (7 weeks)
8 Haydn Quartet Keep On Smiling 1908 US Billboard 2 - Apr 1908 (4 weeks)
9 Haydn Quartet In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree 1905 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1905 (8 weeks)
10 Haydn Quartet In the Evening by the Moonlight, Dear Louise 1913 US Billboard 2 - May 1913 (8 weeks)
11 Haydn Quartet Silent Night, Holy Night 1905 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1905 (3 weeks)
12 Haydn Quartet Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May? 1906 US Billboard 2 - Feb 1906 (6 weeks)
13 Haydn Quartet My Wild Irish Rose 1907 US Billboard 2 - Aug 1907 (5 weeks)
14 Haydn Quartet I'll Make a Ring Around Rosie 1910 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1910 (6 weeks)
15 Haydn Quartet In the Wildwood Where the Blue Bells Grew 1907 US Billboard 2 - Aug 1907 (5 weeks)
16 Haydn Quartet My Little Canoe 1905 US Billboard 2 - Jan 1905 (6 weeks)
17 Haydn Quartet Old Kentucky Home 1903 US Billboard 2 - Jun 1903 (4 weeks)
18 Haydn Quartet Dear Old Girl 1904 US Billboard 2 - Apr 1904 (5 weeks)
19 Haydn Quartet Tell Me with Your Eyes 1905 US Billboard 3 - Mar 1905 (4 weeks)
20 Haydn Quartet Brown Eyes, Good-Bye 1909 US Billboard 3 - Feb 1909 (3 weeks)
21 Haydn Quartet In the Sweet Bye & Bye 1902 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1902 (3 weeks)
22 Haydn Quartet In Dear Old Georgia 1906 US Billboard 3 - Jan 1906 (2 weeks)
23 Haydn Quartet Lonesome 1909 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1909 (5 weeks)
24 Haydn Quartet Up, Up, Up in My Aeroplane 1909 US Billboard 3 - Oct 1909 (3 weeks)
25 Haydn Quartet Down Where the Silv'ry Mohawk Flows 1905 US Billboard 4 - Sep 1905 (2 weeks)
26 Haydn Quartet I am Longing for You, Sweetheart, Day by Day 1904 US Billboard 4 - Nov 1904 (2 weeks)
27 Haydn Quartet Old Folks at Home (Way Down Upon the Swanee River) 1904 US Billboard 4 - Aug 1904 (2 weeks)
28 Haydn Quartet Cross the Great Divide (I'll Wait for You) 1914 US Billboard 4 - Apr 1914 (4 weeks)
29 Haydn Quartet When It's Moonlight on the Prairie 1908 US Billboard 5 - Jul 1908 (1 week)
30 Haydn Quartet My Grandfather's Clock 1905 US Billboard 5 - Oct 1905 (1 week)
31 Haydn Quartet When the Flowers Bloom in the Springtime, Molly Dear 1907 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1907 (1 week)
32 Haydn Quartet Meet Me Where the Lanterns Glow 1910 US Billboard 5 - Sep 1910 (3 weeks)
33 Haydn Quartet Where the Southern Roses Grow 1905 US Billboard 6 - May 1905 (1 week)
34 Haydn Quartet When the Roll is Called Up Yonder 1906 US Billboard 6 - Jun 1906 (1 week)
35 Haydn Quartet Love Me & the World is Mine 1908 US Billboard 7 - Jun 1908 (1 week)
36 Haydn Quartet My Heart Has Learned to Love You, Now Do Not Say Good-Bye 1910 US Billboard 7 - Sep 1910 (2 weeks)
37 Haydn Quartet Come Along, Little Girl, Come Along 1905 US Billboard 8 - Aug 1905 (1 week)
38 Haydn Quartet The Garden of Roses 1910 US Billboard 9 - Jun 1910 (1 week)
39 Haydn Quartet Stein Song (University of Maine) 1907 US Billboard 10 - Aug 1907 (1 week)
40 Haydn Quartet The Holy City 1905 US Billboard 10 - May 1905 (1 week)

In addition to the above listed songs Haydn Quartet also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Take Me Out To The Ball Game 1908 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1908 (16 weeks), RIAA 8, Brazil 20 of 1909
2 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet By the Light of the Silvery Moon 1910 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1910 (17 weeks), Brazil 21 of 1911
3 Corrine Morgan & Haydn Quartet Toyland 1904 US Billboard 1 - Jun 1904 (8 weeks), Brazil 27 of 1906
4 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet The Hat My Father Wore on St Patrick's Day 1909 US Billboard 3 - Dec 1909 (5 weeks)
5 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Take Me Up with You, Dearie 1909 US Billboard 4 - Aug 1909 (3 weeks)
6 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Just a Little Rocking Chair & You 1906 US Billboard 4 - Jan 1906 (2 weeks)
7 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Down in Sunshine Valley 1910 US Billboard 4 - Mar 1910 (4 weeks)
8 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Take Me Out for a Joy Ride 1909 US Billboard 4 - Oct 1909 (3 weeks)
9 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Sullivan 1909 US Billboard 5 - Mar 1909 (1 week)
10 Alan Turner & Haydn Quartet Here's to the Girl! 1908 US Billboard 5 - Dec 1908 (1 week)
11 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Waltz Around Again Willie 1906 US Billboard 5 - Sep 1906 (2 weeks)
12 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Tell Mother I'll Be There 1910 US Billboard 6 - Jan 1910 (2 weeks)
13 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Meet Me in Rose-Time, Rosie 1909 US Billboard 6 - May 1909 (1 week)
14 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Rainbow 1908 US Billboard 7 - Nov 1908 (1 week)
15 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet I'm Happy When the Band Plays Dixie 1908 US Billboard 8 - Mar 1908 (1 week)
16 Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet Yankee Doodle's Come to Town 1908 US Billboard 8 - Oct 1908 (1 week)

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4 Jun 2015

#1 Billy Murry & Hayden Quartet

Over the years numerous discographies have attributed this recording to BillyMurray and the Haydn Quartet. However, the record label as well as the Victor catalog only list the Hayden Quartet. Billy Murray had a very distinctive tenor voice and it is quite easy for anyone familiar with it to determine that it is not Murray on this recording. Several articles have been written on this subject and the general consensus is that it is Harry MacDonough. He had a less distinctive voice than Murray, but the voice on the recording sounds like it could be him. Both he and Murray made numerous recordings with the Haydn Quartet around that time.

We are sure your information is correct, but in this case we have to follow the Billboard chart (even when it is probably incorrect).

We've posted this message on the pages of all those you mention so any users will be able to see your information.

8 Sep 2014


I need 5 songs that are from the 1020s but that has covers

Songs from the 1020s are hard to even name, we suggest you look in the Anglo-Saxon section of your local history department.

If you want songs from the 1920s then look at the 1920s page.

9 Aug 2014

Billy Murray & Haydn Quartet-Double Listing

Take Me Out to the Ball Game-#7(Haydn Quartet) and #13 (with Billy Murray) I'mpretty sure this is the same recording.It is also on the "RIAA list as #8." This should move this recording considerably up the list for 1908!

Your fix looks right. In addition our version of the RIAA list had a mistake in it (which is why it wasn't listed), so we've fixed that too.

Thanks for the suggestions