Song artist 155 - Metallica |

This page lists the song chart entries of Metallica.A list of the hit albums by Metallica is also available.
The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Metallica |
Until it Sleeps |
1996 |
Finland 1 for 4 weeks - May 1996, Poland 1 - May 1996 (27 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - Jun 1996, Spain 1 for 1 week - Aug 1996, Norway 2 - Jun 1996 (11 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1996), UK 5 - Jun 1996 (4 weeks), Sweden 6 - Jun 1996 (2 weeks), Belgium 8 - Jun 1996 (12 weeks), Holland 9 - Jun 1996 (5 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Jun 1996 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 11 - Jun 1996 (6 weeks), Austria 12 - Jun 1996 (3 months), ODK Germany 15 - Jun 1996 (14 weeks), Germany 19 - May 1996 (2 months), Switzerland 22 - Jun 1996 (8 weeks), Holland free40 48 of 1996, Canada 61 of 1996, Scrobulate 81 of ballad, US BB 92 of 1996, Italy 97 of 1996, RYM 69 of 1996 |
2 |
Metallica |
Enter Sandman |
1991 |
Finland 1 for 1 week - Aug 1991, Norway 2 - Aug 1991 (14 weeks), US (Sup) Platinum (certified by RIAA in Dec 2009), Scrobulate 3 of metal, Poland 4 - Aug 1991 (22 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1991), UK 5 - Aug 1991 (16 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 9 - Sep 1991 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 9 - Aug 1991 (16 weeks) (2 weeks in top 10), Germany 10 - Aug 1991 (3 months), Switzerland 11 - Sep 1991 (15 weeks), Holland 12 - Aug 1991 (8 weeks), POP 12 of 1991, US Billboard 16 - Aug 1991 (19 weeks), nuTsie 21 of 1990s, Belgium 30 - Sep 1991 (1 week), Sweden 33 - Aug 2008 (1 week), Japan (Osaku) 46 of 1991 (peak 4 13 weeks), TheQ 54, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 70 - Jul 2014 (1 week), Poland 90 of all time, Belgium 138 of all time, Acclaimed 273 (1991), Rolling Stone 399, RYM 12 of 1991, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500 |
3 |
Metallica |
One |
1994 |
Finland 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1994, Holland 3 - Apr 1994 (14 weeks), Norway 4 - Apr 1994 (6 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1990), Scrobulate 4 of metal, UK 13 - Apr 1989 (11 weeks), Belgium 15 - Jun 1994 (8 weeks), Europe 15 of the 1980s (1988), Belgium 19 of all time, Switzerland 22 - May 1994 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 31 - May 1994 (15 weeks), Poland 34 of all time, US Billboard 35 - Feb 1989 (15 weeks), nuTsie 40 of 1980s, Australia 47 of 1994, Japan (Tokyo) 93 - Mar 1989 (2 weeks), Acclaimed 2094 (1988), RYM 2 of 1988 |
4 |
Metallica |
Nothing Else Matters |
1992 |
Poland 1 - Apr 1992 (37 weeks), Belgium 1 - May 1992 (31 weeks), Europe 2 of the 1990s (1992), Scrobulate 2 of metal, Norway 3 - Jul 2007 (12 weeks), France 4 - Jun 1992 (3 weeks), Holland 5 - May 1992 (16 weeks), Switzerland 5 - Jun 1992 (71 weeks), UK 6 - May 1992 (16 weeks), Germany 9 - May 1992 (5 months), ODK Germany 9 - May 1992 (51 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Sweden 12 - Aug 2007 (5 weeks), Switzerland 12 of 1992, Belgium 23 of all time, Poland 24 of all time, US Billboard 34 - Mar 1992 (15 weeks), POP 46 of 1992, Italy 93 of 1992, Holland free40 100 of 1992, Germany 299 of the 1990s (peak 9 17 weeks), RYM 58 of 1992 |
5 |
Metallica |
The Unforgiven |
1991 |
Poland 1 - Dec 1991 (27 weeks), Sweden 5 - Dec 1991 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 9 of metal, UK 15 - Nov 1991 (4 weeks), Austria 19 - Apr 1998 (3 months), Holland 27 - Dec 1991 (4 weeks), US Billboard 35 - Dec 1991 (16 weeks), Poland 40 of all time, ODK Germany 47 - Dec 1991 (7 weeks), Italy 76 of 1992, Brazil 88 of 1992, Belgium 261 of all time, RYM 24 of 1991 |
6 |
Metallica |
The Unforgiven II |
1998 |
Finland 1 for 1 week - Mar 1998, Poland 2 - Feb 1998 (20 weeks), Sweden 3 - Mar 1998 (9 weeks), Norway 8 - Mar 1998 (9 weeks), UK 15 - Mar 1998 (4 weeks), Holland 21 - Mar 1998 (6 weeks), Scrobulate 21 of metal, ODK Germany 23 - Mar 1998 (9 weeks), Australia 50 of 1998, US Billboard 59 - Apr 1998 (15 weeks), RYM 75 of 1998 |
7 |
Metallica |
I Disappear |
2000 |
Poland 5 - May 2000 (12 weeks), Norway 8 - Jul 2000 (7 weeks), France 10 - Nov 2000 (1 week), ODK Germany 14 - Jun 2000 (13 weeks), Switzerland 20 - Jul 2000 (7 weeks), Germany 24 - Jun 2000 (1 month), Austria 30 - Jul 2000 (2 months), UK 35 - Aug 2000 (5 weeks), Italy 47 of 2000, US Billboard 76 - May 2000 (20 weeks), Scrobulate 86 of hard rock, RYM 50 of 2000 |
8 |
Metallica |
The Day that Never Comes |
2008 |
Finland 1 for 1 week - Aug 2008, Norway 1 - Aug 2008 (8 weeks), Sweden 3 - Aug 2008 (7 weeks), UK 19 - Aug 2008 (6 weeks), Holland free40 25 of 2008, US Billboard 31 - Sep 2008 (10 weeks), Switzerland 32 - Sep 2008 (6 weeks) |
9 |
Metallica |
Whisky in the Jar |
1999 |
Poland 1 - Jan 1999 (34 weeks), Norway 4 - Feb 1999 (17 weeks), France 5 - Feb 1999 (1 week), Sweden 14 - Feb 1999 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 16 of metal, ODK Germany 23 - Mar 1999 (18 weeks), UK 29 - Feb 1999 (2 weeks), Austria 32 - Apr 1999 (2 months), Switzerland 55 - Sep 2008 (1 week), RYM 62 of 1999 |
10 |
Metallica |
Hero of the Day |
1996 |
Norway 8 - Sep 1996 (7 weeks), UK 17 - Sep 1996 (4 weeks), Sweden 17 - Sep 1996 (1 week), Holland 19 - Sep 1996 (4 weeks), Poland 19 - Sep 1996 (7 weeks), Austria 30 - Oct 1996 (1 month), Belgium 30 - Oct 1996 (1 week), ODK Germany 39 - Sep 1996 (6 weeks), US Billboard 60 - Nov 1996 (18 weeks), Scrobulate 74 of heavy metal, RYM 49 of 1996 |
11 |
Metallica |
St Anger |
2003 |
Norway 6 - Jul 2003 (5 weeks), UK 9 - Jul 2003 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - Jul 2003 (9 weeks), Poland 16 - Jun 2003 (8 weeks), Austria 17 - Jul 2003 (1 month), Germany 20 - Jul 2003 (1 month), Holland 22 - Jul 2003 (3 weeks), Switzerland 28 - Jul 2003 (4 weeks), Holland free40 50 of 2003, Japan (Tokyo) 52 - Jul 2003 (1 week) |
12 |
Metallica |
Sad But True |
1993 |
Finland 1 for 1 week - Mar 1993, Norway 5 - Feb 1993 (13 weeks), Sweden 7 - Feb 1993 (6 weeks), Poland 8 - Nov 1992 (16 weeks), Holland 17 - Sep 1992 (9 weeks), UK 20 - Feb 1993 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 20 of metal, ODK Germany 42 - Mar 1993 (9 weeks), US Billboard 98 - Oct 1992 (1 week), RYM 21 of 1993 |
13 |
Metallica |
Turn the Page |
1998 |
Poland 7 - Nov 1998 (17 weeks), Sweden 8 - Nov 1998 (8 weeks), France 10 - Jan 1999 (1 week), Norway 11 - Dec 1998 (4 weeks), Austria 21 - Jan 1999 (2 months), ODK Germany 23 - Nov 1998 (10 weeks), Holland free40 37 of 1998, Scrobulate 63 of covers, Japan (Tokyo) 81 - Dec 1998 (2 weeks), RYM 33 of 1998 |
14 |
Metallica |
Master of Puppets |
1986 |
Scrobulate 1 of metal, UK Songs 2013-23 peak 22 - Jul 2022 (5 weeks), US Songs 2014-23 peak 35 - Jul 2022 (3 weeks), Belgium 120 of all time, Acclaimed 832 (1986), RYM 1 of 1986 |
15 |
Metallica |
Wherever I May Roam |
1992 |
Norway 2 - Nov 1992 (9 weeks), Sweden 10 - Nov 1992 (4 weeks), Belgium 20 - Dec 1992 (1 week), Holland 22 - Nov 1992 (4 weeks), UK 25 - Oct 1992 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 30 - Nov 1992 (12 weeks), Scrobulate 32 of metal, US Billboard 82 - Jul 1992 (7 weeks), RYM 39 of 1992 |
16 |
Metallica |
Frantic |
2003 |
Norway 5 - Oct 2003 (4 weeks), Poland 8 - Oct 2003 (7 weeks), Sweden 14 - Oct 2003 (2 weeks), UK 16 - Oct 2003 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 21 - Sep 2003 (6 weeks), Holland 32 - Oct 2003 (2 weeks), RYM 146 of 2003 |
17 |
Metallica |
Fuel |
1998 |
France 10 - Oct 1998 (1 week), Poland 16 - Jul 1998 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 27 of metal, UK 31 - Jul 1998 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 57 - Jun 1998 (4 weeks), RYM 111 of 1998 |
18 |
Metallica |
Mama Said |
1996 |
Poland 1 - Dec 1996 (33 weeks), Sweden 7 - Nov 1996 (4 weeks), Norway 13 - Dec 1996 (7 weeks), UK 19 - Dec 1996 (2 weeks), RYM 148 of 1996 |
19 |
Metallica |
My Apocalypse |
2008 |
Sweden 2 - Sep 2008 (9 weeks), Norway 9 - Sep 2008 (1 week), UK 51 - Sep 2008 (2 weeks), US Billboard 67 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
20 |
Metallica |
Cyanide |
2008 |
Sweden 14 - Sep 2008 (1 week), Norway 15 - Sep 2008 (2 weeks), UK 48 - Sep 2008 (2 weeks), US Billboard 50 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
21 |
Metallica |
The Unnamed Feeling |
2004 |
Norway 10 - Jan 2004 (4 weeks), Sweden 18 - Jan 2004 (1 week), ODK Germany 24 - Jan 2004 (7 weeks), UK 42 - Jan 2004 (2 weeks) |
22 |
Metallica |
King Nothing |
1997 |
Scrobulate 64 of hard rock, US Billboard 90 - Mar 1997 (8 weeks), RYM 88 of 1997 |
23 |
Metallica |
All Nightmare Long |
2008 |
ODK Germany 15 - Dec 2008 (9 weeks), Germany 2000s 15 - Dec 2008 (1 week), Holland 38 - Jan 2009 (2 weeks), RYM 132 of 2008 |
24 |
Metallica |
Harvester of Sorrow |
1988 |
UK 20 - Sep 1988 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 45 of thrash metal, RYM 17 of 1988 |
25 |
Metallica |
Creeping Death |
1984 |
Scrobulate 34 of thrash, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jan 1989), RYM 4 of 1984 |
26 |
Metallica |
Fade to Black |
1992 |
Scrobulate 8 of metal, Switzerland 100 - Aug 2008 (1 week), RYM 39 of 1992 |
27 |
Metallica |
Die, Die My Darling |
1999 |
Poland 3 - Jun 1999 (10 weeks), Sweden 7 - Aug 1999 (7 weeks), RYM 99 of 1998 |
28 |
Metallica |
The Unforgiven III |
2008 |
Norway 8 - Sep 2008 (3 weeks), Switzerland 12 - Sep 2008 (7 weeks), Sweden 34 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
29 |
Metallica |
The Judas Kiss |
2008 |
Norway 13 - Sep 2008 (1 week), UK 79 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
30 |
Metallica |
Battery |
1986 |
Scrobulate 5 of metal, RYM 33 of 1986 |
31 |
Metallica |
The Thing That Should Not Be |
1998 |
Scrobulate 52 of heavy metal, RYM 75 of 1998 |
32 |
Metallica |
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) |
1986 |
Scrobulate 34 of metal, RYM 1 of 1986 |
33 |
Metallica |
Whiplash |
1984 |
Scrobulate 20 of thrash, RYM 146 of 1984 |
34 |
Metallica |
Stone Cold Crazy |
1991 |
Scrobulate 77 of cover, RYM 12 of 1991 |
35 |
Metallica |
The $5.98 EP, Garage Days Re-visited |
1987 |
UK 27 - Aug 1987 (4 weeks) |
36 |
Metallica |
Broken, Beat & Scarred |
2009 |
ODK Germany 35 - Apr 2009 (6 weeks) |
37 |
Metallica |
That Was Just Your Life |
2008 |
Norway 16 - Sep 2008 (1 week) |
38 |
Metallica |
3 Live At Wembley |
1992 |
Norway 5 - Jun 1992 (7 weeks) |
39 |
Metallica |
Overkill |
1996 |
RYM 69 of 1996 |
40 |
Metallica |
Ain't My Bitch |
1997 |
RYM 88 of 1997 |
41 |
Metallica |
The Call of Ktulu |
unknown |
Scrobulate 1 of instrumental |
42 |
Metallica |
So What |
1993 |
RYM 21 of 1993 |
43 |
Metallica |
Blitzkrieg |
1984 |
RYM 4 of 1984 |
44 |
Metallica |
Am I Evil? |
1984 |
RYM 4 of 1984 |
45 |
Metallica |
The Prince |
1988 |
RYM 17 of 1988 |
46 |
Metallica |
Breadfan |
1988 |
RYM 17 of 1988 |
47 |
Metallica |
Eye of the Beholder |
1988 |
RYM 55 of 1988 |
48 |
Metallica |
Jump in the Fire |
1983 |
RYM 23 of 1983 |
49 |
Metallica |
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, April 20th 1992 |
1992 |
RYM 191 of 1992 |
50 |
Metallica |
Killin' Time |
1991 |
RYM 24 of 1991 |
51 |
Metallica |
Atlas, Rise! |
2016 |
ODK Germany 100 - Nov 2016 (1 week) |
52 |
Metallica |
Orion |
unknown |
Scrobulate 2 of instrumental |
53 |
Metallica |
Blackened |
unknown |
Scrobulate 10 of thrash metal |
54 |
Metallica |
...and Justice for All |
unknown |
Scrobulate 16 of thrash metal |
55 |
Metallica |
Hit the Lights |
unknown |
Scrobulate 17 of thrash |
56 |
Metallica |
No Remorse |
unknown |
Scrobulate 17 of thrash metal |
57 |
Metallica |
Trapped Under Ice |
unknown |
Scrobulate 19 of thrash |
58 |
Metallica |
For Whom the Bell Tolls |
unknown |
Scrobulate 25 of metal |
59 |
Metallica |
Of Wolf & Man |
unknown |
Scrobulate 31 of metal |
60 |
Metallica |
Pulling Teeth |
unknown |
Scrobulate 33 of thrash |
61 |
Metallica |
Metal Militia |
unknown |
Scrobulate 35 of speed metal |
62 |
Metallica |
Loverman |
unknown |
Scrobulate 35 of thrash |
63 |
Metallica |
Phantom Lord |
unknown |
Scrobulate 49 of thrash metal |
64 |
Metallica |
Escape |
unknown |
Scrobulate 58 of thrash metal |
65 |
Metallica |
Ride the Lightning |
unknown |
Scrobulate 61 of heavy metal |
66 |
Metallica |
Orion (Instrumental) |
unknown |
Scrobulate 64 of awesome |
67 |
Metallica |
Seek & Destroy |
unknown |
Scrobulate 67 of thrash metal |
68 |
Metallica |
Dyers Eve |
unknown |
Scrobulate 72 of thrash metal |
69 |
Metallica |
Don't Tread on Me |
unknown |
Scrobulate 73 of heavy metal |
70 |
Metallica |
Disposable Heroes |
unknown |
Scrobulate 74 of thrash |
71 |
Metallica |
To Live Is to Die |
unknown |
Scrobulate 75 of thrash metal |
72 |
Metallica |
Fight Fire With Fire |
unknown |
Scrobulate 75 of thrash |
73 |
Metallica |
Holier Than Thou |
unknown |
Scrobulate 75 of heavy metal |
74 |
Metallica |
The Four Horsemen |
unknown |
Scrobulate 81 of heavy metal |
75 |
Metallica |
Fixxxer |
unknown |
Scrobulate 85 of hard rock |
76 |
Metallica |
Leper Messiah |
unknown |
Scrobulate 93 of heavy metal |
77 |
Metallica |
Stone Dead Forever |
unknown |
Scrobulate 94 of speed metal |
78 |
Metallica |
The Struggle Within |
unknown |
Scrobulate 94 of heavy metal |
In addition to the above listed songs Metallica also contributed to the
following entries:
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Metallica & Marianne Faithfull |
The Memory Remains |
1997 |
Finland 1 for 3 weeks - Oct 1997, Norway 3 - Nov 1997 (6 weeks), Poland 3 - Nov 1997 (16 weeks), Sweden 7 - Nov 1997 (5 weeks), UK 13 - Nov 1997 (3 weeks), Holland 17 - Nov 1997 (3 weeks), ODK Germany 20 - Nov 1997 (10 weeks), Austria 26 - Dec 1997 (2 months), Holland free40 27 of 1997, Germany 27 - Nov 1997 (1 month), US Billboard 28 - Nov 1997 (19 weeks), Belgium 28 - Nov 1997 (1 week), Switzerland 30 - Nov 1997 (5 weeks), Scrobulate 34 of hard rock, Japan (Tokyo) 37 - Dec 1997 (4 weeks), RYM 71 of 1997 |
2 |
Metallica & The San Francisco Symphony |
Nothing Else Matters |
2000 |
Poland 1 - Nov 1999 (22 weeks), ODK Germany 2 - Dec 1999 (41 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), Germany 3 - Jan 2000 (3 months), Switzerland 4 - Jan 2000 (16 weeks), Holland 5 - Jan 2000 (18 weeks), Austria 6 - Jan 2000 (5 months), Germany 125 of the 2000s (peak 2 12 weeks), RYM 13 of 1999 |
3 |
Metallica & The San Francisco Symphony |
No Leaf Clover |
2000 |
Poland 7 - Jan 2000 (11 weeks), Norway 9 - Apr 2000 (4 weeks), Sweden 10 - Mar 2000 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 40 - Apr 2000 (5 weeks), US Billboard 74 - Feb 2000 (10 weeks), Holland free40 97 of 2000, RYM 37 of 1999 |
Previous Comments (newest first)
18 Oct 2019
(2) Double Listings
#39 s/b combined with #1 (under Duets - The Memory Remains). Also #40 & #3 (under Duets - No Leaf Clover).
Should be done
17 Oct 2019
(2) Double Listings
#39 s/b combined with #1 (under Duets - The Memory Remains). Also #40 & #3 (under Duets - No Leaf Clover).
Data fixed, thanks
18 Dec 2017
(3) Double Listings
#39 s/b combined with #1 (under Duets w/Marianne Faithfull - The Memory Remains). Also #2 & #4 (both under Duets - Nothing Else Matters). And finally #3 & #5 (both under Duets - No Leaf Clover).
Data fixed, thanks
7 Dec 2014
Double Listing - The Memory Remains
#35 should be combined with #1 (under duets w/Marianne Faithfull).
Data fixed, thanks